The Annual Parish Meeting was held in West Burton Village Hall on Tuesday, 5 May 2015 at 7.30 pm.

Members of the Council present were: Councillors Jane Ritchie, Chairman, Councillor Gail Dent, Vice-Chairman, Councillors Mark Stanley and Bill Woodbridge, and Mrs Sue Ryding, Clerk.

Eight residents of the Parish were also present and were welcomed by the Chairman.

1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

The Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 6 May 2014, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read. Mr Keith Ryding proposed and Mr Tony Rossiter seconded that the Minutes were a true record and this was confirmed by all present.

UPM Tilhill

The Chairman reported that she had heard nothing further from UPM Tillhill.

Footpath across the Green

This had now been cleared.

2. Annual Report, Parish Accounts and points arising

First Aid in the Parish

The Chairman explained that training on the use of the defibrillator and on methods of CPR had taken place.

World War I memorial trough

The Chairman mentioned that the trough was a very welcome and colourful addition to the Village Green. Residents of the Parish present at the meeting agreed that the trough looked very attractive.

Notice Board

This was now in place on the Village Green. Councillor Matthew Wilkes of Richmondshire District Council, who had been very helpful in obtaining the grant for the notice board, had kindly agreed to formally unveil the board on Saturday, 9 May, at 3.00 pm.

Farewell and thank you

The Chairman thanked Mark Stanley and Bill Woodbridge, who were standing down from the Council, for their efforts on behalf of the Council and the community over the years. She also welcomed the two new Councillors, Beth Daley and Andrew Landau and hoped that they would enjoy their time with the Council.

3. Information on buses

The Chairman introduced Mrs Edna Rossiter who has kindly agreed to be the West Burton representative on the Bus Transport Group of North Yorkshire Country Council. She gave the meeting some interesting information on the new bus system which will be run by The Little White Bus Company. She explained that there were some areas of concern which had been voiced at a meeting of the Group. Firstly, some of the drivers were volunteers who were therefore not subject to the same safety checks as their professional colleagues. Secondly, the time table was very complicated and difficult to understand. Thirdly, some journeys had to be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Lastly, there was concern that more people were using the service and that by the time the sixteen-seater buses got to West Burton or Aysgarth they would be full. However, on the plus side, Mrs Rossiter confirmed that concessionary passes would be accepted.

There would be a two week settling-in period once the service commenced on 11 May, and the meeting was asked to report any feedback to Mrs Rossiter so that the situation could be monitored. Timetables were handed out.

The Chairman thanked Mrs Rossiter for this useful information.

4. Any other business

The Chairman explained that information would be sought on how to apply for accommodation in Cavey Garth and that this would be published in a future Newsletter.

The village has been entered in the Best Kept Village Competition once again. Judging would take place in the first two weeks of July and people were asked to bear that in mind in order to present the village in the best possible state.

Miss Pat Hammond raised a concern about the quoits pitches getting flooded. It was agreed that the water might be coming from the leak in the road near Black Bull Cottages. The Council confirmed that it would report this leak once again to the Highways Department and would investigate ways to divert the water away from the Village Green.

Mr Andrew Landau said that he had received reports that one of the street lights on the Back Nook was not working. Mr Landau agreed to investigate exactly which light it was and let the Clerk know so that she could report it to Richmondshire District Council.

Concern was expressed about the state of the Green around the area of the goal post nearest the Cross. It was agreed that the goal post should be moved and the area repaired.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.55 pm.

Chairman: J O Ritchie

Date: 3 May 2016