MAPS Work Plan

Working Draft 4.19.2018

Patients, Residents and families understand and are equipped to collaboratively help improve systems in ways that advance safety
requested input
Increase awareness around the importance of engaged patients/
residents/ families for safe care /
  1. Community gatherings
1 hour networking & 1 hour presentation / a)Recruit new consumer organizations & invite to a luncheon in June to learn about MAPS/awareness campaign
(30-40 hrs)
b)Develop content for gatherings
(16 hrs)
  • Research safety & PFE
  • Patient story
  • Vision of partnership
  • Call to action – planning opportunities
  • “What If?” video
  • Content for Networking hour
c)Invite/facilitate a MAPS Board member to present at each gathering (4 hrs)
d)Secure venue, arrange F&B (4 hrs)
e)Communications (12 hrs)
f)Event day logistics x 4 (32 hrs) / PreWork – April-August, 2018
recruitment of new consumer groups, June luncheon, identify/reserve venues, content development, marketing/ communications
Activity: August, September, November, December 2018
1 gathering each month /
  • To inspire interest and action and invitation to participate in trainings, spreading awareness, webinars, etc.
  • Use Dementia Friends as model. Alternate evenings /lunches in 4 different Twin Cities locations.
  • Invite MAPS members to invite people. Invite new groups – Cancer Society, AARP, etc.
  • Explain why safety is important as a consumer. End with a call to action.
  • Look for Outlook invitations for community gatherings by June
  • Open to suggestions for consumer focused groups that could be invited to participate

  1. Expand social media presence
/ a)Hire social media consultant to make a strategy plan (~$2,000-5,000)
b)Boost Facebook posts ($200?)
Staff time – 1hr/week April-Dec (36hrs) / Begin executing on plan by May 1, 2018
  • Increase presence on Facebook & Twitter to meet consumers on these platforms
  • Will help MAPS promote community gatherings and other opportunities for consumers
  • Staff posting regularly
  • Consultant from The Marketing Troupe will begin work 5/1/18
  • Please follow Include Always on FB and Twitter
  • Instagram coming

  1. Further develop Include Always website
/ AWS Media website update plan (from 12/2016) ($3,000)
Staff time – to work with AWS – 8 hrs total before August. / Ideally by August 2018 gathering /
  • Add video capability for patient stories on website.
  • Other updates as indicated in plan.
/ Delaying this work until 2019
  1. MAPS Patient Engagement Committee
/ Pre-work/prep for initial meeting May & June (staff time 1hr/week= 8 hrs.)
Meeting content planning June/July (staff time 1 hr/week=8 hrs)
Continue every other month meetings (=16 hrs ) / Pre-work May & June
First meeting in July
Continue meetings every other month (September & November) / Comprised of PFE leaders and patient partners. Start with MAPS PFE Cmte roster from 2016.
Potentially be the guide/ advisory group on all topics.
Bring patient voice to specific safety topics (OpenNotes, Diagnostic Error, informed consent, shared decision making) /
  1. Informed Consent
/ Staff time – 2 hours per week / April 13 meeting with Stratis Health, MN Health Literacy Partnership & HCMC to follow up on March 16 webinar and determine next steps. / Anticipate using the above Patient Engagement Committee to help guide this work to update informed consent resources in MN /
  • Very successful
  • 120 registered
  • 85 engaged on-line
  • 33 people interested in further work
  • Next steps meeting w/interested people in May

  1. Webinar Series – patient safety, PFE
/ Speaker recruitment/topic & content refinement/introductions/follow up x 4 (=40 hrs)
Webinar support from Stratis Health
Speakers & honoraria? / First webinar March 2018 (Informed Consent.) Continue with one every other month. / Open Notes, Shared Decision Making / Delaying this work
  1. Gather Patient Stories
/ Develop a process for obtaining, coaching and using patient stories, including creating a database of stories as a community resource
Staff time – 1 hour/week / On going / Eventually create a page on Include Always website listing all of the patient stories and contact information /
  • Always looking for patient stories

Plan and execute MAPS Conference, October 2018
Plan and hold a successful conference /
  1. Engage 4 plenary speakers
  2. Identify a patient story/panel
  3. Plan breakout sessions, identify moderators/ coordinators for each session
  4. Obtain sponsorships
  5. Committee support
  6. Create patient scholarships for attendance
  7. Other
/ Peggy Westby/MHA contracted to provide conference planning and registration services
(Staff time 6hrs/wk) / Monthly meetings, coordinating work, follow up Jan-Nov.2018 / Estimated staff hours based on actuals from Jan/Feb 2018 and limited tracked hours from 2016 cycle
Safety breakout session could be safety 101 to kickoff more official training in 2019. Invite participants from community gatherings. /
  • Looking for patient story suggestions
  • $31,000 in sponsorships secured – request Board outreach to additional key sponsor possibilities: Allina, HealthPartners, UCare, Essentia, MOLN, other?

Conduct MAPS Operations
Maintain successful daily operations /
  1. Orientation/transitioning with new Interim Exec Director
  2. Membership management, communications, annual invoicing
  3. Board of Directors & Governance Committee support
  4. Websites & social media maintenance
  5. Constant Contact maintenance/updates
  6. Budget & 990
  7. Other
/ Staff time – 5hrs/week / Ongoing / Estimated staff hours based on actuals from Jan/Feb 2018 / 73 members renewed with $178,500 in contributions collected
FUTURE WORK (2019-2020)
Patients, Residents and families understand and are equipped to collaboratively help improve systems in ways that advance safety
Increase ability and capacity for patients/ residents/family members to partner with healthcare organizations /
  • Develop curricula and any needed tools
  • Explore “Patient Friends” program
  • Explore Patient Partner Improvement Corps
/ 2019-2020 / Patient Engagement Pilot:(Otto Bremer Grant): Work within a community to train systems and consumers ways to partner for safe care.
Increased number of patient and family partners in health systems
Increase awareness of the safety outcomes associated with greater patient engagement /
  • Bring patient voice to specific safety topics (OpenNotes, Diagnostic Error, informed consent, shared decision making)
  • Raise awareness of the need for patient engagement

Increase the capacity for organizations to better engage with patients/ residents/ families /
  • Recruit partner organizations and provide them support
  • Provide support to provider organizations to facilitate more effective utilization of patient partners
/ Develop patient partner QI consultation services program
Increase the number of patients on safety and quality committees /
  • Develop measurement and/or “scoring” system to encourage greater participation