
Guess Paper – 2013

Class – X

Subject –History / Civics

Marks: 80 Time: 2 hrs.

Section A

Q1) Answer the following Questions:-[10]

a)Why is the Lok Sabha called the Lower House and the Rajya Sabha as the Upper House?

b)What is the minimum and maximum strength of the Vidhan Sabha?

c)In which situation does the office of the President fall vacant?

d)Who is the head of the Union Council of Minister and any by whom he/she is appointed?

e)Why is an Ordinance issued by a Governor regarded as a temporary measure even though it has the same force as an Act of the State Legislature?

f)What does the Chief Minister promise while taking the oath of office?

g)Mention any one power of the Supreme Court which is not enjoyed by other courts.

h)Name the Tribunal over which the High Courts do not have the power of superintendence.

i)How is the District Judge appointed?

j)Apart from being the Citizen of India state the important qualification required to contest the Lok-Sabha election.

Section A (Part II)

Q2) [20]

a)What is meant by the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’? Who introduced it?

b)Name any two associations which acted as the forerunners of the Indian National congress.

c)Which period of India’s freedom struggle is known as ‘Moderate phase’? Name the association started by Lala Rajpat Rai to spread the message to Indians to attain Swaraj.

d)What was ‘Loard Curzons’ argument in favour of the Partition of Bengal?

e)What were the two proposals for the princely states in the Mountbatten Plan of 1947?

f)Mention any two important consequences of the First World War.

g)Name any four Organs of the UNO.

h)Give the expanded form of UNESCO & when was it established?

i)What was Truman Doctrine? Name the military alliance which recently attacked on Pakistan?

j)Who were the architects of the Non-Aligned movement?

Section B (Part I)

Q3) In the context of the Union Parliament answer the following questions.

a)Describe the financial powers of the Union Parliament. [3]

b)Mention three instances when the parliament can make laws on the subjects entered in the State List.[3]

c)Explain the powers of the Union Parliament in respect of matters in the Union List and concurrent


Q4) With the President as the Nominal head & Prime Minister as the Real head of the Nation and

Chief Minister at the State level.

a)Describe the circumstances under which the President can declare an emergency in the country?[3]

b)Explain any four functions of the Union Cabinet under the leadership of Prime Minister.[4]

c)Mention the three categories of Minister. How do they differ from each other.[3]

Q5a) With reference to the Judiciary answer the following questions.

a)The composition of the Supreme Court.[3]

b)High Court as a Court that can transfer cases.[3]

c)Advantages of Lok Adalat.[4]

Section B (Part II)

Q5b) Numerous causes were at work in causing the great upsurge of 1857’. With reference to the this

answer the following.

a)Military causes.[4]

b)Social causes.[3]

c)Immediate causes.[3]

Q6) The period from 1885 to 1918 was dominated by the Moderates and Radicals. With reference to

this answer the following.

a)Why were the Moderates so called and what methods did they adopt?[3]

b)What was the main objective of Radicals nationalist and state the methods used by them.[3]

c)Name the prominent leaders of Radical nationalism and what were they popularly called as.[4]

Q7) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi popularly known as Bapu or Mahatma Gandhi, completely from 1919

to 1948. That is why, this period is known as the Gandhian Era in Indian history. With reference to this

answer the following.

a)Reasons for launching Khilafat Movement & any two circumstances reading to Non-CooperationMovement. [3]

b)Events leading to Quit India Movement and impact of the Quit India Movement.[3]

c)State any three proposals of Cabinet Mission Plan and mention any two provision of the Indian Independence Act. [4]

Q8) The First World War was precipitated by the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

Archduke Francis Ferdinand and the Second World War by German’s invasion on Poland. With

reference to this answer the following questions.

a)The causes of the First World War.[3]

b)The consequences of the Second World War.[3]

c)Any two causes and consequences of Cold War.[4]

Q9) The destruction caused by the two World Wars and failure of League of Nations and to prevent the

World from Third World War United Nation organization was set up for prevention. With reference to

this answer the following.

a)The Aims and objectives of UN.[3]

b)Identify the logos and state their objectives and the year of establishment and the location of their head quarters. [4]

c)What do you understand by Human rights, and what does Article 1 & Article 2 states?[3]

Q10) With reference to Non Alligned movement.

a)State the meaning of NAM. [3]

b)State the main features of Non Aligned Country[2]

c)What do you understand by the word Panchasheel and state them.[5]

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