We thank all of our family and friends for their continuing love and support and our gratitude is immeasurable to the dear people who have worked so hard to make our wedding such a joyous occasion.

Fondest love,

Ming and Iain

New Home Address:

Ming Qi and Iain Ross Ballantyne Bolton

167 E Center Street,

Apt. 3C,

Manchester, CT 06040

The Marriage Ceremony


Ming Qi


Iain Ross Ballantyne Bolton

Saturday, the twenty-fifth of September

Two thousand and four

Five o’clock in the evening

Chesterfield, Virginia

United States of America

The Wedding Party

Parents of the Bride / Jianguo Qi
Zhengqian Zhao
Parents of the Groom / John Donald Bolton
Irene Walker-Bolton
Minister / Russell Gregory
Maid of Honor / Sharon Helen Billington
Bridesmaids / Ping-Ping Feng
Laura Suzanne Fisher
Kimberly Elaine Kimbleton
Flowergirl / Teresa Tian-Yi Nowalk
Best Man / Adam Jon Knoff
Groomsmen / Seth Rosing DeLong
Mithra O. Gonzalez
Fedor A. Oboukhov

The tea ceremony is conducted to facilitate the bride’s entry and acceptance into her in-laws household and as a sign of respect and appreciation to her parents.

Seating is arranged in a U-shaped pattern with the chairs at the head reserved for the parents. The groom’s family members are seated first, with the elders sitting on the side chairs, arranged from eldest to youngest.

The newlyweds make nine bows, three each to the Heavens, the Parents and Elders, and to each other, respectively. The number nine is a symbol for things everlasting.

The tea is brought in by the Lucky Woman – one blessed with a long marriage, wealth, children and grandchildren – and the bride and groom serve the tea. The groom’s mother is served first, then the groom’s elders in descending order by age. The bride’s family and elders are then served. The bride and groom must serve each teacup using both hands and address their elders by their formal names (e.g. “Grandma” Trina, “Cousin” Margaret.) The teacup is also received using both hands. When all are served, the bride and groom bow once more, exchange teacups with each other and drink with arms entwined.

Chinese tea is made with about one tablespoon of leaves dropped into a teacup. Hot water is added directly on top of the leaves and served with the leaves floating around the steaming cup. Each cup of tea must contain two Chinese red dates and a few lotus seeds. The dates sweeten the tea and, hopefully, the bride’s relationship with her in-laws; the lotus seeds are thought to aid in fertility.

After sipping some tea, red envelopes containing money or jewelry are given to the new couple; placed on the tray that was used to serve the tea.

The ceremony concludes with the announcement of the couple as husband and wife.

The Scottish Wedding Ceremony


Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring ...... Bach

Seating of the Families and Parents

Meditation from Thais ...... Massenet

Entrance of the Bridegroom

Scotland the Brave ...... (Traditional)


Air from Suite #3 ...... Bach

Air on the G String

Entrance of the Bride

Wedding March ...... Mendelssohn

From a Midsummer Night’s Dream




Message to the Couple

Scripture Reading ...... 1 Vcorinthians 13

Reading from Confucius


Sunrise, Sunset ...... Bock

From Fiddler on the Roof

Exchange of Vows

Exchange of Rings




Winter from the Four Seasons . . . . Vivaldi

The Chinese Tea Ceremony

Mother of the Groom
/ Irene Walker-Bolton
Father of the Groom / John Donald Bolton
Groom’s Family and Elders / Margaret Leslie – Cousin
Patricia Daniel – Friend and Mentor
George Bright – Friend and Mentor
Mother of the Bride / Zhengqian Zhao
Father of the Bride / Jianguo Qi
Bride’s Family and Elders / Zhengliang Feng – Uncle
Mei Shu – Aunt
Trina Ramzinsky – Virginia Grandma
“Lucky Lady” / Patricia Wolf DeOrio –
Groom’s second mother
Ceremony Director / Thomas Nowalk

The Wedding Party Continued

Ring Bearer
/ Jeff Feng
Musicians / Linda Sparks
Anna Sparks-Hedman
Soloist / Barry Green
Programs / Diane Jay
Gabie Frazier
Guest Book / Jeff Feng
Jason Feng
Wedding Director / Robert Almond
Wedding Coordinator / Lolita Beauchamp Hall
Dressers / Charla Bjostad
Vonnie Driver
Flowers / Hleurise, Flowers in the
British Tradition