VIAAABoard of Directors Meeting

Monday, November 9, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.

VHSL League Office, Charlottesville


Please silence all cell phones. We will call the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and begin with the Pledge of Allegiance

Reminder: Members of the Board that are eligible to vote are officers, regional representatives (or alternates), and active past presidents. Region Representative please make packets for anyone absent from meeting. Dan Jones will make sure that all in attendance are wearing a VIAAA pin or apparel. Kevin Cole will serve as the parliamentarian.

  1. Call to order/roll call/introductions – Lisa Corprew, President

In attendance – Adams, Allen, Beamer, Bowen, Coleman, Corprew, Costello, Felton, Fox, Gouldthorpe, Hadaway, Hembach, Heon, Jones, Kemper, Lilly, Mathews, Modell, Morris, Overton, Patrick, Payne, Peters, Phelps, Qualls, Richeson, Robinson, Rollison, Salmon, Sisson, Smith, Spain, Stewart, Tribus, Tyson, Vencill, Wright

  1. Minutes – Brad Qualls, Secretary –

-Minutes from the September meeting have been posted to the VIAAA website. Motion to accept the minutes by Dick Kemper - Seconded by Dan Jones. Approved

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Chris Robinson, Treasurer

-Checking $30,472.86, Money Market $49,440.34 and CD $10,569.28 --- Total $90,982.48 Motion made by Bruce Phelps -- Seconded by Darrin Mathews – Approved

  1. Officers’ Reports –
  1. President–Lisa Corprew –

VIAAA will continue to work on the website and hopefully for 16-17 year there will be electronic registration and membership

Stress the importance of getting certified as a CAA or CMAA

Congratulated Scott Morris for running for the NIAAA At Large position for 2016-2017 school year

Middle School Athletic Director’s Service Recognition Award paperwork was given out for review for a new award beginning at the 2017 conference. Motion to create new award for the 2016-2017 school year was made by Sandy Hadaway -- Seconded by Bruce Phelps – Discussion – this award will recognize middle school AD’s who get involved and go above and beyond. Approved with 1 abstained.

  1. President-Elect – Rick Lilly

Regional Representative Responsibilities sheet was passed out – Regional reps are relied on to help improve VIAAA membership numbers – Regional reps would like to have something to hand out to current AD’s that are currently not members that show the importance of the VIAAA and becoming a member of the organization.

BOD members are encouraged to promote being a member of the VIAAA with new AD’s or AD’s who are not currently members by speaking with them.

Benefits of becoming certified were discussed around the room (professional development, insurance benefits, and resources) – Principals and school boards also need to be educated on certification and the benefits of becoming certified.

We currently need representation for the Eastern and Central Independents

National Conference Information has been posted and all registration is online

State Conference registration will be available starting on December 1st

CAA test dates are listed below and the officers are looking for ways to encourage CAA/CMAA certification among our members. BOD members are asked to submit incentives to Rick Lilly via email.

Asked BOD to look at moving the November meeting next year off of the first day of tryouts. Straw vote taken for November 7th – 15 , November 14th – 8.

Discussion about offering a full reimbursement (paid by the individual) for the CAA test to help encourage people to become certified. Motion to reimburse the full amount of the CAA application fee for this year --

Officers are looking at growing and improving the New AD’s Workshop with the sharing of resources. A Google page will be available with these resources for all BOD members.

Regional awards need to be emphasized within the region

The Conference Committee needs door prizes from each region for the VIAAA Conference

  1. Past President – Scott Morris

Mentorship Program – process of building the mentor program. After January 1st a list of mentors will be available to not just new AD’s but anyone who wants a mentor. A new mentor resource guide will be available to the mentees. If interested in being a part of this program, contact Scott Morris.

2017 VIAAA State Conference – March 27-April 1st at the Hotel Roanoke – if interested in helping with the conference or being on the Conference Committee, contact Scott Morris.

2018 VIAAA State Conference – March 19th-March 24th at the Hotel Roanoke

Three BOD members have expressed interest in being the President-Elect. A committee to include the Scott Morris, Bruce Bowen and Kevin Cole will interview the candidates on January 24thbeginning at 11 a.m.

Encourage regional reps to bring the VIAAA applications to their respective regional meetings to encourage membership/certification.

  1. Executive Director – Bruce Bowen

Executive Director Report – served on VHSL Foundation Board, attended the following events: Executive Committee Meetings, the VHSL Hall of Fame Banquet, VIAAA Golf Tournament

Partnership Update – Sweater vests were donated by Designing Memories for BOD members. Most partners are returning and few are wavering. All-State wants to continue their partnership at the platinum level. Neff and Varsity Athletics will both be partners for this year.

National AD’s Conference is in Orlando this year. Trading pins were available for National Conference Attendees. State Door Prize for the National Conference will be a gift basket of Virginia Made Product valued at 250.00. Virginia AD’s Social will be held in Orlando on Sunday December 13th from 8:00pm-10:00pm.

Passed out the NIAAA Strategic Plan.

  1. NIAAA Report – Dave Nelson

Recommend that more AD’s and principals to attend to attend the VHSL Hall of Fame Banquet.

NIAAA membership card is available for printing online at the website

NIAAA awards and recognition needs to be sent to Dave Nelson.

NIAAA benefits are online for members to review.

Dick Kemper will be given the Fredericks Award at the NIAAA Conference

Dave Morgan and Dave Nelson will be inducted in the NIAAA Hall of Fame at the NIAAA Conference

NIAAA State Award of Merit nominations were handed out for voting. Winner to be announced later in the meeting.

Bruce Whitehead is retiring and we would like to give a donation of $250.00 to the NIAAA Endowment Fund in Bruce Whitehead’s name. Motion by William Gouldthorpe - Seconded by Dick Kemper. Motion passed

  1. VISAA report - -Dick Kemper

Liberty Christian Academy settlement of the VISAA becoming a private school division in the VHSL. VISAA has concerns about this because of the VHSL legislation implications on VISAA schools.

Strategic Plan 2016-2020 – committee is meeting to develop the strategic plan.

  1. Independent Schools meet separately
  1. VHSL Report – Joyce Sisson

Survey for the new Executive Director qualities was sent out and needs to be submitted by November 15th. VSBA was hired to coordinate the search. Interviews will be held in February/March timeframe.

Alignment highlights are on VHSL website ( under membership meetings. Proposals from the individual regions need to be submitted by December 2nd prior to the Executive Committee Meeting. The Alignment Committee will meet on December 17th and will look at recommended plans from regions or recommend a plan if nothing is submitted from the regions. Schools can file an appeal after the Alignment Committee meets. All appeals will be heard in January.

VHSL Symposium is being planned for the week of the VHSL state basketball tournament in March with many topics that are crucial to AD’s and Athletic/Activities Departments. (Boosters, Transfers, Etc.) If you are willing to host a session email Tom Dolan.

Wrestling Proposal – more information below –Issues are that lower seeded (3rd/4th place) wrestlers are forfeiting intentionally to get a better draw in the region. Thoughts are that any wrestler that forfeits for anything other than medical purposes should not advance and is a sportsmanship violation.

  1. Legislative Action – Executive Committee Representatives.

No discussion because the agenda has not been posted yet.

  1. Standing Committee Reports
  1. Awards –Chris Rollison – Career Awards need to be submitted to Chris Rollison and are due by February 1st – applications can be found using this link - Congratulations to Kevin Adams, voted at the NIAAA State Award of Merit.
  2. Conference Review-Ted Salmon/Michael Payne – Awards luncheon will be on Friday, April 15, 2016. Opening Night will be at Richmond Flying Squirrels game, there was a profit of $18,000 from the conference last year -- $23,000 is in the CVIAAA account for the 2016 Conference if needed. Vendor Gala will have drink tickets at the 2016 conference.
  3. Exhibitors – Marilyn Watkins/ Bruce Bowen– Vendors will give the door prize at their booths to help promote their business. This will to help increase AD’s traffic to for the vendor booths. Food and Drinks will be provided.
  4. Leadership Training – Kevin Adams/Dick Kemper– All LTI classes offered in October were held. Legal Courses and Foundation Courses are constantly offered.
  5. Membership/Membership Benefits – Ryan Molloy/Mike Tribus–New Active Members 133, New Lifetime Members 12, New Retired Members 26 - -Total Members 418
  6. Middle School- Kathy Keough/John Fox– looking at the feedback from middle school AD’s to incorporate topics for the State Conference
  7. POP Manual – Kevin Cole/Scott Morris – No report
  1. Professional Development – Melody Modell/Jeff Dietze– need the certified test administrators to attend the meeting at the NIAAA Conference on Monday, December 14that 8:00a.m. CAA exam was offered in October and nobody took the test. CAA test takers need to apply at least one month in advance from the test date. Melody has been working on getting non-VIAAA professional development opportunities. CAA Exam will be given online after this school year.
  2. Public Relations - Christopher Felton – some school systems changed email addresses, please update your email address with Chris. Thanked everyone who responded to the first set of quarterly questions for the VIAAA blog. Principals and superintendents will get the Blog to help show them the job of an Athletic Administrator. Asked about thoughts on adding a VIAAA Twitter account.
  3. Publications – John Williams/Ryan O’Meara – TheFall ADmission is posted on the website. John emailed everyone that is responsible for an article in the spring edition. We are looking for someone to chair the publications committee at the end of this year. John will share all of his information with the new committee chair.
  4. Retired – Dick Overton/Donna King- looking for retired Athletic Administrators for articles for the Admission.
  5. Scholarship – Steve Heon/Mike Costello- Golf tournament held in October made $2500towards scholarships. Scholarship applications are posted on the website and the deadline is January 11, 2016.
  6. Technology –Lisa Spain– make sure information online is up to date on the website.
  7. Ways and Means – Dan Jones/Chris Rollison– 50/50 tickets being sold at the VHSL meetings. BOD members are needed to help sell tickets at the meetings to help sell more tickets at these meetings.
  1. Unfinished business –

NIAAA FREE Registration - Free Registration through NIAAA National Conference will be given to Mike Payne and Bryan Puckett

  1. New Business

Wrestling Pairing Proposal – Issues are that lower seeded (3rd/4th place) wrestlers are forfeiting intentionally to get a better draw in the region. Thoughts are that any wrestler that forfeits for anything other than medical purposes should not advance.

  1. Announcements -

Regional representatives need to send certifications to Rick Lilly and the list of VIAAA members in your region to Rick Lilly/Lisa Corprew

National Conference in Orlando is December 12 – 15, 2015.VIAAA social on Sunday, December 13th at the National Conference

Registration packet for the VIAAA Conference will available on December 1st. The conference is April 12 – 16, 2016 at the Short Pump Hilton in Richmond

Please continue to provide feedback for ways to get people certified and join the VIAAA

Find someone to get become a VIAAA member/certified

Have to use the NIAAA portal to print membership cards and register for the conference

Career Awards for the NIAAA to Mr. Nelson/VIAAA due February 1st to Chris Rollison

Alignment committee will meet on December 17th for a plan for regions, get your recommendations to your alignment representative. Executive committee will meet on December 2nd will be a first vote for the alignment committee.

CTA attend the Test Administrators meeting on Monday, December 14th at 8 a.m. at the National Conference

Scholarship deadline is January 11, 2016 posted on the website

News from Region Representatives

VIAAABoard of Directors Meeting

Monday, November 9, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.

VHSL League Office, Charlottesville

  1. 1A Region – no news
  2. 2A Region – no news
  3. 3A Region -- no news
  4. 4A Region–4A South 20/24 members are members of VIAAA, 4A has alignment plan in place to go to the Alignment Committee in December.
  5. 5A Region - no news – meeting on November 18 to discuss alignment proposal
  6. 6A Region – 6A North and 6A South are working together to get an alignment proposal together
  7. Independent Schools- no news
  1. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 11:50am

Meeting Evaluations

Please remember to complete your electronic meeting evaluation. A meeting evaluation link will be emailed to you at the conclusion of the meeting.

2015 – 16 VIAAA Board of Directors Meeting Dates

Board of Director’s Meeting Dates
Monday, November 9, 2015VHSL League Office, Charlottesville9:30 a.m.
Monday, January 25, 2016VHSL League Office, Charlottesville9:00 a.m.
Past President’s Breakfast (Snow Date: February 1, 2016)
Monday, February 8, 2016Conference Meeting if necessary, site TBD
Tuesday, April 12, 2016Pre-Conference BOD, Richmond5 p.m.
Friday, April 15, 2016Annual Business Meeting, Richmond
Saturday, April 16, 2016Post Conference BOD, Richmond8 a.m.
Monday, May 16, 2016VHSL Leagues Office, Charlottesville9:30 a.m.

Executive Committee Meeting Dates

Wednesday, December 2, 2015Executive Committee

Wednesday, February 17, 2016Executive Committee

Wednesday, March 9, 2016Group Boards

Thursday, March 10, 2016Membership

Thursday, May 5, 2016Executive Committee

Conference Dates
2015 National Athletic Directors Conference
Saturday, December 12 – Tuesday, December 15, 2015, Marriott World Center Hotel and Conference Center, Orlando, Florida

2016 Annual VIAAA State Athletic Directors Conference
Tuesday, April 12 – Saturday, April 16, 2016, Short Pump Hilton, Richmond

CAA Test Dates

Monday, January 25, 2016, VHSL Office, Charlottesville 1 p.m.

Friday, April 15, 2015, VIAAA State AD’s Conference, 1:30 p.m.

Mr. Ken Tilley

VHSL Executive Director

1642 State Farm Blvd.

Charlottesville, VA 22911

This letter is in reference to rule 88-4-5 state wrestling pairings. Rock Ridge High School is proposing the following information to change the drawings at the state level. Below outlines the need for this and how it will make a better state semifinal round and state final round and ultimately get the best two wrestlers in the state finals.

Rationale: Wrestling in the state finals is the dream of every young man that has ever put on a singlet or seen the state wrestling tournament. Having an opportunity to come out through the smoke and shake your opponent's hand under a spot light, and to wrestle under a mat light while a thousand people watch you, is what every wrestler trains his entire year for. In order to ensure that this dream can fairly be obtained by any wrestler, the Virginia High School League should make some changes to the current predetermined brackets which fail to safeguard this dream in a growing number of cases.

Specific Rationale: With the current brackets drawn by the Virginia High School League the 1st place wrestler out of a Region would wrestle the 3rd place wrestler from their region in the State Semifinals. Unfortunately for many wrestlers this means that they are wrestling the exact same opponent in the Semifinals of States that they wrestled in the Semifinals of Regions, therefore they are denied a fair and equitable chance to make the state finals by competing against the 2nd place finisher from their Region. The premade bracket at the Regional Level and State Level have had the following effects:

  • In many cases the two best wrestlers in the state have failed to make the state finals.
  • Denied athletes a fair path to the state finals.
  • Resulted in forfeiture of the Regional 3rd/4th matches in order to get to the other side of the bracket (damaging the integrity of the bracket and sport).

Examples: In 6A there were two instances in which the Regional Champion and 3rd Place finisher finished 1st and 3rd in the state of Virginia. This means that the 3rd place finisher never had the opportunity to face the State Runner Up and was defeated by the State Champion twice in two weeks. This denied those individuals an equal chance to wrestle in the State Finals. This happened once in the North Region and once with a wrestler from the South Region.

In 5A this happened four times, three times in the North Region and once in the South Region.

In 3A this happened four times, two times in the East, and two times in the West Region.

In 4A North this happened once, but we could not find the Regional Brackets to the South Region to determine the number of times in happened in the South.

Summary of findings: Last year in the state wrestling tournament there were at least 11 different occasions where the 1st and 3rd place wrestlers in their respective regions also finished 1st and 3rd in the state after a rematch in the State Semifinals. This means that in all of those cases none of those athletes got to compete against the 2nd place finisher in their region at Regionals or States and all of those young men could have been the 2nd best wrestler in the state, yet never got the opportunity to prove it.

The clearest examples of this were in the 5A State Tournament. At 170lbs the top three wrestlers in the States were from the same region. The State Champion defeated the 3rd place finisher in both the Regional and State Semi’s, but the 3rd place finisher never had the opportunity to wrestle the state runner up in either tournament. Likewise at 195 in 5A, the top four finishers at 195 were all from the same Region. The state runner up twice beat the 4th place finisher in the state while the 3rd place finisher lost close matches to the eventual state champion, and never had the opportunity to compete against the 2nd place finisher.