Welcome to 7th Grade Language Arts!

I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with you this year! Here’s what you need to know:

Required Materials

·  One spiral notebook

·  Pencil

·  Paper

·  Two composition books (one will stay in class)

·  Grading pen (blue, black, or red)

·  Glue Stick

·  Reading book

·  Index cards


·  Expect homework 4-5 days a week. It will usually take about 20-30 focused minutes to complete.

·  You will need your yellow literature book and green grammar book at all times at home in order to complete homework.

·  If you have trouble with the homework, look through your notes and examples. If you still don’t understand an assignment, attempt it and move on. This is what it takes to avoid no credit if you are really confused.

·  Homework will be graded in class daily on work shown and completion.

·  I will not always verbally tell you when there is homework assigned. Homework is always written on the board in class each day and it is represented on the 7B assignment calendar online.


80% Assessment

20% Practice (classwork and homework)

·  Large writing assignments and projects will be considered assessments, as well as, quizzes and tests done in class.

·  Late work will receive no more than 70% of the points possible.

Posting of Student Grades

Grades will be updated regularly and can be viewed in StudentVue and ParentVue. Please check your grades there are on a regular basis.

What will we be doing in class?

1.  Cooperative Learning Groups/Partners—will be used on a daily basis. You will be expected to actively participate in and contribute to your group.

2.  Tests—reading tests will be given based on our short stories and novels that we read in class. Also, a spelling test will be given at the end of each quarter on the given words.

3.  Quizzes—vocabulary and grammar quizzes will be given throughout the year.

4.  Writing assignments – large writing assignments of various formats will be given throughout the year and count towards your assessment grade.

5.  Presentations—Common Core State Standards for language arts include a listening and speaking element. Students are required to present when it is assigned. Students cannot receive a presentation grade if they have not presented.

Book Projects

·  Due dates for book projects are given in advance.

·  You are responsible for planning out the work on your projects. No class time will be given to work on book projects.

·  There will be one book project due each quarter. You will have about 6 weeks to work on your book project.

Reading Journal

You will have a reading journal due at the end of each week. It is your responsibility to get it done weekly.

How Do I Raise My Grade?

·  Take notes, do your homework, study, and ask questions during class.

·  Come in for quiet work time during Learning Lab and Homework Club.

·  Please seek help before assessments!

·  Do not fall behind!

·  No extra credit…do the regular credit when it is given.

Absence Policy

·  If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the information and assignments they missed.

·  Students will find the assignments and notes they missed in the absent folders.

·  Students have one school day for each day absent to complete missed work (this applies to homework, notes, projects, classwork, quizzes, and tests).


At the beginning of class:

·  Sit down quietly in your assigned seat.

·  Place completed homework on the side of your desk.

·  Complete the warm-ups. Questions will be answered after the allocated time.

·  No bathroom or water for the first 10 minutes of class unless it is an emergency.

During class:

·  Use the hand signals to get out of your seat to sharpen pencil, gather materials, throw trash away, get water, etc.

·  Bathroom – if you have to go, hold up three fingers (do not disturb a lesson), take out bathroom pass for the quarter for me to initial, and fill in the sign-out sheet completely before leaving. Students who do not follow these procedures will not be allowed to use the restroom during the period. Whenever possible go to the restroom in between classes.

·  Nurse/Office/Other – Please raise your hand to be excused and do not disturb a lesson unless it is an emergency. You must have a pass from me before you may leave the room for these reasons.

At the end of class:

·  Pack up your belongings only after you have been asked to do so.

·  Clean the area around your desk before you leave.

·  Remain in your seat until you are excused.

Student Expectations

·  No talking while the teacher or another student is talking

·  Raise your hand to get out of your seat for any reason or to ask a question. No shouting out.

·  Be polite

·  Be prepared

Parent and Student Agreement

Sign and Return to Ms. White by Friday, August 7, 2015.

Please sign and return this form indicating that you have read and understood Ms. White’s policies, procedures, and expectations. If you have any questions, please email me. Thank you.


Student Name (printed) Student Signature Date


Parent Name (printed) Parent Signature Date

Any important information that you would like to share regarding your student: