St John Baptist (Southend) CE Primary School



Agreed: March 2011

Signed by Chair:

Review Date:March 2012

By: Steering Committee

St John Baptist (Southend) CE Primary School

Health and Safety Policy

The governing body of St John Baptist (Southend) church of England Primary School will be guided by Christian principles and act with integrity, objectivity and honesty in the best interests of the school; will be open about decisions made and actions taken, and will be prepared to explain decisions and actions to interested persons. All actions will reflect the values mentioned above and fully support our Christian ethos.

The aim of this policy is:

  • to ensure there is a safe and healthy environment throughout the school
  • to establish safe working practices for pupils, staff and others who visit or work on the premises
  • to ensure sufficient health and safety information, instruction and training is provided and that health and safety standards and practices are monitored and reviewed

Responsibilities of the Governors

The Governors are responsible for reviewing health and safety standards within the school. They have a particular responsibility for:

  • ensuring that decisions of the governing body take account of, and comply with, health and safety legislation and that sufficient resources are allocated to this
  • monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our H&S procedures. This includes such arrangements as testing fire alarms and checking medical boxes conform to legislation
  • ensuring that school premises, buildings and equipment are maintained and inspected
  • ensuring that contractors engaged to work on the premises can do so safely without putting themselves, staff, pupils or visitors at risk

Responsibilities of the Headteacher

The Headteacher has overall responsibility for the day to day management of health and safety in the school. In particular for:

  • the co-ordination and implementation of approved safety procedures in school
  • liaising with Lewisham Education and SDBE in regard to Health and Safety
  • ensuring that staff receive adequate health and safety training
  • ensuring that staff are consulted on health and safety matters and to liaise with any Safety Representative appointed by staff
  • ensuring that health and safety monitoring and inspection arrangements are implemented
  • ensuring that off site events or visits meet safety standards
  • ensuring that risk assessments are carried out
  • ensuring that there are adequate arrangements for first aid on both school premises and school outings
  • inspecting the work of contractors on site to ensure the safety of site users
  • contacting the local authority in the event of school closure due to health and safety issues

Responsibilities of the Fire Safety Manager

The Deputy Headteacher is the Fire Safety Manager and has responsibility for the overall planning and organisation of fire safety within school. In particular to liaise with the Premises Officer to:

  • ensure that fire evacuation drills are undertaken at least every term and that a record of these is kept
  • ensure an annual check is made on fire safety equipment and that a quarterly check is made on fire alarm and detection systems

It is the responsibility of the Fire Safety Manager, or the SAO to callthe Fire Brigade in the event of fire.

Responsibilities of all Staff

All staff have a responsibility to carry out their work in a way which avoids risks to themselves and others and to alert management to any equipment or situation which they feel could be a hazard.

Responsibilities of the Teaching Staff

Teachers are responsible for the health and safety of themselves and pupils under their control. They have a particular responsibility to:

  • ensure lesson planning addresses health and safety considerations where appropriate
  • follow school fire procedures
  • maintain a safe and orderly classroom environment
  • report any deficiencies in health and safety standards to the Headteacher or Premises Officer

Responsibilities of the Premises Officer

The Premise Officer is responsible for the day to day maintenance of the school premises. In particular for:

  • notifying the Headteacher of serious health and safety deficiencies which cannot be quickly corrected
  • ensuring that fire equipment and systems are properly maintained
  • acting as the school representative in any dealings with contractors who work at the school.
  • ensuring that regular inspections of school plant, equipment and systems are undertaken
  • ensuring that a clear notice of fire evacuation procedures is displayed in each classroom and at strategic points around the school

Responsibilities of the SAO

The SAO is responsible for:

  • ensuring that a list of First Aiders is maintained, together with dates for refresher training
  • liaising with the Deputy Headteacher to co-ordinate the training of First Aiders
  • ensuring that notices displaying the names of First Aiders are kept up to date and displayed
  • maintaining records of health and safety training
  • maintaining the school accident book and arranging for statutory accident reports to be completed in accordance with local authority guidelines
  • to manage an up to date central record of all CRB disclosures

Fire Safety

  • The fire procedure is displayed in classrooms and next to fire alarm call points. New members of staff are instructed in the fire procedure and their responsibilities by their line manager on their first day of employment.
  • Fire evacuation drills are held once a term. A record is kept of the date and time taken to evacuate the building.
  • Registers must be kept for all before and after school activities.
  • Children in school before 9.00am must sign in using the ‘signing in’ book located in the office.
  • It is the responsibility of all staff to become familiar with the fire evacuation procedure.

Procedures to be followed in the event of a fire

Any person finding a fire will:

  1. Immediately raise the alarm.
  2. If possible, alert a member of the office staff. Office staff will evacuate the premises and take class registers, signing in books and the church key with them into the playground, where child and adult registers will be taken.
  3. Leave the building and assemble in the playground.
  4. The Premises Officer will ensure the building has been evacuated without putting himself at risk.
  5. The Fire Safety Officer or their delegated representative will call the Fire Brigade.
  6. If an exit is blocked window keys are located in each classroom and the ICT Suite. Downstairs rooms should be evacuated via the window. Upstairs classrooms should keep the door shut and await the assistance of the Fire Brigade.


Visitors must sign in and out in the ‘signing in’ book held in the office and wear a visitors badge while on the school premises.Visitors entering the school building must also present photo ID to the SAO or member of the office/management staff on arrival. Visitors that are on the school site unaccompanied by a staff member must have given the SAO a valid Lewisham CRB disclosure on arrival. A copy of this will be kept in the schools central records.

Pupils inside the School Building before Morning Registration

Pupils inside the school building before morning registration must either sign in/out using the ‘Pupils Signing in’ book or must be registered if they are attending Breakfast Club.

Accidents and illness

Notices are displayed in the school office, staff and meeting rooms naming the First Aiders in school.

Duties of a First Aider

A First Aider is responsible for:

  • the treatment and care of the injured and sick
  • keeping a record of first aid administered in the medical book
  • checking first aid equipment is stored appropriately and replenished as necessary
  • completion of a ‘head injury’ standard form if a child receives, or reports, an injury to the head or face Parents will be contacted in the event of a head injury.
  • liaising with a member of the Senior Leadership Team if they believe a parent or ambulance should be called.

Chronic illness

Any pupil (or staff member) who has a serious or chronic illness should have an individual management plan drawn up in consultation with medical staff and parents. A copy of this should be held in class registers, displayed in the medical room and kitchen if necessary. Plans should be reviewed annually. In the event of a staff member being seriously ill, details will be kept in their personnel file.


Every case of serious accidental injury must be reported to the Headteacher. Accident forms are held by the SAO and should be completed and passed to the Health and Safety Officer who will investigate and report to the Headteacher.

(see Lewisham guidelines – Health and Safety Manual)


The Premises Officer and Headteacher will monitor contractors on site on a day to day basis. Contractors should follow their own procedures for on site visits and lone working. All contractors must report accidents to the Premises Officer who will inform the Headteacher.The Premises Officer is responsible for completing the H&S checklist with contractors when they arrive on the school site. Contractors working on the school site during the school day must have presented a valid Lewisham CRB disclosure to the SAO on arrival.

(see Lewisham guidelines – Health and Safety Manual)

Educational visits

Risk assessment forms must be completed for every visit and be signed by the Headteacher prior to the visit. A First Aider should accompany every visit and medication held for pupils should be taken off site with the pupil.Volunteers accompanying classes on educational visits must be in possession of a valid Lewisham CRB disclosure, which must be presented to the SAO before they can accompany the visit.

Harmful Substances – COSHH

Any harmful substances such as cleaning products and paints are kept in a locked cleaning cupboard during the school day. It is the duty of the Premises Officer to ensure that the room remains securely locked while children are on the school premises.

Accidents at Work

Any accidents that occur at work to employees must be reported using the Lewisham accident reporting procedures. Any major work related injury that requires over three days off work also needs to be reported to RIDDOR, using their report format.

Work at heights

A step ladder or step stool should always be used when working at height only the Premises Officer, or contractors using appropriate equipment, will undertake work above 3 metres in height.

(see Lewisham guidelines – Health and Safety Manual)

Lone working

Any member of staff working alone in the building(including school holidays) should ensure the Premise Officer knows when they are on/off site. The signing in book must always be used.

(see Lewisham guidelines – Health and Safety Manual)

Working off site

When working off site, staff must ensure that the school office knows where they are. They should be contactable by mobile phone if possible.

Manual handling

Manual handling includes lifting,pushing,pulling,carrying or moving any object or load. Staff should avoid manual handling as far as is reasonably practicable. Where a load is:

a. too large or heavy

b. too unwieldy or difficult to grasp

c. unstable

d. inaccessible

no attempt should be made to move it. Staff should liaise with the Premises Officer who will undertake a manual handling assessment and take adequate measures to reduce the risk. A notice advising staff not to lift heavy goods is displayed on the staff notice board.

Emergency procedures

In the event of an emergency school closure,staff and pupils will decant to Bonus PastorSchool, Winlaton site.

Adverse Weather Conditions

In the event of adverse weather conditions The Headteacher is responsible for deciding if the school is safe enough to open. If the school is deemed safe enough to open, The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that all practicable steps have been taken to ensure that the site is safe for operation.

School Closure Due to Unforeseen Circumstances

The Headteacher is responsible for closing the school due to any unforeseen circumstances that may compromise the heath and safety of its employees, pupils and visitors. It is also The Headteachers responsibility to inform the local authority should this need to happen.

Staff induction

All line managers will ensure that new members of staff receive a copy of the Health and Safety policy prior to starting work and check that it has been read and understood. New staff members will also be required to complete The Lewisham H&S Checklist on induction.

Violence and aggression

All acts of violence, threats, or verbal abuse will not be tolerated. Any incidents should be reported to the Headteacher.

(see Lewisham guidelines – Health and Safety Manual)