Rome Legacy Rap / Name: ______
California Standards: 7.1.1 / Date: ______
Legacy of Rome Rap – Cloze Activity / Period: ______

The ______, might strong in power, finally gave in as it succumbed in the last hour!

But thankfully the ______of ______prevails.

Art and law and ______- all that Rome entails.

The Ancient World is gone, now time for the Middle Ages.

Rome was so magnificent, but history’s turning pages.

You see they couldn’t find a way to stay completely stable – the leaders were ______the ______unable.

In 330 CE, the capital ______, became the new headquarters so the ______was hopeful.

But soon ______tribes invaded Rome and causes destruction, the city fell after 500 years of no disruption.

Ancient Rome was ruined and yet it still lives on. Its influence emerges from the darkness like the dawn.

______, language, writing, and ______…

Who made a change in all these areas – its got to be…


City of the great ______.


______Spreads like fire.

So much invented, so much achieved, can you see how Rome affects your ______?

Lets start with ______because it flows form the heart.

Murals, ______, and frescos played a part.

The Romans were gifted at making lifelike statues as if a 3-D character was staring right at you.

Roman style was borrowed from the ______who came before them.

And all throughout the ages, still nobody can ignore them.

Painters and sculptures carry their Roman contribution.

The ______has Roman art in every institution.

We come now to Roman architecture and ______, these accomplishments during their time no one was nearing.

Vaults and ______and cathedrals were splendid in appearance.

The building strong and firm created a vast amount of clearance.

The grand style of Romans has inspired many ______.

They know the perfection of Rome is really hard to get.

Still in the US you see the Roman imitations, the capitol building serves as a symbol of the ______!


City of the great ______.


______Spreads like fire.

So much invented, so much achieved, can you see how Rome affects your ______?

The Romans were the best at building ______and roads.

They build hundreds of ______that sustained a heavy load.

An ______is like a pipe that carries water far.

The fact that we still use them shows how brilliant they are!

The Roman language ______still affects us today.

English and ______borrow from it in many ways.

Many English words contain a ______root or prefix.

Researching a few words would show that English really needs it.

Also the western calendar came from Julius ______.

The Romans gave so many gifts to modern day receivers.

The proverbs are wise sayings and still there’s Roman ______.

Roman life lives on today from cradle to the funeral

Ancient Rome was ruined and yet it still lives on.

Its influence emerges from the darkness like the dawn.

Engineering, language, writing, and ______.

Who made a change in all these areas – its got to be…


City of the great ______.


______Spreads like fire.

So much invented, so much achieved, can you see how Rome affects your ______?