Team Name Here

Hello ! Date

We are headed for a great season of MYFA Football! Players and parents should read this important information together. It is jam-packed with details you will need to know as we go through the next couple of busy months. I’ve done my best to include as much info as possible so everyone has what they need to make this a rewarding experience for all of us. Go Cougars!


MYFA Mission

Metro Youth Football Association is committed to the growth and development of our youth through involvement in youth sports. We will foster an environment that encourages volunteerism by coaches, parents, and others. Our highest priorities are focus on team, fundamentals, safety, participation, and other sportsmanship. Most importantly, we will work to make sure our youth have fun and learn through the game of football.

Web Site

The MYFA web site has lots of information including all the important dates. Please check the website for questions you may have.

Fundraiser – World’s Finest Chocolate

Money will be used for New Equipment, Reconditioning Old Equipment, MYFA Complex parking lot pavement, lights for Tuma fields, etc. Please make an effort in this fundraiser, the products are of high quality and it greatly impacts the bottom line of the program. Without these proceeds, the cost per child in the MYFA program will rise significantly. We need a parent to be the lead on handing out, keeping track and collecting money at the end. Thank You In Advance!

Picture Day / Make-Up Day

Individual & Team Pictures will be 8/23/16 at 5:15pm at the MYFA Complex. I’d like us to arrive @5:00pm, so please be here on time with your photo packets including checks (pick one up today and have it ready or they will have extras if you forget). Have full game attire (except helmets). I believe that one team photo & one individual player button is included with the registration fee. So, the additional selections and monies are for additional photo packets. If rained out, make-up picture day is 8/25/16 at the same time and location. Please make every effort to be at our scheduled photo shoot.

Helmet Decals

We are purchasing XXX Helmet Decals to dress up the players’ helmets. They look sharp and give the kids quick identity among their peers & competitors. As well, they make a special connection to the High School they’re “Loyal” to. We took the liberty to move forward on this to ensure receipt of these in advance of our first game. These are not included with the MYFA Registration Fees, and will be an additional expense handled locally within our team. These will cost approximately $5.00 per helmet. I NEED SOMEONE TO VOLUNTEER TO COLLECT MONEY. Let us know if you prefer not to spend the extra, I will cover them. ***IMPORTANT: Each kid should remove the decals before the last game and have the helmet cleaned up. “Goof Off” or something similar takes them off easily. It is also easier when the helmet is warm. It is not pleasant trying to do that in the cold after the last game.


Uniforms will be turned in after the last game. The jerseys can be purchased for $45. You must have either the jersey turned in or the money that day. The pants are yours to keep. If you purchase your own chinstrap, the assigned chinstrap must be turned in or you will be charged $10. This is a huge expense for the program every year so we are forced to charge now.


We will be so much more successful if we have everyone pitching in. Have an active role in helping your kid’s experience is positive. Unfortunately, my experience is that everyone is too busy so if I don’t have enough volunteers, I will need to assign people. This means you probably should jump on the task you want early! You can run drills, pick up trash, put away bags, put on decals, etc. etc. etc.

Special Opportunities

·  Volunteer Coordinator - This person will ensure there is a volunteer for all areas.

·  Candy Sales Team Leader - One or two people needed to help with this as it is a primary fundraising event.

·  Linesman & Chain Gang Coordinator for Home Games - We have to provide three chain gang volunteers for each of our three home games. These are the best seats in the house. Please sign up for one or more. Please make sure not to talk to officials as they are on the lookout for rowdy chain gangs this year!

·  Videographer - If someone is willing to video the games and/or practices for the benefit of coaching or just to hand out copies at the end of the season if people want to pay for them, that would be helpful.

·  Service Days - Let me know if you will participate for one of the service events that come-up through-out the year. May be field clean-up, or field painting, etc. Parents are expected to volunteer in one way or another.

Good Ideas

Feel free to give me any thoughts you have that may help our team have a fun and better experience. As you know, it is a big commitment for the players…it’s also a big commitment for the coaches and parents. I will do my best to communicate often but please feel free to bring something to my attention.

Game Schedule:

The game schedule is on Bonzi. It will also be on the web site.


Please have your kid, not the parent, call me if he is unable to be at practice or a game. I think this is a good learning experience for kids to do this if possible.


·  I will rely entirely on email and text (if you set up your profile) from Bonzi for regular communications. It is the parent’s responsibility to check the email regularly. If you want text messages as well, you must edit your profile on Bonzi to include your phone number and check the box to receive them.

·  If you have any issues with me, another coach or a player, please let me know right away. I would rather get it out in the open rather than letting it continue to bother you. However, I will require a face-to-face discussion, for any controversial issues. Do not email me about things like playing time, positions, philosophy, strategy or another player or coach’s conduct. Email is too easy to misinterpret the intention. Ask to meet with me ahead or after a practice or schedule another time.

·  One quick question isn’t really a problem on its own but there are often lots of parents that have just a quick question and it adds up taking a lot of time. I will answer any email or phone call but please take the time to see if you already have the information in a previous email or can find it on the MYFA web site.

Weight restriction:

We do not yet know the cutoff for ball carrying weight. It will be determined after all kids have weighed in. [JUST IN: 116 lbs for 5th grade – no one at or above will be allowed to carry the ball] Kids in the top 20% of all weights will not be able to carry the ball and will have a red stripe indicating this restriction. The exception to this rule is a fumble or interception. They can play interior line or linebackers inside the tackles. They are also eligible to kick but this limits our options as they can’t fake or run if necessary.

Metro Parents Conduct Rule:

11) PARENTS RULE: PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE the officials, the opposing team, their team, or their child in any way during the game or practices. Encouragement will give your child more benefit than criticism. Parents who are ejected will face a penalty - 1st offense is a one game suspension for their child, 2nd offense will result in dismissal from the program. THIS RULE APPLIES TO ANY PARENT REGARDLESS OF THEIR POSITION IN THE STANDS, WITH THE TEAM AS A COACH/ASSISTANT OR AS A MEMBER OF THE CHAIN GANG. This rule is enforced by the GAME MONITORS and the Board of Directors. Parent complaints should immediately be directed to observing GAME MONITOR (wearing yellow vest).


Focus & Objective

The focus of the MYFA Tackle Football League is for everyone, both kids and adults, to have fun and to learn the game of football. In the process, we hope the kids will develop an understanding and appreciation for the game of football. We will NOT be placing an inordinate amount of pressure on the kids to win. While winning certainly feels better than losing and the reason we play is to try to win, the emphasis will be placed on learning the fundamentals of the game, practicing good sportsmanship, and having fun. It takes practice but I challenge you to ask a kid after any sporting event “Did you have fun?” rather than “Did you win?” If you think about it, most people are conditioned to ask the latter. Football, like life, has its ups and downs. As coaches & parents, we have the opportunity to teach and model how to be good winners, but also how to ‘bounce back’ from losses, how to realize what needs to be done in preparation to create a different outcome next time. We are a team! Support & encourage each other at all times!


As Head Coach I am accountable to the MYFA, and responsible for the MYFA 5th Grade XXXXX team as a complete unit. This includes the conduct of my players, parents, relatives, assistants, fans, etc. Essentially anything related to our team is my responsibility. It is my desire that our team will be known for effort, sportsmanship, behavior, fun, encouragement, enthusiasm, and team work. Please join me in this pursuit by encouraging your kids to be self-controlled, positive, and supportive. I hold these expectations at practices, games and on the bench and sidelines, while dealing with one another, coaches, parents, referees, as well as with opposing teams. Coaches will not tolerate players criticizing another player.


In order to stay in the mindset of these high expectations, players will address coaches as Coach or Coach followed by the last name (i.e. Coach XXXXX or Coach XXXXX). Players will respond to direct instructions or communications with “Yes Coach” or “Yes Sir”. Players will be expected to respond to a Coach – silence is not an option. Players will be expected to have eye contact with the Coach that is talking so we know they are paying attention. Players will be expected to listen and follow instructions without reactions such as eye-rolling or edgy remarks. I have seen this happening more and more in coaching and I view this as a sign of disrespect.


Absolutely no swearing, put-downs, and no inappropriate physical contact will be allowed. During game time while on the bench or during down time at practices, players are expected to be engaged in the activities by observing, learning, and encouraging their teammates.


We will explain the difference between having fun with no cost and no rules on the playground and having fun in a team sport. Both have value but obviously fun in team competition comes with success as a result of hard work and discipline. Discipline will be administered with great discretion for the individual and the specific issues. Some typical corrective actions would be public apologies, forfeited privileges, “take a lap”, or bench time (sitting out). Under no circumstances will I or any of our Coaches demean, yell at, or physically discipline your child. I will restrain children if they are a threat to themselves or others. You will be notified of all disciplinary issues, concerns, or exchanges that occur. I do not anticipate any problems, and with everyone’s help this will not become an issue. Sportsmanship is a key area of focus for our team, therefore an unsportsmanlike penalty will result in the player being warned after the game. The 2nd unsportsmanlike penalty will result in the player being benched for ½ of the next game, 3rd results in sitting a full game.


·  We will talk with the kids about not getting too high after good plays or too low after bad plays. Mistakes are inevitable. How we respond to them is paramount. We expect the kids to put the ball in the referees hand after a touchdown. We will discuss how they must forget about the last play – good or bad – because the next play is the only one that matters and the only one they can do anything about. Notice the most successful people, not just athletes, they don’t think twice about trying again and again after a bad play. If the last play is in their head, they can forget about being successful on the next attempt. Also, they “act like they have been there before”.

·  Never, Never Give Up

·  Perfect Practice Makes Perfect …not just practice makes perfect

·  Improve each day and make each day a masterpiece.

·  We will compete to win but winning is not our ultimate goal. If we take care of the little things, winning will take care of itself.

·  We will focus on fundamentals – these are 5th graders playing tackle for the first or second time. Coaches will teachers and will not expect perfection from a kid just because they have been told once or twice.

·  We will stay positive.

·  We will ask players to be a student of the game. Our coaches will know a lot more than can be taught to 5th graders so we will continue to “feed” them if they show they have grasped previous concepts.

·  Coaches will not “yell at” kids. This isn’t to be confused with yelling instruction. Coaches will not embarrass or belittle kids.