Course Title: Introduction to College English: Literature

Course Number: 603-101-MA Section: 00018 Semester: A’10

Course Hours Per Week: 2 hours of theoretical work

2 hours of practical work

4 hours of homework

Teacher: Office:

Phone Number: 744-7500ext.


Office Hours: Wednesday 11-12:30, Thursday 11:30-13:00, or by appointment

Prerequisites: Students are placed in this course based on their results in the Vanier English Placement or Proficiency Test.

Course Description:

This introductory course is intended to bring students to a college level of proficiency in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking, with a marked emphasis on writing and reading. In addition, students are encouraged to develop an appreciation of literature by becoming acquainted with a number of significant literary works representative of various genres and periods and expressing a variety of literary themes. Students will develop college-level critical and analytical reading skills, and learn to analyze the essay as well as at least two of the three following genres: fiction, poetry and drama. A major focus of this course is on improving students’ writing abilities in terms of composition organization, development and expression. Important elements of grammar will also be included.

Objectives and Standards:

The objective of this course is to enable students to analyze texts and produce written and oral work. Students will learn to read literature critically. Students will also learn to write an analytical essay containing a thesis statement, which is clearly supported and developed.

On successful completion of this course, students, with the aid of reference material, will be able to produce a 750-word essay analyzing a literary text. This essay will demonstrate the following: correct grammar, syntax and spelling; appropriate tone and diction; and effective sentences and paragraphs. This essay will also demonstrate thorough revision of form and content.


1) Lectures: This method will be used to give basic background information and to lay groundwork for students’ understanding of literary terms and vocabulary as well as to introduce strategies for organizing and writing essays at the college level. This method will help students develop listening comprehension and the ability to take effective notes.

2) Class Discussion: Whether in small groups or as a class, discussion enables students to share their ideas and learn from one another. This method also helps students practice their language skills in a performative way that will complement the competency-based learning aspect of the course.

3) Presentations: Students will give an oral presentation to the class based on an assigned topic. This method allows students to practice their language skills in a sustained fashion, and also allows students to develop a sense of responsibility for teaching their peers about a given topic.

4) Writing Workshops: Occasionally, the class will be devoted to a particular component of writing, drafting and editing, allowing students to receive feedback from the teacher and from their peers.

5) Individual Meetings: One-on-one meetings with the instructor will provide the opportunity for students to receive individual feedback on their progress and areas which need improvement.


Literature and Composition: Primary Readings. Compiled by Harry Antonian. Ville St. Laurent,

Quebec: Vanier Press, 2010.

Sentence Skills Workbook. St. Laurent, Quebec: Vanier Press, 2008.

Vanier Student Writing Guide: Available Online

A college-level English dictionary.


Pop Quizzes 10%

Paragraph Responses to Readings 15%

Short Essay on Fiction (600 words) 10%

Oral Presentation 5%

Essay 2 on the Literary Essay (in class, 600 words) 15%

Mid Term Exam on Literary Terms, Close Reading and Grammar 10%

Essay 3 on Fiction (750 words) 25% Grammar Quiz (in class) 10%

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy: Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, and a letter from the teacher will be placed in your file. A repeated offence may lead to even more serious consequences. Please consult the Vanier College Catalogue, the Student Handbook and your teacher for more information.

Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of words or ideas of anyone other than the student submitting the assignment. In other words, copying someone else’s work, handing in someone else’s work as your own, using reference material from the internet or the library without properly citing your sources, receiving unauthorized help with your assignments, cheating during an exam, and using electronic aids when they are not permitted will not be tolerated.

Attendance Policy:

Consistent attendance is required if you want to do well in this course. We will be discussing, planning, explaining and writing extensively in class, so if you skip you will miss a lot of essential information. Missing more than 10% of in-class work without a valid reason seriously jeopardizes a student’s chance of passing the course. Students who miss 20% of in-class work will likely fail. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to get the information you missed from another student. Missing a class is not a valid excuse for not doing the assigned readings and homework, and you will not be exempt from pop quizzes or other in class work because you were absent. If you fail to attend class on a day there is in-class work or an assignment due, arrangements will be made for make up work only in the case of exceptional circumstances that can be documented. Students who will be absent from classes for religious reasons must inform their teachers, in writing at the beginning of the semester, of the dates of these holidays and make up the work missed. These students will not then be penalized for these absences.

Assignment Deadline Policy:

Assignments and essays must be handed in at the beginning of class on the due date.

Late assignments will not be accepted without a valid excuse. If you fail to hand in an assignment, the mark for that assignment will be 0. Any assignment handed in late will be penalized 5% per day unless an arrangement has been made with me. Extensions will not be given on the day or after the day assignments are due. No assignment will be accepted more than one week after the due date. Note: absolutely no e-mailed assignments will be accepted unless, again, a specific arrangement has been made. This means if you send me an e-mailed assignment, it will simply be ignored and not graded.

Classroom Conduct:

·  Before entering the classroom, please turn off and put away your cell phones, mp3 players and other electronic devices.

·  Please arrive on time, and do not leave during the class unless it is absolutely necessary.

·  If you must leave early, notify me before class begins.

·  Make sure you arrive to class prepared: Bring your books, paper and writing instruments.

·  Snacks in class are acceptable, but hot meals should be avoided.

·  Please do not use laptops in class unless you have a valid medical reason in which case you must notify me and present the appropriate documentation.

·  Speak and act respectfully towards your teacher and classmates at all times.

Mediation and Grades Review:

Students are reminded that the English Department has two committees, which deal with student complaints. The Grades Review Board reviews complaints concerning the grading of assignments, and the Mediation Committee reviews complaints other than those dealing with student grades. Information on how to contact these committees is available from your teacher, the English Department Coordinator, and the office of the Faculty of Science and General Studies.