Curriculum Guide for Language Arts




Second Grade

Office of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Support

Guyla Hendricks, Chief Officer


Mission Statement 3

Suggestions for Implementing Curriculum Guides 3

Florida Department of Education Website 3

OCSD Curriculum and Pacing Guide ∞ Overview 4

Reading Standards for Informational Text K–5 5

Language Arts Curriculum Guide 6

Quarter 1 6

Quarter 2 9

Quarter 3 12

Quarter 4 14

OCSD’s Elementary Comprehensive Literacy Model Overview 16

Language Arts K-5 Resources 19

Writing Pacing Guide 20

Writing Resources 24

Curriculum / Assessment / Monitoring Information from FLDOE 25

Additional Literature (by writing process topic, by grade level) 26

Mission Statement

Engage students in authentic literacy tasks maximizing student achievement by aligning grade-level benchmarks to appropriate instructional practices, materials, resources, and pacing.

Suggestions for Implementing Curriculum Guides

The role of the teacher is to:

·  Teach students the Next Generation Standards as dictated by state law for their grade level,

·  Implement the OCSD Comprehensive Balanced Literacy Model,

·  Enhance the curriculum by using resources and instructional technology, and

·  Differentiate instruction as needs are identified by assessments/progress monitoring.

In addition, teachers should:

·  Collaborate with the reading leadership team to maximize school resources and expertise,

·  Document questions and suggestions for improvement of the Curriculum Guide,

·  Stay abreast of the Florida Department of Education website and Just Read, Florida!, and

·  Provide students the opportunity to assess on-line textbooks.

Florida Department of Education Website

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:


OCSD Curriculum and Pacing Guide ∞ Overview

This document provides a language arts curriculum and pacing guide. It is designed to help teachers to efficiently pace the delivery of quality instruction for each nine-week period.


This guide was created by a team of grade-level teachers to correlate to the Next Generation Standards with the goal of providing teachers ready access to resources for teaching those new standards and a pace for accomplishing benchmark mastery.


The OCSD Language Arts Curriculum Guide specifies the language arts content to be covered within each nine-week instructional period. Their guide identifies Next Generation Standards (NGS) Benchmarks. Furthermore, it allows teachers to input information specific to their students or school needs.

Ø  Column One – Benchmark/Text Alignment

Lists the specific Benchmark by number and states the Benchmark

Ø  Column Two – Focus Skill

Generally based on the sequence of instruction as presented in the textbook adoption

Ø  Column Three – Progress Monitoring / Assessment

Provides teachers with myriad of assessment and monitory resources available

Ø  Column Four – Literacy Connection/Vocabulary/Reading

Suggests instructional activities, including media (DVD/Video/CD), websites, and student involvement tasks

Ø  Column Five – Open: Specific to Teacher/Grade/Subject/School

Serves as a placeholder for teachers to add information that is specific to their school’s or student’s needs


Addendums to this curriculum guide, as well as additional information/forms will be posted at http://www.okaloosaschools.com/OkaloosaSchools/SchoolDistrict/CurriculumInstruction/CurriculumGuides/tabid/378/Default.aspx.

Reading Standards for Informational Text K–5

Grade 2 students
Key Ideas and Details / 1. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
2. Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.
3. Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
Craft and Structure / 4. Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
5. Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
6. Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas / 7. Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
8. (Not applicable to literature)
9. Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity / 10. By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2–3 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

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Curriculum Guide for Language Arts

Language Arts Curriculum Guide

Quarter 1

Students will come with prior knowledge of many of these standards. Many of these standards have been previously addressed in earlier grades and only need to be reviewed.

Benchmark / Focus Skill / Progress Monitoring and Assessment Schedule / Additional Reading Resources / Open: Specific to teacher,
grade, subject, school
Use knowledge of spelling patterns.
Decode phonetically regular one-syllable .
Decode phonetically regular multi-syllable words in isolation and in context.
Identify words with special vowel spellings.
Apply letter sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in isolation and in context.
Use self-correction when subsequent reading indicates an earlier misreading.
Apply knowledge of spelling patterns to identify syllables.
Identify high frequency phonetically irregular words in context.
Adjust rate based on
purpose, text difficulty, form, and style.
Use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly.
Use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar words.
Relate new vocabulary to familiar words.
Identify and describe the elements of story structure, including, plot, setting, character, problem, and resolution in a variety of fiction.
Select a balance of age and ability appropriate fiction materials to read, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge.
Select a balance of age and ability appropriate non-fiction materials to read, based on interest and teacher recommendations, to continue building a core foundation of knowledge.
Capitalization, including initial word in a sentence.
End punctuation for statements and questions.
Summarize information in text, main idea, supporting details, and connections
LA. /2.L.1
Subject/verb and noun/pronoun agreement in simple and compound sentences.
Recognize and understand the purpose of text features.
Identify what it means to be a United States citizen either by birth or by naturalization.
Evaluate the contributions of various African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, veterans, and women.
Explain why United States citizens have guaranteed rights and identify rights. / Phonics
·  Short vowels
·  Long vowels with silent e pattern
·  Short e, short o, short u
·  Blend and build words with short and long a
·  Word families
·  Syllables
·  Reading rate
·  Dictionary
·  Word parts
·  Inflected verbs
·  Word families
·  Blend and build words with short and long a
·  Character and setting
·  Plot
·  Main idea and details
·  Make predictions
·  Selection of age-appropriate fiction and non-fiction book.
Text Features:
·  Photos
·  Captions
·  Lists
·  Parts of a book
·  Graphs
Sentences / FAIR and SRI could be used to determine Lexile Levels.
Additional Optional Assessments:
·  DRA2 Assessment
·  MMH Selection Tests
·  Weekly Assessment
·  Fluency Assessment
·  Running Records
·  Unit Assessment
·  Benchmark Assessment
·  Accelerated Reading
Pe.RFSormance Assessments / McMillan/McGraw Hill basal selections, Unit 1
MMH reading leveled readers
Harcourt Science leveled readers
MMH Time for Kids
The Daily 5 by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
The Café by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
Station activities
Accelerated Reading
Teacher Selected Balanced Literacy Components including:
·  Read Alouds
·  Shared reading
·  Poetry
·  Cold Reads
·  Reader’s Theater
·  Paired Reading
Student-selected texts
Mad Libs (word work support)
Read Alouds/Trade Books:
·  Owl Moon, Yolen
·  Winter Days in the Big Woods, Wilder
·  Raymond’s Pe.RFSect Present, Therese on Louie and Suling Wang
My Name is Yoon
New Americans in Florida
Remember Me
Eva’s Jpurney
Daniel’s New Home
MMH Leveled Readers:
Three American Heros
Oral Vocabulary Cards that coincide with the story My Name is Yoon.

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Curriculum Guide for Language Arts

Quarter 2

Quarter 1 benchmarks are continued throughout this quarter. Only benchmarks new to this quarter are added.
Benchmark / Focus Skill / Progress Monitoring and Assessment Schedule / Additional Reading Resources / Open: Specific to teacher,
grade, subject, school
Categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features.
Commas in dates, items in a series, greeting and closing of letters, and compound sentences, colons to punctuate time, and apostrophes to correctly punctuate contractions.
Identify antonyms, synonyms, and homophones.
The student willidentify types of mass communication (e.g., film, newspapers, radio, digital technology).
Determine meaning of words with multiple meanings in context.
LA. 2.L.4
Identify base words and common prefixes to determine the meanings of prefixed words.
Identify a text’s features, use them to make and confirm predictions, and establish a purpose for reading.
Identify the text structure an author uses and explain how it impacts meaning in text.
LA. 2.RL.4
Identify ways an author makes language choices in poetry that appeal to the senses, create imagery, and suggest mood.
LA. 2.RIT.8
Identify cause-and- effect relationships in texts.
LA. 2.RIT.8
Determines the author’s purpose in text and asks clarifying questions if meaning is unclear.
LA. /2.RFS.4
Use strategies to repair comprehension of grade appropriate text when self-monitoring indicates confusion, including but not limited to rereading, checking context clues , predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying by checking other sources.
LA., 2.RIT.10
Distinguish among a variety of text.
Nouns, verbs, personal pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, singular possessive pronouns.
Recognize and correctly use regular and irregular plurals.
LA. 2.L.2
Recognize common abbreviations.
Identify ways citizens can make a positive contribution in their community. / Phonics:
·  Short u
·  Blends
·  Long u, a, i, o, e,
·  Digraphs
·  Context clues
·  Dictionary
·  Thesaurus
·  Prefixes
·  Plot development: Draw conclusions, retell events in order, make inferences
·  Use illustrations
·  Main ideas and details
·  Cause and effect
·  Nouns
·  Verbs
·  Abbreviations
Text Features:
·  Diagrams
·  Labels
·  Using the library
·  Illustrations
·  Captions
·  Graphs / DEA Probes
Additional Optional Assessments:
·  MMH Selection Tests
·  Weekly Assessment
·  Fluency Assessment
·  Running Records
·  Unit Assessment
·  Benchmark Assessment
·  Accelerated Reading / McMillan/McGraw Hill basal selections, Unit 2 and Unit 3, Weeks 1-3
MMH reading leveled readers
Harcourt Science leveled readers
MMH Time for Kids
Station activities
Accelerated Reading
Teacher Selected Balanced Literacy Components including:
·  Read Alouds
·  Shared reading
·  Poetry
·  Cold Reads
·  Reader’s Theater
·  Paired Reading
·  Student-selected text
Mad Libs (word work support)
Read Alouds/Trade Books:
·  Animals in Winter, Bancroft
·  How a Seed Grows, Jordan
·  How Animal Babies Stay Safe, Fraser
·  Raising Dragons, Nolen and Primavera
·  Big Al, Clements and Yoshi
·  Poppleton, Rylant
Officer Buckle and Gloria
M.M.H .Leveled Readers:
Road Safety
Interactive Read Aloud Anthology: Police Patrol

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Curriculum Guide for Language Arts

Quarter 3

Quarters 1 and 2 benchmarks are continued throughout this quarter. Only benchmarks new to this quarter are added.
Benchmark / Focus Skill / Progress Monitoring and Assessment Schedule / Additional Reading Resources / Open: Specific to teacher,
grade, subject, school
Recognize high frequency words.
Identify the basic characteristics of a variety of literary forms and how they are alike and different.
LA. 2.RIT.1
The student will read informational text to follow multistep instructions, answer literal questions, pe.RFSorms task, learn tasks and sequentially carry out the steps of a procedure.
Creating clarity by combining related simple sentences and sequencing new ideas into paragraphs.
Determining meanings of unfamiliar words by using a dictionary and digital tools.
Define and apply the characteristics of responsible citizenship. / Phonics:
·  Digraphs
·  Blends
·  R-controlled vowels
·  Variant vowels
·  Diphthongs
·  Thesaurus/antonyms
·  Thesaurus/synonyms
·  Word parts: inflected nouns, comparatives, superlatives, compound words, inflected verbs
·  Possessives
·  Main idea and details
·  Cause and effect
·  Compare and contrast
·  Make predictions
·  Make inferences
·  Author’s purpose
·  Verb tense
·  Linking verbs
·  Helping verbs
·  Irregular verbs
·  Combining sentences
·  Contractions
·  Pronouns
Text Features:
·  Maps
·  Changes in print
·  Parts of a book
·  Use resources and references / Additional Optional Assessments:
·  MMH Selection Tests
·  Weekly Assessment
·  Fluency Assessment
·  Running Records
·  Unit Assessment
·  Benchmark Assessment
·  Accelerated Reading / McMillan/McGraw Hill basal selections, Unit 4
MMH reading leveled readers
Harcourt science leveled readers
MMH Time for Kids
Station activities
Accelerated Reading
Teacher Selected Balanced Literacy Components including:
·  Read Alouds
·  Shared reading
·  Poetry
·  Cold Reads
·  Reader’s Theater
·  Paired Reading
Student-selected texts
Mad Libs (word work support
Raising Dragons, Nolen and Primavera
Big Al, Clements and Yoshi
Poppleton, Rylant and Teague
All Aboard Science Readers-Earthquakes, Dussling and Osiecki
Flash Crash Rumble and Roll, Branley and Kelley
Sta.RFSish (Let’s Read and Find…Science), Hurd and Brickman
Bat Loves the Night, Davies and Davies
A Way to Help Planet Earth

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Curriculum Guide for Language Arts

Quarter 4

Quarters 1, 2 and 3 benchmarks are continued throughout this quarter. Only benchmarks new to this quarter are added.
Benchmark / Focus Skill / Progress Monitoring and Assessment Schedule / Additional Reading Resources / Open: Specific to teacher,
grade, subject, school
LA.,2.RIT.10, 2.SL.1
Listen to, read, and discuss familiar and conceptually challenging text.
Respond to various literary selections connecting text to self, text to world, text to text.
LA. 2.RL.9
Compare and contrast characters and settings in one text.
LA., 2.RIT.9
Identify themes or topics across a variety of fiction and non-fiction selections.
Write a book report identifying character(s), setting, and sequence of events.
The student willidentify and explain an authors use of descriptive and figurative language (e.g., personification, similes, metaphors, symbolism), and examine how it is used to describe people, feelings, and objects.
LA., 2.RL1
Use explicitly stated information to answer a question.
Recognize that non-print media affect thoughts and feelings.
Identify ways citizens can make a positive contribution in their community.
Evaluate the contributions of various African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, veterans, and women. / Phonics:
·  Diphthongs
·  Schwa consonants
·  Hard and soft consonants Endings
·  R-Controlled vowels
·  Word parts
·  Inflected endings
·  Context clues
·  Homophones
·  Compound words
·  Inflected verbs
·  Multiple meanings words
·  Problem and solution
·  Main ideas and details
·  Retell events in order
·  Compare and contrast
·  Fantasy and reality
·  Draw conclusions
·  Author’s purpose
·  Plot development-character, setting
·  Pronouns
·  Possessive pronouns
·  Pronoun-verb agreement
·  Contractions
·  Adjectives
·  Adverbs
·  Adjectives
Text Features:
·  Charts
·  Interview
·  Media Center
·  Directions
·  Choose resource materials
·  Timelines
·  Maps / FAIR
Stanford 10
Additional Optional Assessments:
·  DRA2 Assessment
·  MMH Selection Tests
·  Weekly Assessment
·  Fluency Assessment
·  Running Records
·  Unit Assessment
·  Benchmark Assessment
·  Accelerated Reading / McMillan/McGraw Hill basal selections, Unit 5-6
MMH reading leveled readers
Harcourt Science leveled readers
MMH Time for Kids
Station activities
Accelerated Reading
Teacher Selected Balanced Literacy Components including:
·  Read Alouds
·  Shared reading
·  Poetry
·  Cold Reads
·  Reader’s Theater
·  Paired Reading
·  Student-selected texts
Mad Libs (word work support
Sergio and the Hurricane, Wallner
How Groundhog’s Garden Grew, Cherry
Bat Loves the Night,
Davies and Davies
Jackie Robinson (On My Own Biography), Walker and Pate
George Washington: Our First President, Jackson
Harriet Tubman and the Freedom Trail (Ready to Read Stories of Famous Americans), Gayle and Marshall
African American Inventors

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