TEXT: Ephesians 5:25-27


A. Suppose I were to ask you, “What do YOU want in a church?” - “What kind of church do

you want?” – “What would you look for in choosing a church?”

  1. Maybe you want a colorful preacher – speaks smooth, flowing, soothing words – maybe you want a fire breather, and old-time preacher who’ll shout, stomp, pound, spit, and sweat.
  2. Maybe you want soft music, mood lighting, soothing tones and calming colors.
  3. Maybe you want fast music, something you can clap too, stomp with
  4. Maybe you prefer a classical flavor, an orchestra
  5. Maybe you’d prefer a bluegrass band, complete with five-string banjo and big upright bass
  6. Perhaps you prefer classical architecture – maybe throwing in some statues would help put you in a religious mood – is that what you want?
  7. Or maybe you prefer modern architecture.
  8. What kind of programs would you look for? Youth groups? Seniors activities? Community involvement?

B. Did you know that, Biblically, what YOU or I want in a church is completely irrelevant – NO CONGREGATION in the New Testament stood either approved or condemned by MAN’S STANDARD – GOD’S STANDARD IS THE ONE THAT MATTERS.

1. Congregations that were approved in the New Testament were approved because they

met God’s criteria – congregations that stood rebuked in the New Testament were rebuked because they failed to meet God’s standard.

  1. THE LORD looks at the church at Ephesus and tells them “thou hast left thy first love” – and tells them to repent (Rev. 2:4-5).
  2. THE LORD looks at the church in Pergamos, and says “I have a few things against thee” – and chastises them for tolerating false doctrine (Rev. 2:12ff).
  3. THE LORD had a few things against Thyatira (Rev. 2:18-29).
  4. THE LORD told the church in Sardis she was dead (Rev. 3:1).
  5. THE LORD called the church at Laodicea lukewarm (Rev. 3:16).

C. So, I repeat again, no church in the New Testament stood either approved or condemned by any standard of man – it was, and is, the standard of God that is important.

D. So, what kind of church does GOD want? READ TEXT: Ephesians 5:25-27

  1. Sanctified and cleansed.
  2. Glorious, without spot, wrinkle.
  3. Holy, and without blemish.
  4. It is obvious God is calling for the PURITY of the church!

TS: So, how do we maintain the purity of the church to keep it the kind of church GOD WANTS?