Peace Corps/JamaicaVacancyAnnouncement
Homestay & Logistics Coordinator

The United States Peace Corps seeks an experienced professional to serve as a Homestay & Logistics Coordinator. The position will be based in Kingston. Applicants must have at leasttwo to five years’ experience working in Community Development and Events Planning. Additional experience working with Jamaican families in a community setting and prior exposure to working with an American organization and/or culture is highly desired.

This is a nine (9) month position with the possibility to become a year-round position.
Start dates subject to clearance processes and availability of funds to cover the contract period.
Remuneration: Starting Basic Salary ranges from J$2,116,942 to $2,501,842 per annum depending on education and experience. Allowances total $141,588 per annum, and a bonus is payable at 8.33% of Basic Salary.

Please review the following pages for detailed information regarding the position. Only applications including the following information will be reviewed:

  1. Completed Sections 1-3 of the Application Form (pages 7-12)
  2. Resume
  3. Cover Letter

In order to be considered for employment, please submit all requested documents via email to with the subject line “HLC Application.”

Peace Corps reserves the right not to consider applications received after closing date and/or failing to follow application instructions. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. Appointment will be based on successful security clearance and availability of funds.
Applications are due by 4:00 p.m. on September 23, 2016.


Homestay & Logistics Coordinator (HLC)

DUTY STATION: Kingston, Peace Corps Office

BASIS OF EMPLOYMENT:Nine-monthPersonal Services Contract (with possibility to become a year round position)

SUPERVISOR: Training Director


GENERAL: The Homestay & Logistics Coordinator liaises with Program Managers, partner agencies, other Peace Corps Staff, PCVLs, PCVs and community organizations to solicit contacts/leads for suitable host family accommodations in communities where Trainees/Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) will live during Community Based Training (CBT), Hub Based Training (HBT), and two- year site placements.

During Pre-Service Training, the HLC organize logistics for events such as Arrival Day, Host Family and Supervisors’ trainings and Swearing In ceremony. The Homestay & Logistics Coordinator also provides support to PCTs/PCVs and Host families by monitoring their living arrangements and relationships during Pre-Service Training and two-year service, in accordance with the Host Family Manual.

The Homestay & Logistics coordinator is also required to liaise with the Administrative and P & T Units on expenditure and documentation for timely reporting on all logistics, host family, and PCT/PCV arrangements/issues. The HLC will perform other duties as assigned by the Training Director.


Homestay & Logistics ( PST) 60%

  • Work with TD and Director of Management and Operations to identify suitable hotel accommodations for specific trainings during PST. Ensure that hotels are within budget and comply with PC safety and security requirements.
  • Work with the Training Director and other staff as appropriate to identify suitable PCT housing and training facilities for Community and Hub components of PST.
  • Provide a complete listing (i.e. telephone numbers, addresses, number of persons in each family, age, gender, occupation of those persons, a brief biography on each family, etc), of each host family to the relevant Training staff.
  • Work closely with the Training Director and other PST/Peace Corps staff in ensuring that accommodation, home stay relations and venues, logistical systems and procedures are in place for PST, including: PCT Arrival/Welcome, First week of Trainee Orientation Activities, Home-stay, Accommodation, Host Family Orientations, Resource Fair and Supervisors Meetings
  • Identify home-stays/accommodation for PST staff as necessary.
  • With the assistance of Program and Training Specialists and the training team, collaborate with key community players at each Hub site to arrange for Peace Corps’ entry into the community.
  • In collaboration with the PTSes, LCC team, Facilities Assistant and other relevant Staff; monitor PST venues and home-stay arrangements and make adjustments if and when necessary.
  • During PST, inform Trainees about home-stay and living arrangements (including norms) and assist with logistics for them to and from host families.
  • Ensure that all Trainee/ host family related incidents being handled are reported to the Training Director or other relevant personnel
  • Be responsible for all logistics pertaining to the two Supervisors’ Days, Resource Fair, and Swearing-In ceremony
  • Prepare a final report on PST home-stay and logistics, outlining systems developed and recommendations for future PSTs.
  • Arrange for timely and procedural closure of former CBT and/or Hub sites
  • Prepare necessary certificates of appreciation and thank letters for PST stakeholders
  • Participate in P & T meetings, All-Staff and PCT Support meetings as required.

Homestay & Logistics (PCV 2- Year Service) 20%

  • Assists PM to ensure that prospective housing meets the required standard based on the criteria established for Volunteer housing by Peace Corps Jamaica
  • Work with the Program Managers and Director of Management & Operations to concur on suitable rental rates for Host Families
  • Provide a complete listing (i.e. telephone numbers, addresses, number of persons in each family, age, gender, occupation of those persons, a brief biography on each family, etc), of each host family to the Program Manager.
  • In collaboration with the PMs, inform PCVs about home-stay and living arrangements (including norms) and coordinate the logistics for them to host families.
  • Supports PCVs in dealing with issues at home/ host family issues
  • Assists with the management and coordination of Host Family changes in collaboration with the PM
  • Assists the TD and Director of Management and Operations to identify suitable hotel accommodations for In-Service trainings; ensure that hotels are within budget and comply with PC safety and security requirements.

Administrative Support 5%

  • Work with the Director of Management & Operations to concur on suitable rental rates for Host Families and Training facilities and ensure that the Host Family rates are communicated to PST/Peace Corps staff and host families.
  • Maintain relationships with hotels and other training venues in Kingston and manage all logistics pertaining to the use of those venues.
  • In collaboration with the PC Driver, arrange all transportation logistics for Trainees and staff to and from host families and training venues as necessary.

Development and Implementation of Training Activities 5%

  • Review PCT, Host families, Supervisors and PC staff evaluations for the preceding PST as it relates to Home stay and Logistics, and devise an improvement plan of action for the subsequent PST
  • Organize community and hub-based Host Family Orientation meetings to sensitize families about Peace Corps policies and procedures governing homestay (i.e introduction to Peace Corps staff, cross-cultural issues and Trainee/Host Family relationship).
  • Conduct necessary home-stay session with staff during ToT
  • Conduct home stay sessions with PCTs during PST
  • Design, administer and analyze home-stay evaluations (Host families and Trainees).
  • In collaboration with the Training Director, organize and conduct training with 2-year Host Families

Safety and Security 5%

  • Must be knowledgeable and supportive of PC safety and security policies and procedures, including the timely reporting of suspicious incidents, persons, or articles; provides safety and security guidance and support to PCT/Vs
  • Work closely with the SSM to ensure that housing options and training facilities meet PCJ host family Safety & Security criteria and ensure Trainees’ safety and security
  • Be available to provide needed information and assistance with emergencies during home-stay. Be familiar with Peace Corps Emergency Action Plan and actively participate in the EAP given an emergency.
  • Acts as duty officer, as needed

General Staff Duties 5%

  • Actively participates in all-staff meetings and staff development retreats
  • The incumbent is expected to exercise initiative, independent judgment and skill while carrying out recurring duties
  • May be required to travel for brief to extended periods of time to develop Homestay for PST as well as PCV 2-year housing


Teamwork, Professionalism and Judgment

  • Displays highest level of professional and ethical conduct at all times, treating colleagues, Trainees, Volunteers and community members in a respectful manner that encourages collaboration and effective teamwork at Peace Corps Jamaica
  • Maintains confidentiality and discloses any potential conflict of interest
  • Performs other related activities necessary for completing the job requirements as assigned by the Training Director.



  • Candidate must have attained at least a Diploma in Social Work/Community Development or equivalent


  • Demonstrated ability to fluently speak and write English
  • Demonstrated ability to fluently speak Jamaican Patois

Prior Work Experience

  • Experience with or exposure to American organization and/or culture
  • Experience working with Jamaican families in a community setting
  • 2 – 5 years’ experience working in Community Development
  • 2 – 5 years’ experience in Events Planning

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Attitudes

  • Knowledge of Jamaica’s history, culture, languages, and social norms within different communities
  • Knowledge of the Peace Corps mission, goals and the role of the Peace Corps Volunteer
  • The structure and culture of Jamaican families and household
  • Gender roles and responsibilities within the Jamaican family structure
  • Good knowledge of community entry strategies and community dynamics
  • Excellent knowledge of the socio-cultural context of Jamaica especially in rural communities
  • Excellent knowledge of business etiquette and State protocol
  • Excellent negotiation skills
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Good planning and coordinating abilities
  • Ability to provide support in the areas of safety and cultural integration to adult American Volunteers
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work on a diverse team
  • Excellent computer skills (especially Microsoft Office Applications)
  • Ability to prepare precise, accurate and timely reports
  • Good conflict resolution and counseling skills
  • Ability to work in a stressful environment
  • Ability and willingness to work on weekends and evenings as necessary.
  • Must have a valid Jamaican driver’s license with the ability to operate a 4-wheel drive motor vehicle throughout Jamaica


  • Knowledge of Peace Corps Mission and Goals

Peace Corps Homestay & Logistics Coordinator


Only complete applications will be considered


Vacancy Position Title:Homestay & Logistics Coordinator


Phone numbers
TRN or Social Security Number

Complete the following information for all high schools and universities attended:

School Name
City and state/parish
Major (if applicable)
Type of degree/diploma received
Date degree/diploma received
School Name
City and state/parish
Major (if applicable)
Type of degree/diploma received
Date degree/diploma received
School Name
City and state/parish
Major (if applicable)
Type of degree/diploma received
Date degree/diploma received

(add additional schools as-needed)


Complete the following information for all related work experience over the past 10 years (paid and non-paid).

Employer’s Name & Address
Job Title
Hours per week
Starting Date (Mo & Yr)
Ending Date (Mo & Yr)
Duties and accomplishments
If this is your current employer, may we contact your supervisor?
If yes, please provide name and phone number:
Employer’s Name & Address
Job Title
Hours per week
Starting Date (Mo & Yr)
Ending Date (Mo & Yr)
Duties and accomplishments
If this is your current employer, may we contact your supervisor?
If yes, please provide name and phone number:
Employer’s Name & Address
Job Title
Hours per week
Starting Date (Mo & Yr)
Ending Date (Mo & Yr)
Duties and accomplishments
If this is your current employer, may we contact your supervisor?
If yes, please provide name and phone number:
Employer’s Name & Address
Job Title
Hours per week
Starting Date (Mo & Yr)
Ending Date (Mo & Yr)
Duties and accomplishments
If this is your current employer, may we contact your supervisor?
If yes, please provide name and phone number:

(add additional work as-needed)


Please list any job-related training courses including titles and dates, skills, (e.g., foreign languages, computer knowledge, typing speed), as well as any job-related certificates, licenses, honors and special accomplishments:

Section 2

Please read each of the following questions carefully and answer yes or no:

  1. Do you have a Diploma in Social Work/Community Development or equivalent?


  1. Do you have 2 – 5 years’ experience working in Community Development?


  1. Do you have experience working with Jamaican families in a community setting?


  1. Do you have 2 – 5 years’ experience in Events Planning?


  1. Do you have a valid Jamaican driver’s license with the ability to operate a 4-wheel drive motor vehicle throughout Jamaica?


  1. Are you able to travel for extended periods of time?


If you answered “yes” to all of the questions above, please complete the next section. Please read each question below carefully and ensure that your response sufficiently demonstrates your qualification and suitability for the position. Please note that answers will require more than a “yes” or “no” response;please go into as much relevant detail as possible but each answer should be no more than 350 words. Responses must be typed directly onto this form.

  1. Describe your experience engaging or garnering support from rural Jamaican families or communities


  1. Share with us your experience planning and executing an event.


  1. . Provide a description of your experience in planning and implementing trainings.


  1. Share with us your experience negotiating a contract for procurement of services


  1. Describe how have you used technology to support your previous work?


  1. Share your experience with teambuilding, coaching, and mentoring adults.


  1. Describe your experience communicating and working effectively in a multicultural environment


Section 3

Provide the name and contact information of three (3) references, two of which must be professional references:




This application form must be sent along with your cover letter and resume for consideration.