Ephesians 5:7-13

You Are Light


1. Christians are to walk as lights, but we are as cold, dark, and sterile as the moon without

the Son. We are reflected light!

2. As children of light, what will we reflect?


A. Therefore…in light of God’s marvelous love and mercy in Christ, the upward calling that

was extended to you. In light of your own profession of faith, and the wrath of God

coming on the sons of disobedience be not therefore partners with them.

B. Them is the sons of disobedience. Do not partner with them in their lusts: fornication,

uncleanness, and covetousness or in their language. A filthy mouth is not compatible with

Jesus Christ.

  1. Don’t become partners with them. Some were either tempted to follow their course or some had already fallen. The problem isn’t that lost people act like lost people. It’s when saved people act like lost people that we have a problem.
  2. And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by His own power. Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I, then, take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? Know ye not that he who is joined to an harlot is one body? For two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. (I Cor. 6:14-18)
  3. How easy it is to compromise. How easy it is to go along with the crowd and society. Christians, if we reflect Jesus Christ we will be different!

As children of light, what will we reflect?


  1. The Change 8a

1. The Darkness…*The reason we should be different: for you were formerly darkness (not in darkness), but now light in the Lord.

*Without Christ there is no light. There is the absence of Light…Darkness, like the moon without the sun.

*The verb were expresses two realities: 1) The past tense indicates a condition that no longer exists. You were formerly darkness (2:1-3; 4:17-20) 2) The verb is modified by a direct object darkness. Before we came to Christ this was our total existence. Our being and our behaviorwas characterized by darkness. Our very nature was characterized by sin.

2. The Direction…

*But now…something happened!

*One day God wooed you, and the Holy Spirit began to work on you. Your eyes were opened to God’s good news of salvation.

*The second verb are…the present tense indicates our new spiritual condition in contrast to what you were. The change is not merely in their circumstances but in themselves.

*Christ made the difference. They are no longer darkness, but light!

3. The Difference…light is the opposite of darkness. *To the philosopher: it enables us to master our world. *Light brings freedom, deliverance and hope! In the Lord…the Lord is the light and in Him is no darkness at all. This is the reason for our illumination. Wherever they go they reflect Jesus!

B. The Character 8b Walk as children of light

1. Walk…it involves our lifestyle. We are to live before God not hiding anything. We

are to reflect God’s light.

2. Witness…as children of light In their daily life they are to live what they have become.

This is our character! Only as we reflect Him are we true to who we are!

As children of light, what will we reflect?


Light is fruit. How do we know if we are reflecting Jesus? Listed here are 3 characteristics:

  1. Good…the Greek word refers to moral nature. Like love all that is good finds its fullest and highest expression in that which is willingly and sacrificially for others.
  2. Right…has to do first with our relationship with God. We are first right with God and then we will live right with others (Rom. 6:13; I Jn. 2:29).
  3. Truth…is honesty, reliability, trustworthiness and integrity in contrast with hypocrisy and deception. It is a life that is real and genuine. It is a life based upon truth, God’s Word.

As children of light, what will we reflect?

IV. OUR CONDUCT 5:10, 11a

  1. Proving 10…as children of light walk proving…verifying what is pleasing to the Lord. Here is what to ask: Will or would God be pleased? Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord by walking consistently as children of light. Our attitudes and actions are to be verified by testing. Is God pleased?
  2. Prohibiting 11a…having no part in the unfruitful works of darkness (5:3, 4; 4:25-32)

Unfruitful is they do not bring glory to God. Sins bear no positive fruit. They give no lasting benefit to ourselves or others!

As children of light, what will we reflect?


A. Expose 11b but rather reprove (expose) them. Reprove is expose, reproof, correct. We

are to expose, confront sin. Is this the believer or the unbeliever? We are not reformers of

those who are lost. They are dead in trespasses and sin. I believe the writer is speaking of

believers. Today, in our churches we do not call sin…sin. It might offend!

  1. By living as children of light the deeds of darkness are exposed by the fruit of v. 9 and other places. These are believers who are not walking in the light.
  2. One purpose is to restore. The other is we don’t want to give the appearance of approving sin and destroy the testimony of the Church.
  1. Eliminate 12
  1. Their works are shameful. This is what is being done by them. It most likely refers to believers who commit deeds of darkness.
  2. For it is a shame to speak those things…this is speak with approval. Another possibility is to continually talk about these vices may rub off. A seed that will destroy may be planted.

*Involve as few as possible to keep rumors from spreading.

*The goal is restoration and reconciliation of the believer, keep sinful actions as secret as possible to achieve repentance.

C. Enlighten 13

1. Light shows the true character of works. When light exposes evil deeds, they become

manifested for what they are (I Jn. 1:5-7).

2. Our commission as children of light is to hold everything up to the light of Scripture,

to expose and seek to remedy what is evil and sinful.

  1. Light reveals, darkness hides!

Are you darkness or light?

As children of light, are you reflecting the character of Jesus Christ?

Has the Word revealed sin?

(If we confess our sin He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us…) I Jn. 1:9