Kappa Omicron Nu SPOTLIGHT
Volume 13 © 2011 – Executive Director and Editor: Dorothy I. Mitstifer; Board of Directors: Deborah Tippett, Kathleen O’Rourke, Barbara Frazier, Cynthia Smith, Amy Lehman, Tiffany Oster, Julian Trivino. Kappa Omicron Nu, 4990 Northwind Dr., Suite 140, East Lansing, MI 48823-5031

 Telephone: (517) 351-8335  Facsimile: (517) 351-8336

 E-mail:  Web site:

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Fellowship & Grant Awards

2011-2012 Recipients

Omicron Nu Research Fellowship
Yudan Wang – (Omicron Alpha Kappa), UNC-Greensboro – Human Development & Family Studies
Kappa Omicron Phi/Hettie Margaret Anthony Fellowship
Annette A. Besnillian – (Omicron Beta Epsilon), CSU-Northridge – Educational Leadership
Omicron Nu Eileen C. Maddex Fellowship
James K. Monk – (Omicron Theta) Kansas State University – Marriage & Family Therapy
National Alumni Fellowship Kenona Southwell – (Omicron Delta) – Family Studies
Ruth E. Hawthorne Research Grant
Carmel White – (Nu Iota) – “Maternal Sleep and its Relationship to Proinflammatory Cytokines, Maternal Fatigue, and Parent Behaviors”
Leanne Schaeffer – (Kappa Delta Gamma) University of Akron – “Should Future Dietetic Graduates Know How to Cook?”
Kappa Omicron Nu Research Grant
Katarzyna Kordas – (Omicron Tau),Penn State University – “Assessment of Manganese Excretion in Breastfed and Formula Fed Infants.”
Marjorie M. Brown Distinguished Professor
Sue L. T. McGregor – Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Two New Features on KON Website: Membership Video & Member Spotlight

Posted on the Homepage at - Click on each announcement and enjoy!

Centennial Committee Preparing for the Celebration on August 9-12, 2012 at Michigan State University Kellogg Center, East Lansing

Leading the planning effort is Linda Nelson, Michigan State University professor emeritus. Also on the committee are Jenny Bond (MSU), Barbara Frazier (WMU), Joy Jacobs (MSU), Janis Voege (CMU), and Dorothy Mitstifer, KON Executive Director. The Committee will appreciate ideas for programming and celebration activities. Fund-raising activities have begun for two funds: fellowships and undergraduate research grants. Watchfor updates.

Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences – Happy 10th Birthday Manuscripts are accepted at any time for calendar year issues. The Undergraduate Research Community, sponsored by Kappa Omicron Nu, has introduced special publications for university courses. See .

Further information can be found at this link. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Managing Editor, Dorothy I. Mitstifer. This initiative is an opportunity for URC to encourage research conducted in courses in the human sciences with the hope that beginning researchers will continue their efforts during their undergraduate education. Check out Volume 10.

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African American Women:
Contributions to the Human Sciences

Julia R. Miller, Dorothy I. Mitstifer, Gladys Gary Vaughn, Editors – available now for $47.95 (incl. postage) from Kappa Omicron Nu. Scroll down on the order form:

2011 Kappa Omicron Nu Election

Nominees for Board of Directors are needed for the following offices:

Chair-Elect – one-year term

Second Vice Chair – two-year term

Nominees for Committees are needed for:

Editorial (2) – three-year term

Nominating (3) – two-year term

Any active (dues-paying) Kappa Omicron Nu member who would like to volunteer is urged to submit an application form by July 10 to . See and or request an application from the National Office. The members of the Nominating Committee are: Diana Carroll, Nina Collins, Sue Ballard de Ruiz, Joy Jacobs, & Angela Radford Lewis.

2012-2013 Awards

Master’s Fellowship

Eileen C. Maddex Fellowship—$2,000 awarded annually from an endowment in the Omicron Nu Fellowship Fund in honor of her contributions as Omicron Nu Executive Director.

Doctoral Fellowships

Hettie Margaret Anthony Fellowship—$2,000 awarded for doctoral study from the Kappa Omicron Phi Fellowship Fund in honor of her as founder of Kappa Omicron Phi at Northwest Missouri State.

Omicron Nu Research Fellowship—$2,000 awarded annually for doctoral research from the Omicron Nu Fellowship Fund.

Marjorie M. Brown Fellowship—four classifications of critical science research awards are available; one award among these alternatives will be granted annually - $10,000.
Research/Project Grants

Cross-specialization and integrative research is the research priority for the honor society. Multi-year proposals will be considered.

National Alumni Chapter Grant—$1000 awarded annually as a project of the National Alumni Chapter.

2012-2013 Awards continued

New Initiatives Grant—$3,000—awarded annually from the Kappa Omicron Nu New Initiatives Fund.

Kappa Omicron Nu/Ruth E. Hawthorne Research Grant--$3,000—awarded to tenure track assistant professors seeking support for a research/creative activities agenda.

LeaderShape Institute Award
Scholar Program—Variable Grants to chapters

Kappa Omicron Nu Theme:


The Kappa Omicron Nu mission, empowered leaders, reflects the intention of the organization. The mission or outcome of the program and activities of the organization is an ambitious one; members are challenged to make this mission a life-long quest. The adjective, empowered, in this connection is defined as "focusing . . . energy in . . . [one’s] Circle of Influence. . . . it’s acting with integrity to create the environment in which we and others can develop character and competence and synergy (Covey, Merrill, & Merrill, 1994, p. 238). Block (1987) talked about empowerment as "enacting the vision."

“Leadership is about going somewhere—personally and in concert with others in an organization. Although leadership, especially position (elected or appointed) leadership, is often discussed in terms of leader qualities and skills, the matter of leadership as a responsibility of each professional receives little attention (Wheatley, 2005). The campus and larger community can benefit from the leadership of chapter members in addressing issues related to social responsibility in the areas of peace and security, social justice, environment, prosperity, innovation/technology, health, and education.

In collaboration with AAFCS, KON adopted the “Taking It to the Streets” campaign on childhood obesity.

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published by Kappa Omicron Nu

Transformative Practice: New Pathways to Leadership

By Sue L. T. McGregor

Available from Kappa Omicron Nu for $40.00 plus shipping ($7.95, U.S. and Canada; $15.00, International) in U.S. funds.

Qualities of Living: A Platform for Practice

By Barbara S. McFall, West Virginia University

Available from Kappa Omicron Nu for $25.00 plus shipping ($2.95, U.S.; $3.95, Canada; $7.95, International) in U.S. funds.

Heritage of Home Economics

2009 Version – Update by Virginia B. Vincenti and Lorna Browne - Complete CD available from Kappa Omicron Nu for $75 in U.S. funds, including shipping.

Internship Scholarships Available

Washington Internship Institute – Every KON member that is offered an internship will receive a $500 scholarship.
The Fund for American Studies – One $1000 scholarship annually will be awarded to a KON member that is offered an internship.
The Washington Center for Internships & Academic Seminars – Three $1000 scholarships annually will be awarded to KON members offered internships.

Calls for Papers

Topic: Using the Constructivist Approach In Family and Consumer Sciences

Jacquelyn W. Jensen, Guest Editor

Topic: Research Across Disciplines: Sharing our Stories

Anne MacCleave, Guest Editor


Topic: Personal, Social & Corporate Responsibility

in a Common World

Margaret Bubolz and Linda Nelson, Guest Editors

Topic: Higher Education Program Viability

Richard Tuveson, Guest Editor

Topic: Diverse Families: A Dialogue about Reflective Practice

Katia Paz Goldfarb, Guest Editor

Topic: Critical Science and Critical Discourse

Sue McGregor, Guest Editor

Topic: Family Communication in the Information Age

Rebecca Dumlao, Guest Editor

Topic: Critical Thinking and Transformative Learning

Donna Kienzler & Frances Smith, Guest Editor

Topic: International Research & Theory in Human Ecology
Elizabeth Goldsmith, Guest Editor

Further information and the “Guidelines for Authors” can be found at or contact .

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