Measurable Annual Goal Development Guide
v Add/Subtract
v Answer
v Articulate
v Calculate
v Copy
v Count
v Discriminate
v Explain, Tell
v Identify
v List
v Manipulate
v Outline
v Participate
v Produce
v Read
v Recite
v Redact
v Retell
v Select
v Sort
v State
v Walk / v Compare
v Complete
v Construct
v Define
v Describe
v Edit
v Evaluate
v Order
v Organize
v Predict
v Raise hand
v Recall
v Sing
v Sit
v Solve
v Spell
v Summarize
v Verbalize
v Wait
v Write 3 sentences
v Write a paragraph of 4 or more sentences / Performance criteria / End point / How often
v % of time
v ______out of ______
v 3:4
v Scoring at a level of 3 on a 4 point rubric (attach to IEP)
v ______times or less in ______minutes
v For ______consecutive minutes
v ______times per day ______words correct per minute
v ______digits correct per minute
v ______sounds correct per minute
v With _____ or fewer errors
v No more than ______occurrences of … / v 3 random trials
v 3 consecutive trials
v 4 out of 5 trials
v By ______(date) / v Daily (seldom used for progress monitoring because instruction needs to occur between monitoring opportunities)
v 2 times per week
v Weekly
v Every Friday
v Biweekly
v Tri-weekly
Measurable Annual Goal Development Guide
Materials / Time / Place
v Given a ______grade level passage
v When using a dry erase board
v Given a worksheet
v Using a mirror
v When playing a game
v When working on the computer
v When using a calculator
v When using a pencil, pen, crayon, paint…
v Using a highlighter marker
v Working with a clip board
v Given manipulatives
v (wikki stix, sand, jello, shaving cream, pudding, counters, markers)
v When using a ruler, number line, ABC strip, etc.
v When listening to a book on tape
v When writing on transparencies
v Using index cards
v Using a geo-board
v Using a dictionary, thesaurus, etc. / v at lunch, snack time
v during math, science, …
v given _____ minutes
v in a conversational setting
v during transitions (entering, leaving …)
v during free time/unstructured time
v when doing seatwork
v upon entering the classroom
v during circle time
v during breaks
v during SSR
v during work/job time
v during “specials” (art, music, p.e., etc.)
v when waiting in line
v arrival or dismissal time
v during homeroom period
v during reading center time
v In assemblies
v During testing / v in ______classe(s)
v In the cafeteria
v At the lockers/in the locker room
v In the ______classroom (math, science, …)
v In the resource room
v In a large/small group setting
v On field trips (Community-based instruction experiences)
v In the auditorium, gym, library, etc.
v In the hallway/commons area
v In a quiet area
v In the restroom
v In the science lab
v In the speech room
v At his/her desk/seat
Activities / Supports
v Working with partner or peer helper
v In a mock interview
v During science lab activity
v Given a real or hypothetical example
v In adventure-based activities
v Working independently
v When playing a game
v When in a small group discussion
v When playing with peers at recess
v When communicating with peers
v During team time ◦ Journaling
v During a class party
v When studying
v During testing ◦ In mock
v In a role play situation interview / v visual or verbal prompts
v manipulatives
v pictures (PECs)
v given a fact sheet
v timer
v calculator
v slant board
v spell checker
v easy reader
v flash cards
v number line
v alphabet time
v special paper
v using a stress ball/band / v graphic organizer
v assignment
v touch points
v book
v mirror
v word wall
v tape recorder
v one-on-one assistance
v enlarged print
v books on tape
v special scissors (describe)
v “fat” pencil
v assistive device (describe)
v skill checklist (describe) / v hand-over-hand assistance
v book marker
v study carrel
v overlay
v outline
v adult assistance/proximity
v study guide
v pencil gripper
v agenda
v visual schedule
v with a cane
v using a walker
v personal word book
v with a student mentor
Adapted from CAIU 03, AIU 3 Career Development Program Updated 7/13