 021 558 1522 /  / joesimonpp.co.za


Who can walk?

We invite the whole family to join us (mom, dad, grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends). All are most welcome.

Sponsor form

Every child will get a sponsor form to find sponsors for the ± 3 km walk.

Our sponsor form will be a colouring in picture for the children to complete. Each part of the picture has a different value with the completed picture totaling R100.00. The aim is to ask family and friends to sponsor a part of the picture which the child will then colour until they have completed the picture.

If you are not able to walk you are welcome to either make a contribution or a donation.

The way it works is like this:

The completed colouring in form together with the money must be placed in the red post box.

The first ten parents collecting the most money for the school will receive a prize and a big prize will go to the person collecting the most money. The class who collects the most money will also get a surprise. All sponsor forms must be returned no later than 26 March 2018.

Entrance fee

There is a R10.00 entry fee for all adult participants.

The Joe Simon children do not pay an entry fee.

The entry fee for any other children is R20.00 which includes a certificate as well as a goodie bag.


Entries and food orders

  • Please also note that there will be no food tickets on sale on the day of the Fun Walk. All food must be pre-ordered. Order forms will be sent home on Friday 23 February and the cut off date for all order is 5 March 2018
  • The children must be at school at 08:45
  • Cool drinks will be sold. Please bring your own water.
  • All tickets for orders placed must be collected at school on Saturday morning as you arrive (at the table under the trees)
  • We ask that parents please bring their own chairs and gazebos/umbrellas.
  • The children are to wear bright clothes and takkies. If you have a yellow Joe Simon t-shirt, please wear it and don’t forget a hat
  • All parents MUST walk with their child as they are responsible for their child
  • Your child’s (and any other child you’ve entered to walk) goodie bag and certificate will be in their locker after completing their walk.

Please note that all food ordersclose on MONDAY5 MARCH. The cut off date is there for a reason as we have to timeously order the boerewors, viennas, rolls etc.

Donations and prizes

If there are any parents who are able to donate bags of ice for the day we would really appreciate it.

We are also in need of prizes which will be used for the person who has returned the most completed forms.

The following are suggestions of possible prizes:

  • grocery vouchers
  • weekend away
  • restaurant vouchers
  • perfume
  • anything else that you think might make a great prize!!!!

We are looking forward to having a great fun filled day with everyone.

PTA 2018