
October 2007

Referenced Agenda ExMC/382D/DA



ExMC – IECEx Management Committee

List of Decisions


This document contains a list of Decisions from taken during the 2007 Meeting of the IECEx Management Committee, ExMC, held in Denver on 27th and 28th September 2007.

This list incorporates the Day 1 list of Decisions recorded as Green Paper Document ExMC(Denver/Secretariat)07 and the corrections agreed during the morning session of Day 2 of the meeting.

Chris Agius

Secretary ExMC

Level 7
286 Sussex Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Australia / Tel: +61 2 8206 6940
Fax: +61 2 8206 6272
Web: www.iecex.com

Opening Remarks

The Chairman, Dr Klausmeyer declared the meeting open at 9.00 am welcoming Delegates.

The Chairman thanked Mr McManama and the US/IECEx Member Body for the excellent host facilities.

A special welcome was extended to the IEC Vice President and CAB Chairman, Mr Don Gray, with the Chairman noting the Members appreciation for his attendance at this meeting and participating in the 2007 IECEx / US Industry Symposium, yesterday .

The meeting received with appreciation an Address from Mr Gray detailing the IEC governance structure and current work in this area as it relates to the IEC Conformity Assessment Schemes.

The Chairman noted the attendance of Mr Nick Maalouf of CA and that Mr Maalouf was the Convener of the original IEC Working Group, known as WGEx. Mr Maalouf gave the meeting a brief background of the original ideas and while considered radical at the time, is most pleased to see many of those ideas now a reality.

The Chairman also acknowledged other members from the original WGEx Group, also present today, Mr Schwarz (DE), Mr Bremmer (SE), the Secretary.

The Chairman, further acknowledged in attendance, Members of the IEC CAB, Mr Collis (AU), Mr Gryn (CA) nand Mr Brenon (FR)

Apologies noted from Mr Janos Hanko (HU), noting that this is the first meeting not attended by Mr Hanko

Report of ExMC Day 1 Decisions:

Agenda Item 2 - Approval of the Agenda

Decision 2007/01

The Meeting approved the Draft Agenda (ExMC/382D/DA) with the addition of the following:

·  FR proposal to consider “One-Off” Production Verification under the IECEx 02 system

·  Consideration of the Canadian comment in ExMC(Denver/CA)03

·  Consideration of the German comment in ExMC(Denver/DE)02

·  Additional Reports from WG4:

o  ExMC(Denver/WG4)04

o  ExMC(Denver/WG4)05

Agenda Item 4.2.1 – Action List

Decision 2007/02

The meeting accepted a report on the actions arising from the Shanghai 2006 Meeting, noting that agenda item 10.2 being referred to the IECEx Officers meeting, requires further consideration on the issue of an Advisory Board and will be further considered during the Nov 8 2007 IECEx Officers meeting to be held in Geneva

Agenda Item 4.2.2 Other items

Decision 2007/03

The Meeting noted the Secretariat’s advice that the following guides are under preparation and supported the progress of this work, including the review by ExMC

·  Guide to Applicant – IECEx Equipment Program

·  Guide to Applicants – Certified Service Facilities Program

·  Comparison Guide between IECEx and ATEX

Agenda Item 5 Overview of IECEx Scheme Activities

Decision 2007/04

In noting the report ExMC/390/Inf, the meeting also noted document ExMC(Denver/CA)03 CA comments as presented by Mr Gryn of CA and agreed to requesting the development a business plan relating to:

·  cost

·  resources

·  Industry need and demand

when introducing any new IECEx Programs. In doing so, agreed to refer this to WG12 concerning introduction of Certified Persons Program. While acknowledging the work done to date within WG12 to arrive at the position they have regarding industry need for this new program, the meeting felt such a business plan from WG12 would assist.

Agenda Item 7.4.1 New ExCBs and ExTL

Decision 2007/05

The meeting noted and endorsed document ExMC/394/Inf detailing the list of Assessments and re- assessments approved since Shanghai 2006.

Agenda Item 7.5 – Scope Extensions

Decision 2007/06

The meeting noted and endorsed document ExMC/396/Inf detailing the list of Scope extensions processed by the Secretariat since the last 2006 ExMC Shanghai meeting.

Agenda Item 8.3 – WG2 Development of TGDs

Decision 2007/07

In noting the valuable work of WG2 the meeting agreed on the need for a TGD dedicated to the Ex Certified Service Facilities and formed the following subgroup of WG2

·  GB to nominate a convener

·  NO

·  CN

·  US

·  AU

(Secretariat requests nomination of experts to be submitted to the Secretariat no later than October 31, 2007)

Agenda Item 9.1 Publication of IECEx 02 and IECEx 03

Decision 2007/08

“FR Proposal to introduce Unit verification”

After some discussion, the meeting agreed to the FR proposal to introduce provision for “One-Off” Product Verification as part of the IECEx 02 rules, utilising the expertise within ExTAG to assist with details.

Agenda Item 9.2 – Revision of Basic Rules

Decision 2007/09

The meeting approved document ExMC/360A/CD for progression to CAB as an amendment to the Basic Rules to provide for the formal establishment of the new IECEx Conformity Mark Committee.

Agenda Item 10 - IECEx Certified Service Facilities Program

Decision 2007/10

The meeting agreed with the immediate publication of the revised operational documents, OD 13, OD 14, OD 15 but requests WG10 to revise the Annex of OD 15 relating to Over Pressure Test.

WG10 into remain constituted as a Reference forum within the program to deal with general comments and feedback from the Scheme. WG10 requested to report at the next ExMC Meeting.

Decision 2007/11

ExMC/393/CD is accepted with a starting date of 1st January 2008, with an updated report to be submitted to the Paris 2008 ExMC meeting, from the Secretariat to identify costs associated with this program.

Agenda Item 11.1 – Professional Indemnity Insurance

Decision 2007/12

The meeting discussed this issue in detail and agreed with the WG1 suggestion that the current requirements of Guide 65 adequately covers the Scheme’s needs and therefore no need to specify a minimum level of insurance coverage.

Agenda Item 11.2 IECEx Assessor WG

Decision 2007/13

The meeting noted the following documents:

·  ExMC/378/R

·  ExMC(Denver/WG4) 04

·  ExMC (Denver/WG4)05

Following discussions, and noting the IECEx 02 rules for assessment teams to include peers from other ExCBs and ExTLs, the meeting agreed to the recommendations contained within these reports and requests WG4 to further report at the next ExMC meeting, with a further request for all ExCBs and ExTLs to consider nominating candidate assessors.

Agenda Item 11.3 Report from WG12 – Certified Competent Persons Program

Decision 2007/14

In noting the report from WG12 the meeting agreed for the WG12 to progress their work and develop a business plan in order to seek ExMC approval and then submission to CAB, noting that WG12 may submit a further report for ExMC approval via correspondence.

Agenda Item 12 IECEx Conformity Mark

Decision 2007/15

In line with the decisions from Shanghai 2006, the meeting supported the nomination from US to appoint Mr Duffy of US as the Chairman of the new IECEx Conformity Mark Committee and to constitute this new Committee, pending CAB approval of the Draft Amendment to IECEx Basic Rules, (see decision 2007/09.

Decision 2007/16

The meeting further agreed to the report and recommendations from WG7 that the fees and other operational matters be referred to the new Marks Committee, with the Marks Committee reporting back to the ExMC, seeking approval of matters via correspondence where necessary.

End of Decisions from Day 1.

Review of Day 1 Decisions, ExMC(Denver/Secretariat)07

Decision 2007/17

The meeting reviewed the list of decisions from Day 1 and accepted this list as an accurate record of the decisions with the following corrections/changes:

·  Decision 2007/02 – The reference to the Shanghai minutes should be Item 10.2 not 10.1

·  Decision 2007/10 – Add “…but requests WG10 to revise the Annex of OD 15 relating to Over Pressure Test”

·  Some minor corrections to spelling

Agenda Item 12 IECEx Conformity Mark

Decision 2007/18

In further discussion on the issue of the Mark, the meeting agreed that fees associated with the use of the Mark be deferred until 2009. In order to better gauge the costs associated with the Mark Licensing System the new IECEx MarkCo has been requested to develop a final proposed fee structure for consideration by ExMC.

Agenda Item 11.4 Report from WG1 Review of Scheme Rules

Decision 2007/19

The meeting received a comprehensive report from the WG1 Convener, IECEx Secretary, noting the listed recommendations in ExMC(Denver/WG1+WG5)06, being a report of the combined WG1/WG5 meeting and agreed with all recommendations Nos 1 to 8 noting that Recommendations 3, 5 and 7 were taken into account under ExMC Decisions taken on Day 1.

Decision 2007/20

Further to the discussion on Recommendation 8 from WG1, the meeting discussed the German concerns regarding “product piracy” detailed in ExMC(Denver/Germany)02 and agreed to elevate this discussion to CAB for consideration among all schemes.

Decision 2007/21

The meeting appreciated the preparatory work conducted by WG1 in their role as a “Maintenance Team” for the Scheme rules and agreed on the value of WG1 meeting ahead of the ExMC to assist in meeting preparations on matters affecting the rules.

Agenda Item 11.5 Report from WG5 Management of Quality System Assessments

Decision 2007/22

The meeting noted the report from the WG5 Convener, Mr Jeff Olson (US), included in ExMC(Denver/WG1+WG5)06 and agreed to recommendations 1, 2 and 3 detailed in ExMC(Denver/WG1+WG5)06

Agenda Item 13.1 Report from the ExTAG Chairman, Mr McManama

Decision 2007/23

The meeting noted with appreciation the extensive report from the ExTAG Chairman detailed in ExTAG(Denver/Secretariat)07 and agreed to all recommendations listed within.

[Secretariat Note: An updated version of the ExTAG Chairman Report to include minor corrections has been issued as ExTAG(Denver/Secretariat)07A ]

Agenda Item 13.2 Appointment of ExTAG Chairman

Decision 2007/24

The meeting noted the nomination by ExTAG for the re-appointment of Mr McManama as ExTAG Chairman for a second term with members unanimously agreeing to the appointment. The ExMC Chairman noted the excellent work and contribution made by Mr McManama in his roles as both ExTAG Chairman and as an Officer of the IECEx Scheme. Mr McManama expressed his appreciation for the confidence in him.

Agenda Item 17 Promotion of the Scheme

Decision 2007/25

In noting the reports from the Chairman and Secretary concerning promotion of the Scheme, Members agreed to the suggestion from NO for formal contact between the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and IECEx and agreed for the Secretary and NO, via Mr Thore Andersen, to make initial contact and report back to ExMC.

Agenda Item 17.2+ 17.4 UN ECE Project + WG8 Report

Decision 2007/26

In noting the report from the IECEx Chairman concerning the UN ECE project and upcoming Regulators dialogue, the meeting endorsed the work and its efforts to develop a proposed set of model regulations for the Ex industries.

Agenda Item 17.3 Action to raise IECEx Profile

Decision 2007/27

The meeting endorsed the advice received from AU concerning their efforts to raise the profile of IECEx in the Asia Pacific area along with other IECEx Members in the region.

Agenda Item 17.5 Links to Manufacturers Websites

Decision 2007/28

In noting that the Secretariat receives requests for links between the IECEx Website and Manufacturers websites, the meeting noted the WG1 Recommendation, as agreed under Decision 2007/18. The suggestion that links be expanded to include Service Facilities was agreed. It was further agreed that WG 1 develop and prepare a report, covering this area, for consideration by ExMC.

Agenda Item 19.1 Finance – 2006 Accounts

Decision 2007/29

The meeting noted and approved the accounts detailed in ExMC/361/Inf expressing their appreciation for the steering work of Mr Berger as IECEx Treasurer.

Agenda Item 19.2 Finance – 2008 Budget

Decision 2007/30

In noting the draft budget ExMC/389/CD the meeting approved the Budget with the following alteration:

·  Inclusion of CHF 10’000 as estimated income from the Service Facility Program with this extra CHF 10’000 allocated to the General reserves

Decision 2007/31

In light of general discussion and the new approval procedures for Scheme finances, announced by CAB, the meeting agreed with the suggestion for the development of a rolling overall IECEx Scheme business plan and financials. The first version of this plan is to be prepared for consideration during the Paris 2008 ExMC meeting. This plan will look at the long-term financials of the Scheme.

Decision 2007/32

Further to the decision for a rolling business plan, the meeting unanimously agreed to the creation of an ExMC Working Group on IECEx Scheme Business Development, with membership as follows:

·  Mr K McManama (US) and WG Convener

·  CA – Mr Nick Maalouf

·  GB – (To be advised)

·  SE – Mr Peter Bremer

·  US – Mr Bill Fiske

·  Conveners of all ExMC WGs

·  ExMC Secretary

·  IECEx Treasurer

Agenda Item 19.3 Finance – IECEx Scheme Participation Fees (OD 019)

Decision 2007/33

In noting the comments and correspondence regarding the late payment of fees included in Version 3 of OD 019, the meeting agreed for the immediate withdrawal of Version 3 and asked that the matter be referred, for further consideration, to the next IECEx Officers meeting to be held in Geneva during November2007.

Agenda Item 19.4 Finance – IECEx Finance Approval Process

Decision 2007/34

In noting the new approval procedures and timing required for this process resulting from the need for IEC to prepare consolidated accounts, the meeting accepted the procedure detailed in ExMC/391/CD, on the basis of an earlier decision for the IECEx Scheme Officers to prepare a rolling forecast ready for discussion at 2008 Paris meeting.

Agenda Item 20 Reviews of WGs

Decision 2007/35

In noting the listed Working Groups, the meeting agreed to disband WG7 on the basis that WG7 is now a formal Committee of the IECEx.

Decision 2007/36

In noting a report on the activities of WG 9 “Proficiency Testing” the meeting agreed to the RU proposal that this WG be transferred to the ExTAG as this would be more appropriate for its activities.