ASIG Conference Call Date: 03/2204/05/2005


April 05, 2005

Attendees: Sue Thompson; Penny Sanchez; Marguerite Galloway (scribe); Jeff Johnson; Lorraine Doo; Jim Leach; Maria Ward; Rob Root; Conny Nichols; Deb Belcher; Michael Cassidy (facilitator); Bob Davis; Tamara Unger-Peterson; Joanne Weingarth; Shaunna Wozab

The call ran until 3:47 PM eastern.

Agenda, as published to the list prior to the call:

(1) Finalization of the agenda for The Netherlands meeting

(2) Mini-update on Shaunna's work with the Home Health attachments

(3) OID issue update


(1)Finalization of the agenda for The Netherlands meeting

The agenda categories are the same as those identified at the Orlando WGM. Items have been shuffled in order to accommodate co-chair participation. Should the ASIG decide to work late on Monday evening, Mike would have to leave in time to attend the 5:30 PM TSC meeting.

The Empire pilot does not have many new issues; things have quieted down. There may not be much to report on. We will review some of the technical issues, especially around the CPHS ballot, as a refresher for those attending.

There was much discussion over Action Item #77 versus Netherlands agenda item, ‘Review HL7 NPRM Comment process (Thu Q1-Q2)’. Action Item #77 reads, “Jim Leach will draft the language for the work group to comment on the CA NPRM in regards to the attachment booklets as part of the regulatory process”. The purpose of AI #77 was for Jim to come up with language the workgroup members could use as a guideline in order to forward appropriate comments should the booklets be named in the NPRM as a standard. Some members of the ASIG feel the booklets will not be named as part of the standard, but the ASIG needs to be prepared in case they are. It is the preference of some members of the ASIG that the booklets be named as external code sets, a position the industry is beginning to understand and support.

Action Item #77 will remain on Thursday’s agenda, requiring approximately 15 minutes.

The Thursday agenda item to ‘Review HL7 NPRM Comment process (Thu Q1-Q2)’ is aimed at identifying the ASIG’s process for submitting HL7 comments. This is a continuation of the presentation made at the Orlando WGM (ACTION ITEM: Maria please will forward the updated power point presentation to Mike). This agenda item does not have any bearing on AI #77 and vice versa. The review of the HL7 NPRM Comment process has been moved to Monday’s agenda. We will finish the discussion then.

Be sure to add tabled items to the end of each day’s agenda.

The CPHS ballot reconciliation is the most important item of the workgroup – no idea how long this will take or a feel of items to be reconciled. Penny has received comments from her people.

PIUC - Penny needs help with the document, and would like to discuss with the workgroup. The workgroup needs to read it to be able to help with content, clarity, and language. This could be a breakout session activity. ACTION ITEM: Penny will send the PIUC out as part of the working documents for the Netherlands WGM. ASIG members are asked to review for content and language, and be prepared to share comments and possible revisions at the WGM.

Home Health Attachment – The goal is to review the AIS and have it ready to go to ballot. We want to ‘approve’ to go to ballot, but we don’t need to vote until late May, middle June in order to meet the HL7 ballot announcement period ofon June 24. The comment period for that ballot cycle opens on August 1.

RAQ Build application for DME Attachments – Penny needs help to prepare the documents for outreach. This agenda item may become a ‘work’ session for the attendees in order to meet that goal. In order to participate, the attendees would have to download the Regenstrief software (logistics/software may be prohibitive). In any event, the Netherland attendees (17) need to be poled to determine if they can load the Regenstrief software, and then be available to help with the work. ACTION ITEM: Penny will find out how many of the attendees will have laptops and make copies of the RAQ Build application available so they can get it downloaded prior to the meeting.

Next Generation of ASIG work - Bob Davis received various HL7 CDA R2 documents from Mike (in preparation for the Tuesday "next generation" discussions). Bob will follow-up with Mike in a few days. Tuesday's sessions will also include making task lists, taking names, etc. - not just the technical stuff. Two timelines: (1) what do we do next, using CDA R1, and (2) what do we do later than that (2006-7) using CDA R2 and potentially HL7 V3. Note: We still need to work out a detailed agenda (outline, presentations, findings, etc.) for these two all-day items on Tuesday .

Travel Planning – Jim mentioned that a lot of the hotels in Europe charge an extra fee (e.g., 5% extra) if you charge the room on a credit card, and the credit card companies often tack-on another 3-5%. Good to ask your hotel about this. One suggestion is to use your Debit card(s) to withdraw Euros from an ATM machine, and pay for your room with cash (there would still be a fee for the ATM, but on whole, it may be cheaper if you withdraw larger sums each time). Watch out for pickpockets!! Penny mentioned VAT (value added tax), and getting forms from the hotel to get it back later. (Subsequently, Penny –and Nancy – sent information to the group of 17 expected ASIG attendees.)

(2)Mini-update on Shaunna's work with the Home Health attachments

Everything is in the database, but the program won’t allow her to indent. Shaunna will validate she is executing RAQ Build application V2.5 (which is what Penny has). Since the two attachments differ by only one or two LOINC codes, current thinking is that we produce a single AIS document. Rather than inserting notes, disclaimers, etc. within the AIS - Penny suggests adding another column to the LOINC tables in the AIS that explicitly states the element is used for claims, prior authorization, or both. Follow-ups: Penny and Shaunna, Penny and Clem, regarding having the latest RAQbuild software and allowing for Shaunna to complete the AIS for review before/during the Netherlands meeting.

(3)OID issue update

(Mike’s task of ensuring all of our ASIG OIDs are in the HL7 Registry)

Mike started an Excel spreadsheet (all the tables including the OIDs) and completed one booklet. Penny remembered she has a similar document that contains the OIDS and the corresponding table number. ACTION ITEM: Penny will She will forward her spreadsheet to Mike.

(4) Any loose ends?

Penny gave an update on Pediatric Infomatics. After the CPHS booklet went out, Clem forwarded it to a colleague (Paul Biondich) at Regenstrief. Paul shared it with the HL7 Pediatric Data Standards SIG. They are very excited about it and want to use it as a model for their work. Penny will attend their September session (HL7 WGM) with a few other people. The Pediatric SIG will not be meeting inthe Netherlands.

Paul with Regenstrief is currently working with the American Academy of Pediatrics on the following: operational scope and more appropriate data points to help define the Children’s Preventive health measures. This may result in improvements to the CPHS booklets. Paul will keep us in the loop as he progresses.

Paul with the American Academy of Pediatrics: operational scope and more appropriate data points to help define the Children’s Preventive Health, which will aid our booklet. Penny will keep in the loop with our progress as well. The ASIG has been informed that the Pediatrics Informatics group will not be attending the Netherlands WGM.

(5) NPRM status

Lorraine: the NPRM is not with OMB. Everything is status quo.

Next Conference Call : April 19, 2005 (note: No call on May 2)

Time: 11:30 pacific, 12:30 mountain, 1:30 central, 2:30 eastern

Duration: 1 hour

Call-in Number: 1-702-835-5000

Access Number: 2744232

Tentative agenda:

Final preparation for The Netherlands (Any issues? All status reports posted?)

High-level planning of the September WGM/Plenary

Other items? Send a note to the ASIG list.

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