Health Education

Curriculum Map

Title: American Red Cross First Aid and CPR Grade:7

Enduring Understandings:

  • Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.
  • Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.
  • Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

Essential Questions:

  • How would you generate a plan to be healthy throughout the entire adult lifespan?
  • How could you verify that a link exists between personal and community health?
  • What health information resources are available to improve the health and well-being of your family, community and world?

Common Core Standards / Pennsylvania Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented
CC.3.5.6-8.G. Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). / 10.3.6.B:
Know and apply appropriate emergency responses.
  • basic first aid
  • Heimlich maneuver
  • universal precautions
Explain and apply safe practices in the home, school and community.
  • emergencies (e.g., fire, natural disasters)
  • personal safety (e.g., home alone, latch key, harassment)
  • communication (e.g., telephone, Internet)
  • violence prevention (e.g., gangs, weapons)
Identify health problems that can occur throughout life and describe ways to prevent them.
  • diseases (e.g., cancer, diabetes, STD/HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular disease)
  • preventions (i.e. do not smoke, maintain proper weight, eat a balanced diet, practice sexual abstinence, be physically active)
/ Lesson 1:
Recognizing Emergencies
Lesson 2& 3:
Taking Action
Emergency Action Steps
Lesson 4:
Checking the Victim
Lesson 5:
Lesson 6:
Check the Victim
Conscious Choking Victim
Unconscious Choking Victim
Lesson 7:
Cardiac Emergencies
Lesson 8:
Lesson 9:
Lesson 10:
Lesson 11:
First Aid Kits
Lesson 12:
Controlling bleeding
Lesson 13:
Injury to Muscles, Joints and Bone
Lesson 14:
Sudden Illness
Lesson 15:
Lesson 16:
Asthma and Diabetes
Lesson 17:
Heat and Cold Related emergencies /
  • Identifying factors indicating an emergency
  • Check Call Care
  • Life Threatening situations
  • Performing the ABC’s to the victim
  • Identifying a person in Shock
  • Abdominal Thrusts
  • Back Blows
  • Breathing and Chest Compressions
  • Signs of a heart attack
  • Video: John’s Heart Attack
  • Causes of heart disease
  • Breaths and Compressions
  • Location and Practicing on AEDs
  • Review all skills
  • Contains of a first aid kits
  • Soft tissue injuries (PSCAB)
  • Steps for controlling bleeding
  • Identifying Strain, sprains, dislocation and fractures
  • Caring for injuries (RICE)
  • Identifying sudden illness (Stroke, seizure, insect bite, poison)
  • Defining and recognizing symptoms of severe allergic reactions
  • Understanding the triggers that set off attacks
  • Signals of an attack
  • Care of diabetes
  • Signs of diabetic illness
  • Recognizing the 3 heat induced and the 2 cold induced emergencies
  • Peer Assessment
  • Student Worksheet
  • Quiz
  • Peer Assessment
  • Student Worksheet
  • Quiz
  • Student Worksheet
  • Peer Observation
  • Student Worksheet
  • Skills Sheet
  • Peer Observation
  • Student Worksheet
  • Skills Sheet
  • Quiz
  • Peer Observation
  • Student Worksheet
  • Skills Sheet
  • Peer Observation
  • Student Worksheet
  • Skills Sheet
  • Final Exam (Written and Practical)
  • Student Worksheet
  • Create a First Aid Kit
  • Student Worksheet
  • Quiz
  • Student Worksheet
  • Quiz
  • Applying a sling
  • Student Worksheet
  • Student Worksheet
  • Student Worksheet
  • Student Worksheet
  • Final Exam
7th Grade Transfer Task New.docx