







This manual of the Alabama Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) has been prepared for all local chapter members and advisers to use as a convenient source of essential information about FCCLA STAR Events.

All local chapter members, officers and advisers should become thoroughly familiar with its content since this document serves as the primary source of information about FCCLA STAR Events.

We hope that this document proves useful as a guide to understanding competitive events. We welcome your comments and suggestions (as well as corrections) as we strive to improve the quality of this publication and the association.


STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition) are competitive events in which members are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills and occupation preparation. STAR Events are sponsored by the Alabama and National Association, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).

The FCCLA STAR Events program offers individual skill development and application of learning through the following activities: cooperative---teams work to accomplish specific goals; individualized---members work al1 to accomplish specific goals; and competitive---individual or team performance measured by an established set of criteria.

STAR Events promote FCCLA’s mission to focus on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader. Each event is designed to help members develop specific lifetime skills in character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge and vocational preparation.

STAR Events encourage active student participation and recognize accomplishments of youth. The belief that everyone can be successful is the foundation of these events. Cooperation and competition are stressed in positive constructive ways. Establishing teams of adult and youth evaluators and event managers fosters respect and interaction between youth and adults.


The Family and Consumer Sciences County Contact positions have been eliminated.

The State Peanut and Pork Recipe Events have been eliminated.

The County Beef Recipe Event will be planned and organized by the Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association. The County President of the Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association will contact the local family and consumer sciences teachers with an invitation for their students to participate.

  1. Participants must be active, affiliated members of their local FCCLA chapter. Dues must be received in the national office by January 15 to be eligible for state STAR Events competition.
  2. Local adviser must register online by January 20.
  3. Participants must meet the qualifications set forth in the event entered.
  4. An event category is determined by the participant’s current or previous enrollment in family and consumer sciences course work and grade in school during the school year preceding the National Leadership Meeting.
  5. STAR Event Categories are defined as:

Junior---FCCLA chapter members through grade 9; and who are identified as comprehensive or occupational members on the affiliation form;

Senior---FCCLA chapter members in grades 10-12; and who are identified as comprehensive members on the affiliation form;

Occupational---FCCLA chapter members who have been or are currently enrolled in occupational family and consumer sciences related coursework, grades 10-12, and are identified as occupational members on the national affiliation form.

  1. An “Individual Event” is defined as “an event completed by an individual.”
  2. A “Team Event” (in Alabama) is defined as “an event that can be completed by an entire chapter but may be presented by a team of one, two, or three members from the same chapter.” The Culinary Arts Team will be composed of three members from the same chapter. (See “Alabama Event Information Chart” for a complete listing of team events allowed in the state competition.)
  3. A team composed of both junior (through grade 9) comprehensive or occupational and senior (grades 10-12) comprehensive members must enter the senior category.
  4. A team composed of both senior (grades 10-12) comprehensive and occupational (grades 10-12) members must enter the senior category.
  5. A team composed of both junior (through grade 9) and occupational (grades 10-12) members must enter the senior category.
  6. No project can be entered in more than one category of a single event, or in more than one event. However, projects entered in any event may be included in the Chapter Showcase event.
  7. Participants who place first in a state event and category are not eligible to participate again in the same event and category.
  8. Participants may not participate in more than one event in any given year since events are conducted simultaneously on the state and national levels. Exception: the Beef Recipe.
  9. Participants shall work independently, without assistance from judges, event coordinators and fellow participants.
  10. Participants are encouraged to maintain a professional appearance during all state and national STAR Events’ activities.
  11. Local adviser(s) shall serve as event coordinators or judges.
  12. Local adviser(s) shall assist with submitting names for state STAR Event judges.
  13. The event coordinator shall arrange necessary work areas for competition.
  14. Judges, event coordinators, state FCCLA staff, and participants shall be the only persons allowed in the event area during STAR Events.
  15. See the National STAR Event manual for “Point Deductions.”
  16. The decision of the judges is final.
  17. Awards for STAR Events winners shall be provided as follows:
  • The chapter shall fund awards for local winners.
  • The State Association shall fund awards for state events.
  1. Participants in state STAR Events shall be the first-place local winners except for the Beef Event. Participants in the state BeefEvent shall be the first-place county winners.
  2. Medals will be awarded to all state STAR Event participants, with the exception of Beef Recipe Event winners, based on the total number of points scored as follows:

Gold Medal – 100-90 points

Silver Medal – 89-70 points

Bronze Medal – 69-1 points

  1. The participant or team receiving the highest score in each event except Beef Recipe will become the first place state winner and receive an additional medal.
  2. The sponsor determines awards for participants in the BeefRecipe Event.
  3. Participants in national STAR Events shall be the participant or team which receives the highest scores in the respective state event provided they have met all the state and national criteria. A rating of at least 85 % must be received to be eligible to participate at national STAR Events. The participant(s) or team who received the highest score in a state event where there is no other competition will not automatically become the national STAR Event participant unless they have received a rating of at least 85 % of the total points. In the event that the first-place winner is unable to participate in the national STAR Event, the participant with the next highest score will be eligible to represent Alabama in the respective national event if all state and national criteria have been met. The state adviser will make the final determination for eligibility to participate in national STAR Events.
  4. A local chapter adviser can request from the FCCLA State Adviser permission to substitute a participant at the state competition. The student’s name must be verified on the paid member roster for permission to be granted.
  5. Participants in national STAR Events must have participated in state STAR Events. A chapter cannot have a substitute.
  6. Participants must register and attend the entire National Leadership Meeting to officially enter national STAR Events. The FCCLA National office requires that all STAR Event participants be housed at one of the official convention hotels.
  7. The Alabama FCCLA Association will pay the STAR Event registration fee ($45) for each STAR Event participant. If the student does not compete after the registration has been paid, the student must reimburse Alabama FCCLA.


Local advisers are the key to the success of state and national STAR Events. Responsibilities of the local adviser include:

Integrating STAR Events into class instruction to help students develop and achieve foundation skills to enter the workforce as productive employees. (Refer to “Integration of STAR Events Into Your Classroom” in the National STAR Events Manual.)

Acquainting chapter members with STAR Events they are eligible to enter. (See “Alabama Event Information Chart.”)

Checking to be sure participant’s correct name is on chapter’s FCCLA affiliation form as a dues-paying member.

Affiliate chapter members by submitting affiliation formsonline to the National Office prior to January 15. Mailing FCCLA payment or submit purchase order or credit card online. Students whose dues have not been mailed to National by this date are not eligible to participate in the State events.

Assuring that participants meet all qualifications and follow specific guidelines for participation in an event.

Conducting local event and reporting overall winners to the state FCCLA office using the Alabama Online FCCLA STAR Events Registration System. Chapter’s affiliation and member roster will be checked electronically.

Ensuring that identical presentations of the same project are not entered into STAR Events more than 1 year.

Planning for awards and recognition for local event winners.

Checking to be sure STAR Events participants bring information, supplies and equipment needed to participate in the events. Refer to guidelines for specific event entered.

Notifying state FCCLA adviser if students are unable to participate in the STAR Event for which registered.

Postmarking forms to meet deadline date(s) as specified by the State Adviser.




Entries Individual Team
Event per chapter Event Event / Entries Individual Team
Eventper chapter Event Event
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X / Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
Senior/Occupational 1 X or X
1X orX
Applied Math for Culinary Management
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X / National Programs in Action
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X1X or X
Career Investigation
Junior1 X
Senior1 X / Interior Design
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Chapter Website (online)
Junior1X XX
Occupational1X XX / Interior Design (Commercial)
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Culinary Arts
Occupational1 X
(Team of 3 from the same chapter may enter state event.) / Interpersonnel Communications
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Digital Stories for Change (online)
Junior1X XX
Occupational1X X / Job Interview
Senior 1 X
Occupational 1 X
Early Childhood Education
Occupational 1 X / Leadership
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Junior1X orXX
Senior1X orX
Occupational1X or XX / Life Event Planning
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Environmental Ambassador
Junior1X X
Occupational1X / National Programs in Action
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Fashion Construction
Senior 1 X
Occupational 1 X / Nutrition and Wellness
Junior 1 X
Senior 1 X
Occupational 1 X
Fashion Design
Senior 1 X
Occupational 1 X / Promote and Publicize
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Focus on Children
Junior1 X orXX
Senior1 X orX
Occupational 1 X or X / Recycle and Redesign
Junior 1 X
Senior 1 X
Food Innovations
Junior1 X orXX
Senior1 X orX
Occupational 1 X or X / Sports Nutrition
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X
Teach and Train
Junior 1 X or X
Senior 1 X or X
Occupational 1 X or X



Entries Individual Team
EVENT per county Event Event
Beef Recipe 1 X


For STAR Events held at the state level only, complete guidelines are included in this section.

All state events with national counterparts will refer to the National STAR Event Manual for event guidelines. Note that the state office has limited team events to 3 participants (See General Requirements and Rules, # 8).

A free copy of the National STAR Events Manual may be downloaded from the FCCLA website:

Advocacy (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

1 individual or a team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Applied Math for Culinary (Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Beef Recipe Event (Alabama event only; Grades 9-12)

The StateBeef Recipe Event (Beef Cook-Off) is sponsored and conducted entirely by the Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association. The general rules and regulations of Alabama FCCLA STAR Events do not apply to this event.

The date, location, and time of the county contest is to be organized by the County President of the Alabama Cattlewomen’sAssociation. Once the details are determined, the FACS teachers in the county (including the city schools within the county) will be notified of the date and location.

For a listing of the County Presidents of the Alabama Cattlewomen’s Association, FACS teachers may contact Erin Beasley, Alabama Cattlemen’s Association, at 334-265-1867 .

The winner of the county contest will be the county representative to the State contest. Students in grades 9th-12th are invited to participate in the State Contest. The registration deadline for the State Senior High Beef Cook Off is in December.

Career Investigation (Junior, Senior)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Chapter Website-Online (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of three at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Culinary Arts (Occupational)

Three on a team may participate. Teams will prepare up to 3 food products and a garnish. An equipment and tool requirements list will be sent to participants from the state office after registration is received. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Digital Stories for Change-Online (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of three at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Early Childhood (Occupational)

One individual may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Entrepreneurship (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Environmental Ambassador (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Fashion Construction (Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Fashion Design (Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Food Innovations (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Focus on Children (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

FoodInnovations (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation (Senior/Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Illustrated Talk (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Interior Design (Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Interpersonal Communications (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Job Interview (Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Leadership (Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Life Event Planning (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

National Programs in Action (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Nutrition and Wellness (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Promote and Publicize (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual

Recycle and Redesign (Junior, Senior)

One individual may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual.

Sports Nutrition (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual or team of 3 at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual

Teach and Train (Junior, Senior, Occupational)

One individual at each level may participate. Refer to the National STAR Events Manual




See the Alabama STAR Events Manual for rules and regulations of state-only events. See the National STAR Events Manual for rules and regulations of national events. State-only events include: Beef Recipe, Illustrating Story and Reading Story. The Illustrating Story and Reading Story Events will not be offered this year.

Alabama will not participate in Chapter Service Project Portfolio,Chapter Service ProjectDisplay or Chapter in ReviewPortfolio or Chapter in Review Display this year.

Need ideas? Open the document STAR Event Project Ideas on the NEW FCCLA website ( to view actual STAR Events presentations by students who participated in STAR Events competition.