Ned Devin Essay Outline


Summary/synopsis of the plot with a focus on the main idea that you have chosen. Include what is required to place the body of your discussion in context (that way you won’t have to repeat ideas).

Example 1

At the beginning of Waking Ned Devine, Jackie and Michael, two long-time friends in their old age, pay one of their friends a visit only to find him dead with a winning lottery ticket in hand. The two quirky characters choose to take the ticket from the dead man’s hand and figure out a way to claim the money.
Seeking to get their kicks in their last few years, Jackie and Michael humorously and knowingly commit fraud, legally and ethically. They follow through in pretending that Michael is really Ned Devine, and somehow end up successful in claiming almost 7 million dollars and sharing the winnings with the people in the community.

Example 2

Our story takes place in a small village in Ireland, with a man named Jackie. During a violent thunderstorm one night, Jackie heads over to Ned’s house with a chicken dinner as an excuse to find out whether Ned won the lottery or not. He arrives only to find Ned has recently passed away, and coincidently in Ned’s dead hand sits the winning lottery ticket. Jackie, somewhat anxious about what the right thing to do is, reassures himself that claiming the ticket as Ned must be ok, based on a dream he has where he meets Ned. When the lotto man comes to town, Jackie drags his best friend, Michael—who has never told a lie in his life—into the thick of it. With the help of a bottle of whiskey, Michael tricks the lotto man into thinking he is Ned Devine, despite the threat of jail. Jackie is shamed by his wife, Annie, for risking Michael’s life all for the sake of money, and comes up with a plan to redeem himself. Jackie calls a village meeting and makes a plan to split all of the money equally among the villagers as long as everyone plays along that Michael is the real Ned Divine. The lotto man returns soon after and everyone successfully fools him into thinking Michael is Ned.

Example 3

Waking Ned Devine follows the story of two old men in their quest for a lottery ticket and the money that it supplies. After hearing that the winner of the lottery is someone in their village, Jackie and Michael, set out to find and befriend the winner, in hopes of benefitting from the money. Making no progress by holding a party for regular lotto buyers, Jackie and Michael realize that one invited guest is missing, Ned Devine. When Jackie brings over the last chicken dinner, he find Ned dead with the winning ticket in his hand. Jackie rationalizes that Ned would want them to take the money, and convinces an honest Michael to go along. To verify his identity as Ned, it becomes necessary to convince the entire community to agree to the fraud and thus share in the winnings.

Main Idea Statement Examples


In Ned Devine, wrong becomes right, so long as people can justify or rationalize the good results.


Some may view this film as glorifying dishonesty, fraud, lying, and deception all done for the love of money. While… it may also be that…


Waking Ned Devine makes a mockery of church and marriage and wholesome relationships.


Waking Ned Devine explores the complexity of morality where “the end justifies the means” triumphs. (discussion follows…) This theme presents itself in the opening scene where Jackie tricks his wife, Annie, into believing that they have won the lotto so that she will bring him a dessert.


Organize the ideas either chronologically (as they happen), from weakest to strongest point, or as cause-effect.

(Now I would go on to show examples for each, quote or paraphrase some characters to support this idea. Support includes parts of dramatic, literary and cinematic elements—see the “Writing and Revising” handout for definitions.)


Wrap up the main idea. Consider answering “so what?” Don’t repeat yourself.