ITS INTERNAL PROCESS / Engagement of a Contractor/ Consultant
Operational Responsibility / Executive Director, ITS
Related Policy /
  1. RMIT quotation and tender policy
  2. RMIT engagement of contractor / consultant policy

  1. Purchase with a purchase order procedure

4. Contract management policy

Intent / The intent of this internal process is to define the steps required to engage a consultant/contractor within ITS in accordance with RMIT’sProcurement Policies and Procedures.
ProcessScope / This is an internal ITS process and augments, rather than replaces, the existing RMIT policies and procedures to engage contractors / consultants.
Exclusions / None
Process No. / Process (including Key Points) / Responsibility / Timeline
1. / Establish Requirements
Discuss requirements with relevant ITS Deputy Director and establish the role title, role requirements, reporting lines, expected duration, funding (confirm with the ITS Finance Manager) and overall,accountability for management of the contractor / consultant.This information will inform both the Contractor Brief (Appendix A) and the Business Case Memo (Appendix D). / Hiring manager
2. / Engage ICT Preferred Supplier Panel
Candidates must be sourced from the existing ICT preferred supplier panel.
A list of RMIT’s ICT preferred suppliers and their contact details can be found on the RMIT website:
Please refer to the Contractor Brief template (Appendix A) to request suitable contractor CV’s from the preferred panel.
In the event a suitable candidate is not identified via the preferred ICT preferred supplier panel, it is possible to source candidates from external organisations outside this panel. Contact theITS Business Services Manager for advice.
Important Note:
In order to test the market, encourage competition and ensure that the purchase will represent value for money, the quotation and tender process must be carried out in accordance with thresholds established in the RMIT Quotations and Tender policy summarised as follows:
Quotation table:
$2,500 or less / 1 verbal or written quote
$25,000 or less / Min 1 written quote
$25,000 - $150,000 / Min 3 written quotes
$150,000 + / Open Tender
/ Hiring manager
3. / Confirm Workstation availability
Contact ITS Property Co-ordinator at to ensure that a workstation is available. Should a workstation not be available, the hiring manager needs to discuss alternative options with their Deputy Director which may include:
  • The contractor works mobile (e.g. at home), subject to OH&S approval.
  • The contractor is allocated a workstation withinthe customer space
  • The start date of the contractor is delayed until a workstation becomes available
  • Consider hot-desking (please discuss this option with the Property Co-ordinator)
/ Hiring manger
4 / Complete mandatory RMIT Procurement Documents
Complete the following:
4.1 Quotation and tender summaryform (please refer to Appendix B for an example of how to complete this form)

4.2 Purchase order requisition (please refer to Appendix C for an example of how to complete this form)

4.3 Letter of engagement (to be used for contractors on the ICT preferred supplier panel). Refer to Appendix D for a template of this letter.
4.4 For contractors not on the preferred supplier panel a contract will need to be drafted by Legal Services which will be arranged by the Business Services Team upon receipt of contractor paperwork from the hiring manager (e.g. business case memo, quotation / tender summary and Purchase Order Request) / Hiring manager
5. / Write a business case memo for approval
Draft a business case memo and attach the RMIT procurement documentation.
Please refer to Appendix E for a template of the Business Case Memo.
The authorised staff and their various expenditure limits (within budget) are as follows:
Title / Name / Opex and Capex (Max)
Deputy Director, Client Computing / Jason Lunghusen / $50,000
Deputy Director, ICT Application Delivery / Bernard Broom / $50,000
Deputy Director, ICT Engagement & Planning / Steven Petrenko / $50,000
Deputy Director, ICT Infrastructure Delivery / Benjamin O’Neill / $50,000
Deputy Director, ICT Service Management / Dr April Weiss / $50,000
Deputy Director, ICT Program Delivery / Dimi Papadakis / $50,000
Executive Director, ITS / Brian Clark / $250,000
Chief Operating Officer and VP Resources / Stephen Somogyi / $2,500,000
Vice Chancellor and President, RMIT / Prof. Margaret Gardner / Unlimited (within budget)
$5,000,000 (unbudgeted)
/ Hiring manager
6. / Submit for review and approval
Submit the business case memo and supporting documentation to the Business Services team via email at
The Business Services Team will then:
6.1 Review the paperwork to ensure that it is complete and accurate, and place all documents onto TRIM (RMIT’s document management system).
6.2 Arrange for the Finance Manager to confirm on the purchase order (PO) thata budget check has been competed.
6.3Arrange for approval in accordance with the RMIT Delegation Schedule.
6.4Email a copy of the signed contract to the agency and send them the original copy in the post to be signed and returned for archive.
A copy of the RMIT University Financial and Legal Delegation Schedule can be found at:
6.5Once the paperwork has been submitted allow 1 week for the paperwork to be processed and the relevant approval to be sought. Please note that the approval of paperwork for a contractor from a non preferred supplier will take approx 2 days longer as the contract needs to be prepared by Legal Services.
6.6No contractor can commence work until an agreement has been signed by RMIT and paperwork processed
6.7Any Business Case Memo’s that need to be approved by the Vice-President Resources should to be drafted from Brian Clark, Executive Director, ITS to Stephen Somogyi, Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President. / Hiring Manager
Business Services
Finance Manager
Delegated Authority
Business Services
Business Services
7. / Advise Outcome and setup for new contractor/consultant
7.1 Advise the Hiring Manager and Deputy Director that the contract has been approved
7.2 Forward signed documentation to Financial Services
7.3 Email HR requesting an e-number and computer login for the individual
7.4 Update TRIM and the contract register. Forward the original copy of the contract to the RMIT Contract Manager for archive.
7.5 to advise of the new starter to arrange for a TimePro account to be set up for them. Refer to the TimePro managers manual located at further information
7.6 Order any equipment that is not already provided on the workstation (e.g. PC, laptop and phone) by emailing Sourcing and Procurement at . Please note that lead time for new orders is 3 weeks. Advise any change of details for asset register for existing equipment. Provide the employee name, e-number, internal order number and asset number of equipment
7.7 Advise Business Services of the purchase order number / Business Services
Business Services
Business Services
Business Services
Hiring Manager
Hiring Manager
Financial Services / 3 weeks
8. / The contractor can commence work / Contractor
Supporting Guidelines, flow-charts, check-lists, etc / Brief to Request a Contractor
Engagement of Contractor Flowchart
Engagement of Contractor Business Case Memo Template
ICT Contractor / Consultant Engagement Letter Template
Consultancy Agreement
Purchase Order Request Example
Quotation and tender summary Example
Links to related forms, records and electronic databases /
Commencement Date: / 28/06/12 / Review Date: / 0830/0810/12 / Reviewer: / Deputy Director – ICT Service Management

REVISION HISTORY – managed byManager, Business Services, ICT Service Management

Revision Ref. No. / Approved / Date / 27/10/12 / Document Reference
Darren Bass / 08/08/12 / Version 2


Sponsor: / Executive Director, ITS
Implementation: / Deputy Director – ICT Service Management
Compliance: / All Deputy Directors
Development / Review: / Deputy Director – ICT Service Management
Approval authority: / Executive Director, ITS
Interpretation and advice: / ITS Finance Manager
Business Services Manager
Data collection and analysis:


All ITS Staff


How will the efficiency and effectiveness of this process be measured? /
  1. Compliance with RMIT policies and procedures
  2. Value for money assured
  3. Quality of contractors / consultants assured
  4. Improved procedure for engaging contractors / consultants
  5. Greater transparency for engagement of contractors / consultants
  6. Greater legal protection provided


Definitions and acronyms: / DD-IS Deputy Director – ICT Infrastructure Delivery
DD-AD Deputy Director – ICT Application Delivery
DD-SM Deputy Director – ICT Service Management
DD-CC DeputyDirector – Client Computing
DD-EP Deputy Director – ICT Engagement of Planning
EMT Executive Management Team (ITS)
ED-ITS Executive Director - ITS
Key Words For Search Engine / Engagement of contractors

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Information Technology Services


Date / [insert date]
From / [insert hiring manager name and title]
Via / [insert DD and/or ED-ITS name and title]
Subject / Contractor Required – [insert position title]


To engage an external resource as an ITS [insert position title] within Information Technology Services of RMIT University for the duration of [insert no. of days], from [insert start date] to [insert end date].


[include brief background information that provides context for the role]

Specific Requirements

Contract duration is [specify expected duration and fraction e.g. full time, part time and desired start time] and, while an immediate start date is preferred, it is not mandatory.

The external resource should, at a minimum, have the following mandatory skills, education, qualifications and experience:

  • [list the mandatory skills, education, qualifications and experience and, if available, attach a position description as an attachment to the brief]

Submission and Selection

Candidate submissions must be submitted electronically to [insert hiring manager name and title] at [insert email address] by [insert date] and, at a minimum, must include:

  • Copy of proposed candidate’s CV / Resume
  • Quotation confirming total cost to RMIT i.e. daily rate plus contracted daily rate fees and number of days
  • Availability
  • References we may contact to validate their experience

Selection is tentatively set for [insert date], after interviews of shortlisted candidates if necessary. Additional information requests should be coordinated through me at [insert phone number of hiring manager]


[insert hiring manager name and title]

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Operating expenditure:
$2,500 - $25,000 $25,000 – $150,000 over $150,000
One written quote Three written quotes Public tender by advertisement /
Please attach this form to your purchase request before forwarding to Financial Services, Purchasing Branch
Telephone Enquiries (03) 9925 0634
Building, infrastructure & equipment:
$2,500 - $25,000 $25,000 – $200,000 over $200,000
One written tender / proposal Three written tenders/proposals Public tender by advertisement or
consistent with current market against the scope of works three written tenders from a pre-
prices qualified panel of suppliers
Related consultancy services for Building, infrastructure & equipment:
$2,500 - $25,000 $25,000 – $150,00 over $150,000
One written tender / proposal Three written tenders/proposals Public tender by advertisement or
consistent with current market against the scope of works three written tenders from a pre-
prices qualified panel of suppliers
Resources / Information Technology Services
Ann Riley /
Engagement of contractor, [insert name] in the role of [insert] for the [insert project]
Quotations or tenders in order of preference / If less than three quotes / tenders can be obtained the waiver section must be completed below.
1.Preferred company A name, contractors name / $insert daily rate
2. Preferred company B name, contractors name / $ insert daily rate
3. Preferred company C name, contractors name / $ insert daily rate
If selected quotation is not the lowest submitted, please give reasons for choice:
Complete this field if relevant
PART A (confirming compliance with RMIT policy and procedure):
APPROVED BY (Print Name): / Title: / Refer to Quotations & Tender Policy and Procurement & Accounts payable procedures.
Do you wish to waive the quotation requirements?No Yes /
Any departure from the Quotation / Tender guidelines require the completion of this section

Please give reasons for request to waive quotation requirement:
Part B (to be completed when a tender waiver is requested):
APPROVED BY (Print Name):
SIGNATURE (Approved Delegate): / Title:

DATE: / Refer to Delegation Policy for Staff authorised to waive tender requirements.

March 2009 – Financial Services

Purchase Order: Request / Amendment (circle one) / Financial Services Use only
Vendor number:
(if known) / insert vendor number / OR / Vendor name: / insert full name of vendor / ABN: / insert ABN / Contact name: / Leave blank
Preferred supplier
(Strategic sourcing & procurement website) / Y / N / Address: / insert vendor’s full address / Phone:
/ Fax:
Project / Purpose: / insert project and purpose information / Send to Vendor
(No for blanket orders) / Local use (if required)
(Tracking number)
(research students – please detail your name and project) / N / leave blank
Part A
Description: (for capital items – use naming standard)
For chemicals includes the amount, grade, CAS Register number and => / Dangerous goods class / Item code:
(Chemical catalogue no.) / Qty / Unit cost
(ex GST) / Extended cost (ex GST) / GST
(Y/N) / Date required: / Material code / cost element: / Internal order / WBS element:
insert contrctor name, number of days for the month and daily rate / leave blank / total amount for the month / leave blank / Insert 1 / Insert Y / insert last working day for the month / Insert GL / cost element / insert internal order number
e.g. John Smith, 10 days, June 12, $100 per day / e.g. $1000 / 1 / Y / e.g. 30 June / e.g. 556400
e.g. John Smith, 10 days, July 12, $100 per day / e.g. $1000 / 1 / Y / e.g. 31 July / e.g. 556400
Delivery / Freight /
Payment method: =>
(circle one) / Accounts payable OR
/ PCard central procurement only / insert total
e.g. $2,000 / Total / Budget checked / Y / N /
Purchase funded by grant
(Please detail) / Circle accounts payable / Sector
(circle one) / HE / VET /
Part B / Part C (capital purchases only)
Deliver address
(Campus / Building / Rm) / leave blank / Contact name / Ann Riley / Place on asset register for items <$2,000 / Y/N / SAP Asset Class / Leave blank
SAP storage location / Staff e-number / E63143 / Asset location / Leave blank / Responsibility centre / Leave blank
Insert 0110 / Extension / 58732 / Asset custodian
(staff e-number)
Part D / Part E (chemical purchases only)
Special rules:
  • Equipment funded by ANTA must be endorsed by Director TAFE or delegate.
  • IT Hardware and Software purchases must be requested through the relevant Portfolio IT Procurement Coordinator.
  • Approval is based upon the RMIT Council approved financial delegation matrix.
  • Form must be endorsed, where the requestor does not directly report to the approver (eg request requires PVC approval and will be endorsed by Head of School).
/ Portfolio / Resources / School / Group: / Information Technology Services / Allocation code
Ann Riley / e63143 / Laboratory location
Requestor / Name (please print) / Staff e-number / Signed / Date / Material safety data sheet (MSDS) sighted / Y / N
Risk assessment competed / Y / N
Endorsed: / Name (please print) (student supervisor) / Staff e-number / Signed / Date / Part F
Quotation / Tender compliant, summary attached / Y / N
Approval: / Name (please print) / Staff e-number / Signed / Date / Part G
February 2007 – Financial Services / Original to Purchasing or retained by credit card holder
Copy with Dangerous goods protocol to receiving store / Copy retained by requestor (if required) / Consultant / contractor form attached / Y / N

March 2009 – Financial Services

Purchase Order: Request / Amendment (circle one) / Financial Services Use only

[insert date]

[insert Account Manager Name]

[Insert address details]

Dear [insert name]

Engagement of [insert title]

Thank you for responding to our brief to source an external resource as an [insert position] within the Information Technology Services Group of RMITUniversity.

We have completed our selection process and are pleased to offer the role to [insert name].

The terms and conditions of the offer are in accordance with the existing recruitment services agreement between RMITUniversity and [insert name of preferred supplier] (CON/2010/……..).

In relation to this engagement, the specific details are as follows:

Name: [insert name]

Commencement Date:[insert start date]

End Date:[insert end date]

Agreed Daily Rate:$XXXXX exclusive of GST (total cost to RMIT)

Location:[insert office address]

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact [insert hiring manager’s name and phone number].

Yours sincerely

Brian Clark

Executive Director

Information Technology Services

To / Brian Clark, Executive Director, Information Technology Services
From / [insert]
Via / [insert], Deputy Director, [insert]
Date / [insert]
Subject / Engagement of ITS Contractor – [insert contractor’s name]


To seek approval to employ a contractor in the role of [insert position title] commencing on [insert date] to [insert date].


[insert background]

A brief was provided to three ICT preferred suppliers ([insert preferred suppliers]) to source a suitable candidate and [insert number] candidates were presented for consideration. Of these, a shortlist of [insert number] candidates was selected and interviews completed.

[insert contractor’s name] was identified as the preferred candidate and [insert number] referee checks were completed, all with positive and constructive feedback regarding [insert contractor’s name]. [Provide information on the contractor’s experience.