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Edexcel GCSE
2540 Mathematics A
Paper 1 – (Non-Calculator)
Foundation Tier
Practice Paper A
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Team Leader’s use only
Materials required for examination / Items included with question papers
Ruler graduated in centimetres and millimetres, protractor, compasses,
pen, HB pencil, eraser.
Tracing paper may be used. / Formulae sheet.
Instructions to Candidates
In the boxes above, write your Centre Number and Candidate Number, your surname, initial(s) and signature.
Check that you have the correct question paper.
Answer ALLthe questions in the spaces provided in this question paper.
Supplementary answer sheets may be used.
Information for Candidates
The total mark for this paper is 100.
The marks for the various parts of questions are shown in round brackets, e.g.: (2).
This paper has 30 questions.
Calculators may not be used.
Advice to Candidates
Work steadily through the paper.
Do not spend too long on one question.
Show all stages in any calculations.
If you cannot answer a question, leave it and attempt the next one.
Return at the end to those questions you have left out.
This publication may only be reproduced in accordance with Edexcel copyright policy.
© 2008 Edexcel

Formulae Sheets


GCSE Mathematics

Formulae Sheet Foundation Tier

Area of trapezium = (a + b)h

Volume of prism = area of cross section  length

Answer ALL THIRTY questions.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

You must write down all stages in your working.

You must NOT use a calculator.

1.Here is a scale showing speed in miles per hour (mph).

(a)(i) Write down the speed shown by the arrow.

……………. mph

(ii) On the scale, mark with an arrow ( ) the position of the speed 54 mph.


The scale below shows weight in grams.

(b) (i) Write down the weight shown by the arrow.

……………. grams

(ii) On the scale, mark with an arrow ( ) the position of the weight 680 grams.


(Total 4 marks)


2.The pictogram shows information about the number of vans that went to a factory between 1100 and 1130 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of one week.






represents 6 vans

(a)Write down the number of vans that went to the factory between 1100 and 1130 on

(i) Tuesday


(ii) Wednesday



On Thursday 12 vans went to the factory between 1100 and 1130

(b)Show this on the pictogram.


On Friday 9 vans went to the factory between 1100 and 1130

(c)Show this on the pictogram.


(Total 4 marks)


3.(a) Write down the number nine thousand, three hundred and six in figures.



(b) Write the number 5340 in words.



(c) Write the number 7356 to the nearest ten.



(d) Write the value of 7 in the number 1739



(Total 4 marks)


4.Tracey carried out a survey about her friends’ pets.

Here are her results.





Complete the table to show Tracey’s results.

Pet / Tally / Frequency

(Total 3 marks)


5.Write down the mathematical name of each of the following shapes.

(i) ………………………………(ii) ……………………………...

(Total 2 marks)

6.(a) Measure the line CD.

State the units of your answer.




(b) (i) Write down the mathematical name of the type of angle marked x.


(ii) Measure the size of the angle marked x.

………………… o


(Total 4 marks)



(a) Write down the coordinates of the point P.

(...... , ...... )


(b) Write down the coordinates of the point Q.

(...... , …...... )


(c) On the grid, plot the point with coordinates (−3, 1).

Label this point R.


(d) On the grid, plot the point with coordinates (0, −2).

Label this point S.


(Total 4 marks)


8.(a)Write down the next number in this number pattern.

1 5 9 13 17 ………….


(b)Write down the rule that you used to find the next number.




(Total 2 marks)

9.(a) Shade in of this shape.


(b)Shade in 0.8 of this shape.


(c)Shade in 75% of this shape


(Total 3 marks)


10.Work out


(Total 2 marks)


11. The temperature one day last year in some countries is given below.

Greenland –11 C

America + 9 C

Wales + 6 C

Greece +15 C

Iceland – 8 C

(a)Write down the name of the country with the

(i)highest temperature,


(ii)lowest temperature



The next day the temperature in Iceland rose by 5 C

(b)Work out the new temperature in Iceland.

……………. C


The next day the temperature in Wales dropped by 8 C.

(c)Work out the new temperature in Wales.

……………. C


(Total 4 marks)




6 12

4 8 20

(a)From the numbers in the box, write down a factor of 14



(b)From the numbers in the box, write down a square number.



(c)From the numbers in the box, write down a multiple of 5



(Total 3 marks)

13.Rashid uses this rule to work out his wage each week.

One week, Rashid worked for 20 hours.

The rate of pay was £6 per hour.

(a) Use the rule to work out Rashid’s total wage for this week.

£ ………………


In the following week, Rashid worked for 30 hours.

His total wage for this week was £210

(b) Use the rule to work out the rate of pay in this week.

£ …………. per hour


(Total 4 marks)


14.Mason writes down his science homework marks for the last 10 homeworks.

Here are his marks

9, 6, 5, 9, 6, 10, 7, 3, 9, 8

(a)Write down the mode.



(b)Work out the median.



(c)Work out the range.



(d)Work out the mean.



(Total 7 marks)


15.Nadia wants to collect information about the different ways in which teachers travel to school.

Design a suitable data collection sheet that Nadia could use to collect the information.

(Total 3 marks)

16.(a) Simplify a + a + a



(b) Simplify 7m + 3m



(c)Simplify 5t + 4s + 3t + s



(d)Expand and simplify 2(3y + 5)



(Total 5 marks)



40 x

(i) Work out the value of x.

x = ………….

(ii)Give reasons for your answer.



(Total 3 marks)


18.Amy had £600 in her bank account.

She spent £156 of this money.

(a)How much did she have left?

£ ……………………


Nimer buys four magazines.

Each magazine costs £2.20

Nimer pays with a £10 note.

(b)Work out how much change he should get.

£ ……………………


45 people went on a coach trip.

Each person paid £15.60

(c)Work out the total amount paid by the 45 people.

£ ……………………


(Total 7 marks)


19.On the grid, enlarge the shaded shape with scale factor 2

(Total 2 marks)


20.Emily and Beth each have a pint of milk.

Emily drinks some milk and then says “I’ve got three quarters of a pint left”.

Beth drinks some milk and then says “I’ve got four sixths of a pint left”.

Who has got the most milk left, Emily or Beth?

Explain your answer.




(Total 1 mark)

21.For each of these shapes, put a tick in the box if the statement is always true.

Square / Parallelogram /
Opposite angles
are equal
All sides are equal
Diagonals cross at right angles

(Total 3 marks)

22.An English exam has two sections, section A and section B.

Section A is out of 40.

Section B is out of 20.

Nish scored 45 marks for the two sections.

Belinda scored 75% in section A and 60% in section B.

Who scored the higher marks?

Explain your answer.





(Total 4 marks)


23. Angelo prepares the ingredients for a pizza.

He uses cheese, topping and dough in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5

Angelo uses 60 grams of dough.

Work out the number of grams of cheese and the number of grams of topping Angelo uses.

Cheese...... g

Topping ...... g

(Total 3 marks)

24.Sandra carries out a survey of 180 people in an Apex Sports Centre

She asks them their favourite sporting activity.

She draws this accurate pie chart.

Favourite sporting activity

Diagram accurately


Use the pie chart to complete the table.

Favourite snack
in Year 11 / Frequency / Angle
Basketball / 20
Swimming / 90 / 180
Total / 180

(Total 4 marks)


25.On the grid, show how this shape tessellates.

You should draw at least 6 shapes.

(Total 2 marks)



Diagram NOT

accurately drawn

(i)Write down the bearing of A from P,

...... 

(ii)Work out the bearing of B from P.

...... 

(Total 3 marks)


27.The surface area of a cube is 600cm².

Work out the volume of the cube.


(Total 2 marks)











-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x






Describe the transformation that takes the shape A to the shape B.



(Total 2 marks)

29.(a)Solve 2x + 3 = 11

x = …………….


(b)Factorise 12a + 2



(Total 3 marks)


30. On the grid, draw the graph of y = 4x + 5 for values of x from –2 to +3

(Total 3 marks)



Edexcel 2540 GCSE Mathematics – Foundation tier Practice Paper 1F - A