MEMORANDUM Date: 22 March 2006
To:All Members of the PanelExecutive Member (Resources)
Executive Member (Environment)
C J White
Tony Comer
Alan Warner
Hertfordshire Property WMT
Members’ Secretariat
Jim Dalton
David Robinson
Cc: All officers named for ‘actions’ / From:CountySecretary’s Department
Ask for:Emma Lund
My ref:
Your ref:
21 MARCH 2006
A M R Searing (Chairman), C Berry (substituting for I E M Tarry), R Clarkson, I H Laidlaw-Dickson, S Drury, P V Goggins, S M P Newton (substituting for R H Smith), E Roach, E N Singam, W A Storey
Other Members present:
D Beatty* (Executive Member for Resources)
*for part of the meeting
Upon consideration of the agenda for the Property Panel meeting on 21 March 2006 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below:
Note: No conflicts of interest were declared by any member of the Panel in relation to the matters on which conclusions were reached at this meeting.
The Panel observed a minute’s silence in memory of Robert Ellis, Leader of the Council.
The minutes of the Panel meeting held on 7 March 2006 were confirmed as a correct record. The minutes of the Panel meeting held on 14 March 2006 are to be approved at the next meeting.2. / SERVICE PROPERTY PRIORITIES 2005/06 FOR CSF (SCHOOLS)
[Officer Contact: Lindsay Martin, Head of School Access
Tel: 01992 556718) and
Keith Hutt, Planning Officer
Tel: 01992 555743]
2.1 / Members received a presentation from Lindsay Martin, Head of School Access and Keith Hutt, Planning Officer. The presentation included an overview of the service direction of CSF Schools (which are underpinned by the key outcomes set out in ‘Every Child Matters’), big property issues, state of schools, broad areas of priority for action, significant actions for individual properties and funding issues. The presentation also highlighted a needto prepare for the property implications of the 2006 Education Bill and the implications of delivering ‘Building Schools for the Future’.
2.2 / The following was noted:
- A significant number of schools are at or near the end of their planned life, having been built in the 1960s and 1970s;
- There will be costs associated with undertaking feasibility work and consultations for ‘Building Schools for the Future’ and implications arising from the provision of extended hours and Children’s Centres;
- Specialist provision for areas such as food technology and science needs to be modernised in many secondary schools in order to meet current needs;
- Accessibility is an issue at some sites;
- The standardising of accommodation is allowing the purchase of fitments in bulk, leading to cost savings and consultation with headteachers and other groups is ongoing regarding the optimum size and design of standard classrooms.
2.3 / Slide 5 of the presentation showed the percentage of surplus places currently in primary schools but it was noted that it did not contain the same information for secondary schools and Lindsay Martin undertook to provide this. / Lindsay Martin
2.4 / It was noted that Abbots Langley JMI has been included with the Watford schools. / Keith Hutt
2.5 / The Service Property Priorities for CSF (Schools) were noted. The Panel will receive a more detailed report on ‘Building Schools for the Future’ at the meeting to be held on 4 July 2006.
[Officer Contact: Lindsay Martin, Head of School Access
Tel: 01992 556718) and
Keith Hutt, Planning Officer
Tel: 01992 555743]
3.1 / Members received a presentation from Lindsay Martin, Head of School Access and Keith Hutt, Planning Officer covering the same areas asfor the ‘Schools’ presentation.
3.2 / The following was noted:
- Many of the issues which relate to schools also relate to the non-schools properties;
- The majority of properties which require attention are Youth Service properties;
- Cuffley Camp – the lease is being renewed and the building upgraded.
3.3 / Ian Laidlaw-Dickson requested clarification on the status of The Hemel Hempstead School and Heath Barn. / Lindsay Martin
3.4 / The Service Property Priorities for CSF (Non-Schools) were noted.
[Officer Contact: Emma Lund, Democratic Services Officer
Tel: 01992 555563]
4.1 / It was agreed that the meeting scheduled for Tuesday 11 April 2006 be cancelled, with all business being carried over to the May meeting.
4.2 / Members were reminded that the agenda and papers for the May meeting will be produced in electronic format. Members will be receiving a CD-Rom instead of a paper agenda and will be asked to bring their laptops to the meeting.
4.3 / The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 23 May at 10.00am.
Andrew Laycock
County Secretary
060321 Minutes