The Wave Chapters 13/14


Accurate- making few or no errors

Sniveling- cry with sniffling; put on a show of grief or whine

Supress- put an end to, stop by force, put down

Candidate- a person who seeks or is proposed for an honour, prize, position, office

Faculty- the power of the mind over the body; the power to do some special thing

Recoiled- draw back, shrink back

Squirmed- wriggle, twist, show great embarrassment

Adjoined- be next to, be in contact with, be next or close to each other

Yanked- pull with a sudden motion

Intentions- determination to act in a certain way

Incidents- a distinct piece of action in a story play, or poem; a happening; an event


  1. Why won’t Brad let Laurie take her seat at the football game?

Brad will not let Laurie take her seat at the game because she will not do the Wave salute or acknowledge the Wave.

  1. What problems was the Wave causing in the school and the community?

The problems the Wave was causing in the community is that those who did not want to be a part of the Wave were being threatened and pressured by Wave members, they felt scared and secluded.

  1. What does Amy tell Laurie about why she likes the Wave?

Amy says she likes the Wave because she no longer feels the pressure to live up to what Laurie is or does, everyone is equal.

  1. How did the other teachers feel about the Wave?

The other teachers dislike the Wave, they feel like the students have been brain washed.

  1. How did the Wave affect the Football team?

The Wave did not help the football team win, they still lost their game against Clarkstown.

  1. Why does Robert see Laurie as a threat? Who does he send to talk to her?

Robert sees Laurie as a threat because she is saying negative things about the Wave that could bring it to an end. He sends Brian and David to talk to Laurie.

  1. Why is the comment, “It’s like Night of the Living Dead” referring to?

The comment “It’s like the Night of the Living Dead” refers to the Wave members acting like zombies, like they are in a trance and all they can think about or care about is the Wave.