Site / Type of site / Age / Charcoal / Heated lithics / TL on lithics (ka) / Burned bones / Heated sediments / Hearths / Comments / Index of confidence / Source
Fuentenueva 3 (Spain) / O / 1.2-1.4 Ma / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0 / 1
Barranco Léon (Spain) / O / 1.2-1.4 Ma / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0 / 1
Atapuerca Sima del Elefante, TE7-TE16 (Spain) / C / 1.2 to 0.78 Ma / dispersed / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / 32 artifacts / 0 / 2, 3
Atapuerca Gran Dolina TD4-TD10 (Spain) / C / c.990 to MIS11/9 / rare particles in TD 6 (Aurora stratum) / --- / --- / no / --- / no / 0 / 4, 5, 6
Vallparadis, unit 7 (Spain) / O / c. 800 ka / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0 / 7
Happisburgh 3 (England) / O / c. 800 ka / --- / -- / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0 / 8
Pakefield (England) / O / c. 700 ka / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / 0 / 9
Venosa Notarchirico (Italy) / O / 640 ± 70 ka / --- / --- / --- / no / --- / no / date at the base of the sequence / 0 / 10,11
Isernia (Italy) / O / 606 ± 2 ka / --- / --- / --- / ?? / ?? / no / date by 40Ar/39Ar / 0 / 11
Treugol´naya Cave, layers 7a-4b (Northern Caucasus, Russia) / C / MIS 15-11 / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / no / 40 ESR dates. Excavated area: 41 sq m, 395 artifacts / 0 / 12
Kozarnika, layers 13-11a (Bulgaria) / C / > 500 ka / --- / --- / no / --- / --- / no / large but undefined number of artifacts, few data on context and taphonomy / 0 / 13
Visogliano, layers 44-41 (Italy) / E / MIS 13 or 11 / --- / --- / no / --- / --- / no / ESR dates. Excavated area 3.6 sq m., 2000 artifacts. / 0 / 14
Boxgrove (England) / O / MIS 13 / A, dispersed / --- / --- / no / --- / no / 0 / 15
High Lodge (England) / O / MIS 13 / A, dispersed / --- / --- / no / --- / no / 0 / 16
Miesenheim I (Germany) / O / MIS 13 / no / 2 / no / no / --- / no / 0 / 17
Arago, layers D-Q (France) / C / MIS 10-14 / no / no / no / no / --- / no / 0 / 18
Beeches Pit, beds 3b, 5 and 6 (England) / O / MIS 11 / --- / yes, scatters of heated flint / 414 ± 30 / yes, at temperatures 600 to 800º C in bed 6 / yes / discrete areas of burnt sediments / 3 / 19, 20
Schöningen13 I (Germany) / O / MIS 9-11 / no / yes / >400 / no / --- / --- / heated natural flint pieces (cf. Barnham) / 0 / 21
Schöningen 13 II-4, the spear site (Germany) / O / MIS 9-11 / --- / --- / --- / --- / under study / under study / charred wooden artefact / 2 / 22
Vérteszöllös (Hungary) / O / MIS 9-11 / no / --- / no / large number of small fragments (2-4 cm) in concentrations. / --- / small combustion areas, 1-5 cm thick, according to Vértes. / use of bone as fuel is likely but needs to be verified. / 2 / 23
Bilzingsleben (Germany) / O / MIS 9-11 / yes / yes / --- / yes / --- / --- / 2 / 24
Barnham (England) / O / MIS 9-11 / A, dispersed / no / 5 pieces of natural flint / --- / --- / no / In this case TL is not necessarily indicative of anthropogenic fire (SI text) / 0 / 25
Lunel Viel (France) / C / MIS 9? / dispersed / --- / no / no / --- / one reported, doubtful / 0 / 26,27
Terra Amata (France) / O / 380 ± 80 ka (ESR) 239 ± 40 ka (TL) / A, localized / yes / yes / yes / --- / flat lense / 3 / 28, 29
Petit Bost layer 2 (France) / O / MIS 9/8 / --- / yes / 338 ± 43, 312 ± 23 / --- / --- / --- / both levels have been affected by solifluction and slope wash / 1 / 30
Orgnac 3, layers 2, 6 (France) / C then E / MIS 9 and 8 / --- / --- / --- / yes, in concentrations in both levels / --- / Ashes observed during excavation / Hearths are mentioned for other levels but never described in detail. / 2 / 31, 32
Les Bosses (France) / O / MIS 8? / --- / yes / c. 290, on 8 artifacts / no bones preserved / --- / --- / some dates are aberrant / 1 / 33
Rozumice site C, layers 10, 7 and 4 (Poland) / O / MIS 8 (OSL dates) / in hearths / --- / --- / in hearths / reported for one hearth in layer 7 / one reported in each layers / bone not preserved except for burnt bones in hearths. / 2 / 34
Payre, units G, F (France) / C / end MIS 8, MIS 7 / few and dispersed pieces / yes at temperatures > 450º layer G / several dates on 12 samples / yes, 10.0 % of 29,671 bones < 5 cm and 0.3% of 3333 bones > 5 cm in layer F. / no / lens of ashes and burnt bones 1-2 cm thick and 30 cm diam. in level G / use of bones as fuel occurs but is not systematic / 3 / 35, 36
Grotte Vaufrey, layer VIII (France) / C / MIS 7? / localized / no / no / yes, localized / no / no structured hearths / 2 / 37
Maastricht-Belvédère Unit IV (Netherlands) / O / MIS 7 / A, localized / yes / 250 ± 22 / no / no / discrete clusters of charcoal and of heated flints. / 2 / 38, 39
Menez Dregan layer 4c-5 (France) / C / MIS 7 / A, dispersed / yes / 197 ± 25, layer 5 / --- / --- / ? / 2 / 40
Ehringsdorf (Germany) / O / MIS 7 / yes / --- / no / yes / --- / --- / 2 / 41-43
Campitello Quarry (Italy) / O / end MIS 7 / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / --- / birch bark tar on two flakes, Fig. 1 and SI Text. / 3 / 44
Biache-Saint-Vaast (France), layer IIa and D1 / O / MIS 7 / rare particles in layer D1 / yes, both layers / 175 ± 13 for layer IIa / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 45
Pech de l'Aze II, layer 7, levels b and c (France) / C / MIS 6 or 8 / "black ashes" / --- / --- / --- / yes / several, documented by photo and descriptions by F. Bordes. Some stone-lined or delimited. / 2 / 46, 47
La Cotte de St. Brelade, layers C-D (Jersey Islands, U. K.) / E / MIS 7-6 / few dispersed / yes / 238 ± 35 / yes / no / not preserved / bone used as fuel / 3 / 48
Bau de l'Aubesier, layer H-1 (France) / E / MIS 7-6 / A, charcoal and ashes / yes / 169±17 191±15 / yes / yes / 5 m² combustion area with repeated episodes of fire use, in a layer 45 cm thick / 3 / 49-51
Pontnewydd (England) / C / MIS 7-6 / --- / yes / 200 ± 25 / --- / --- / --- / materials not in situ / 0 / 52
Bolomor, Layers XIII, XI, IV, II (Spain) / C / MIS 7-5e / ashes in layer II / yes / various TL dates / yes in layer IV and XI, proving cooking of tortoises and birds / yes / 3 in layer IV, 2 lined with stones in layer XIII / 3 / 53- 55
Port Pignot, fossil beach at 9-13 m asl (France) / 0 / end MIS 7-MIS 6 / --- / yes / --- / no bone preserved / heated stones / built rectangular hearth surrounded by stones / 3 / 56
Grossoeuvre, two occupation levels in a doline (France) / E / end MIS 7; MIS 5 / --- / yes / 220 ± 12; 130 ± 8 / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 57
La Roche Gélétan (France) / O / MIS 6 / --- / yes / 149 ± 11 / --- / --- / several, some near one or two large blocks / 3 / 57
Lazaret cave (France) / C / MIS 6 / A localized / --- / --- / --- / --- / flat concentration / 3 / 58
Barbas I , layer C'3 (France) / O / MIS 6 / --- / yes / 146 ± 29, 147± 28 / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 59
Therdonne N3 (France) / O / MIS 6 / yes / yes / 178 ± 11 / --- / --- / --- / 2 / 60
Gouberville, two occupation levels (France) / O / MIS 6 / --- / yes / 187 ± 26; 128 ± 20 / --- / --- / --- / flint scatters, one affected by fire. / 1 / 58
Combe Brune (Dordogne, France) / O / MIS 6 / --- / yes / 156.4 ± 11.7 / --- / --- / no / affected by solifluction / 1 / 61
Moravský Krumlov IV (Czech Republic) / O / MIS 6 / A, Pinus / --- / --- / 23 fragments / --- / no / 2 / 62
Theopetra Cave, Unit II (Greece) / C / MIS 5e / --- / yes / 124±16; 129±13 / yes / yes / multisequence burnt layers, with ashes / 3 / 63, 64
Wallertheim A (Germany) / O / MIS 5e / --- / no / no / a cluster of 106 calcined and burnt small bone fragments. Another 33 bones are burned. / --- / hearth inferred from the cluster of burnt bones and wood phytoliths / 3 / 65
Neumark Nord 2 (Germany) / O / MIS 5 / yes / yes / 126 ± 6 / --- / no / no / 3 / 66
Taubach (Germany) / O / MIS 5 / yes, concentrations / --- / --- / yes / --- / --- / 3 / 67
Villiers-Adam (France) / O / MIS 5 / --- / yes / 100 ± 11 / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 68
Moula-Guercy, level XV (France) / C / MIS 5 / A, 184 particles / --- / --- / --- / --- / 3 fireplaces / hearths drawn but undescribed / 2 / 69, 70
Grand Abri aux Puces (France) / C / MIS 5 / A, charcoal and ashes / yes / --- / yes / --- / a 20 cm diameter area with charcoal and ashes, micromorpho-logical analyses in progress. / 2 / 71
Grotte Vaufrey layer IV (France) / C / MIS 5 / Burnt plant material / yes / 120 ± 10 / yes / yes / not preserved / 2 / 72
Bau de l'Aubesier, layer IV (France) / E / MIS 5 / yes / yes / --- / yes / yes / 52 m² combustion area 20 cm thick / 3 / 50, 73
Kůlna, level 6-11 (Czech Republic) / E / MIS 5 / A / yes / --- / yes / --- / --- / 3 / 74, 75
Fresnoy-au-Val, series 2 (France) / O / MIS 5 / --- / yes / 106.8±7.5 / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 76
Molinons, level A (France) / O / MIS 5 / --- / yes / --- / --- / --- / --- / 10 burnt flints in cluster / 1 / 77, 78
Tönchesberg 2B (Germany) / O / MIS 5 / yes but poorly preserved / yes / --- / yes / no / many burnt bones and lithics in an area of 4 m². / 2 / 79, 80
Remicourt (Belgium) / O / MIS 5 / A / --- / --- / yes / --- / many small fragments of burnt spongy bone. / 2 / 81
Les Forets (France) / O / MIS 5 / --- / yes / 92.7 ± 4.5; 90.3 ± 5 / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 82
Riparo del Molare, levels 48 and 49 (Italy) / E / MIS 5 / yes / --- / --- / yes, number unspecified / yes at the base of combustion areas / several oval-shaped accumulations of ashes and charcoal. / 2 / 83, 84
Grotta Grande di Scario, level 8 (Italy) / C / MIS 5 / yes / --- / --- / yes / --- / accumulation of charcoal and ash about 1 m² / 2 / 85
Les Canalettes, layers 2-4 (France) / E / MIS 5 / A, use of charcoal and lignite / yes / 73.5 ± 6 / yes / burnt stones / one delimited by stones in layer 3 and near a small hollow with ash and charcoal (= ash dump) / outcrops of lignite at 10 km distance from the site / 3 / 86, 87
Balver Höhle (Germany) / C / MIS 5 / --- / --- / --- / yes / --- / --- / Most burnt bones 1-3 cm in size, bone used as fuel / 2 / 88
Königsaue A & B (Germany) / O / MIS 5 (stratigraphy) / A / --- / --- / --- / birch bark tar finds, Fig. 1 and SI text / 3 / 89, 90
Abri du Rozel (France) / E / MIS 5 d-c / A / --- / --- / --- / --- / one stone-lined hearth, many lenses of ashes and charcoal in two occupation levels / OSL on eolian sands, 115 ± 11; 102 ± 10 / 3 / 91
Grotta dei Moscerini (Italy) / C / MIS 5c to MIS 4 / charcoal and ash lenses / --- / --- / burned bones and shells / --- / charcal and ash lenses mentioned in excavation reports / burnt bones and shells described by Stiner 1995 / 2 / 92
Buhlen "Unten" (Germany) / E / MIS 5 / --- / heated rocks / --- / yes / --- / --- / 2 / 93
Seclin, layers D7 and D4 (France) / O / MIS 5c / dispersed in D7 / yes / 95 ± 10; 91 ± 11 / fauna not preserved / --- / --- / 2 / 94
Pech de l'Aze IV layer 8 (France) / C / MIS 5c / A, but reduced to small fragments < 2 mm. / yes, 21.3% / 99.9 ± 5.4 / 54.2% (12,510 / 23,070); burned bone < 2 cm is 56.7% (11,947 / 21,052); burned spongy bone is only 19.1% / no / many superimposed and overlapping combustion features in a 50-60 cm layer, redistributed by trampling and hearth-cleaning events / bone used as fuel but also burned for site maintenance / 3 / 95, 96
Berigoule, levels I-II (France) / O / end MIS 5 / yes / yes, 30% of 30,000 > 3 cm in layer I, much fewer in level II / 78 ± 7, mean of several dates / fauna not preserved / yes / --- / bones were not preserved / 2 / 73, 97
Pié-Lombard (France) / E / end of MIS 5 / --- / --- / 70.0 ± 7.7 / --- / --- / 1 / 98
Abri du Maras, layers 8-1 (France) / E / end MIS 5 to 3 / --- / yes / --- / total for all levels is 45.9% for bones < 5 cm (n = 2121) and 3.2% of bones > 5 cm (n = 312) / --- / --- / bone used as fuel / 3 / 36, 99
Buhlen "Oben" (Germany) / E / MIS 5a-3 / --- / yes / --- / yes (n = 57,739) / --- / small bone fragments, bone used as fuel? / 3 / 100
Roc de Marsal (France) / C / MIS 5a to MIS 3 / yes / yes / yes / yes / yes / reported in layer 9 and other layers / Analyses in progress. In one level the high % of burned small spliinters and the low % of burned spongy bone suggest bone used as fuel but without selection of spongy elements so bone was also burned as a result of site maintenance. / 3 / 101, 102
Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue (France) / O / MIS 5-4 / yes / yes / --- / --- / --- / reported: / circular structures previously interpreted as hearths may have been caused by periglacial processes. / 2 / 103
Baume Vallée (France) / E / MIS 5a / --- / yes / 78.5 ± 7.5 / --- / --- / --- / 1 / 98
Lakonis (Greece) / C / MIS 5-3 / yes / yes / --- / yes, 85% by weight for non-identified fragments / yes / large hearth complexes in Unit I (MIS 3), with in situ burnt zones / 3 / 104
Grotte de Cotencher (Switzerland) / C / MIS 5-3 / yes / yes / --- / yes / --- / --- / 3 / 105
Combe Grenal, France / E / MIS 5-3 / yes / yes / 44.0 ± 4.5 / yes / 127 small hearths and 19 large ones (Binford 2007) / 106, 107
Schafstall (Germany) / C / MIS 5-3 / A, yes / --- / --- / yes / --- / --- / 2 / 108
Göpfelsteinhöhle (Germany) / C / MIS 5-3 / --- / --- / --- / yes / --- / --- / 2 / 108
Port Racine (France) / O / end MIS 5/MIS 4 / yes / yes / 79.8 ± 7.8; 61.3 ± 6.2 / --- / --- / several hearths, some reported as surrounded by stones / 3 / 109
Sesselfelsgrotte, Layers M-G (Germany) / C / MIS 5 to 3 / yes / yes / 73.2 ± 11.7 56 ± 4.7 / yes / --- / several fireplaces in G complex / 3 / 110-112
Saint-Marcel, layers u-e (France) / C / MIS 5 (layer u) to 3 (layers h-g, e-f) / A, on charcoal in layer g. Only Pinus sylvestris of 105 samples. / yes / --- / yes, 6 to 27% for bones > 5 cm and 46 to 51% for< 5 cm / --- / mentioned, but undescribed, in layers g-h (MIS 3) / use of bone as fuel and grease extraction. The latter is suggested by very small spongy unburned fragments and the almost complete absence of cancellous bone on limb ends and axial skeleton of red deer (the dominant species). / 3 / 36, 99, 113
Type of Site: O, Open Air; C, Cave; E, Enclosed (Doline, Rock Shelter)
