Melbourne Metro Rail Project
Registration Of Interest
November 2015
Important Notice
This Registration of Interest (ROI) is issued by the Melbourne Metro Rail Authority(MMRA) on behalf of the State of Victoria (State). This ROI is being distributed tofacilitate interactions in relation to the procurement of services to deliver the MelbourneMetro Rail Project (Melbourne Metro).
The information subsequently supplied or given in connection with Melbourne Metroby MMRA is confidential and accordingly any such information may not be published,reproduced, copied or disclosed to any person, other than the recipient’s employees andprofessional advisers, or used for any purpose other than as contemplated by this ROI.
The recipient must not make any public statement, press release or other communicationrelating to the information contained or subsequently supplied or given in connectionwith Melbourne Metro without the prior written approval of the State.
This ROI is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision. No part of this ROIconstitutes a recommendation, offer, invitation or solicitation in relation to MelbourneMetro. Recipients must conduct their own independent review, investigations andanalysis of the prospective works and rely entirely on such reviews, investigations andanalysis and not on this ROI.
This ROI has been provided to the recipient for information purposes only and uponthe express understanding that the recipient will use it only for the purposes and onthe conditions set out in this ROI. MMRA reserves the right to decline to send furtherinformation to any respondent to this ROI.
No guarantee, representation or warranty (express or implied) is given by or on behalfof the State (including without limitation its employees, agents, associates and advisors)as to the quality, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained in thisROI or any other information supplied by or on behalf of the State or that reasonablecare has been taken in compiling or preparing any information.
This document is provided an accessible alternative to the ROI documentthat is available in PDF format from If there are any discrepancies between the information in this document and the PDF, the PDF will be considered correct. Registrations of interest must be made using the PDF version of this document.
By retaining this ROI and submitting a ROI response, recipients acknowledge that theyhave read, understood and accepted the terms of this ROI.
- Introduction
Melbourne is Australia’s fastest growing city, withthe population expected to almost double by theyear 2050. Melbourne’s public transport systemneeds to grow with it to maintain the liveabilityand prosperity of our growing city.
Melbourne Metro is one of the largest transportinfrastructure projects ever undertaken inAustralia. It will start to transform Melbourne’srail network into an international-stylemetrosystem, improving access to, and connectivitywith, the CBD and increasing the capacity,reliability and efficiency of train lines servingMelbourne’s growth areas in the north, westand south-east.
Melbourne Metro addresses existing capacityconstraints in the City Loop, while also enhancingaccessibility and intermodal connectivity intoand throughout central Melbourne. Ultimately,Melbourne Metro will support new patterns ofeconomic development, residential growth andurban renewal, and deliver substantial economicbenefits to the Victorian and national economies.
In addition, a program of proposed widermetropolitan network works (various track andsignal works) will exploit the capacity createdby Melbourne Metro to significantly increase thecapacity and reliability of the metropolitan railnetwork. Importantly, Melbourne Metro is alsothe key to the future expansion of Victoria’s railnetwork, enabling our transport system to growas our community does.
Melbourne Metro is part of a holistic solutionthat addresses existing capacity constraintsacross the rail network, and complementsother state government transport projects,such as the procurement of High CapacityMetro Trains and the Level Crossing RemovalProgram. These other projects are not part ofMelbourne Metro but are essential to deliveringthe full benefits to passengers.
Melbourne Metro has an estimated capitaldevelopment cost of $9-11 billion. MMRA isresponsible for the planning and implementationof Melbourne Metro on behalf of the State.
1.2Scope of works
Melbourne Metro will include:
- twin nine-kilometre rail tunnels fromKensington to South Yarra as part of a newSunbury to Cranbourne/Pakenham line
- rail tunnel entrances (portals) at Kensingtonand South Yarra
- new underground stations at Arden, Parkville,CBD North (providing an interchange withMelbourne Central), CBD South (providing aninterchange with Flinders Street) and Domain.The stations are designed to accommodatetrains that are significantly longer than thosethat currently operate on the network
- mechanical and electrical systems in the railtunnels including lighting, tunnel ventilationand tunnel sub-stations
- rail systems including high capacitysignalling systems, power, traction powerand communication
- commercial opportunities including withinstations and potentially over-site commercialand/or residential development.In addition, MMRA will be separately procuring:
- a series of early works to facilitatecommencement of the main constructionworks for the delivery of the MelbourneMetro, including relocation and protectionof utility services in conflict with theMelbourne Metro alignment, construction sitepreparation and some minor tram diversions.These works will be procured separatelyfrom the Melbourne Metro
- a series of wider metropolitan networkenhancements to enable capacity upliftsacross the broader network.
1.3Packaging and procurement
The majority of early works are to be deliveredunder a Managing Contractor delivery model.
The Managing Contractor Invitation forExpression of Interest (EOI) pre-qualificationprocess is scheduled for release in lateNovember 2015 and is scheduled to close in lateDecember 2015. Further details regarding theManaging Contractor Invitation for EOI will befound at
The main construction works for the deliveryof Melbourne Metro, including the tunnels,five stations, portals, rail systems and otherassociated works (Main Melbourne MetroWorks), will be delivered through a number ofworks packages using various delivery modelsincluding Public Private Partnership (PPP),Competitive Alliances and Franchisee Delivery.
A procurement strategy alignment map outliningthe relevant works packages and associateddelivery models is provided at Appendix A.
The reference design process for MelbourneMetro has been underway since February 2015and is ongoing. The formal procurement processfor the tunnel and stations PPP is currentlyproposed to commence in mid 2016, wherean EOI will be released.
An Environment Effects Statement (EES)is being prepared under theEnvironmentEffects Act 1978. Work has commencedon the EES to examine potential impactsof Melbourne Metro, provide guidanceon how adverse impacts can be mitigated,and inform the Minister for Planning’s decisionon whether to approve Planning SchemeAmendments to regulate the constructionand operation of Melbourne Metro. TheMinister for Planning’s decision is expectedby Q1 2017. Planning approvals for widernetwork enhancements will be separatelysought as required.
1.4MMRA advisers
The following advisers have been appointed to assist MMRA in relation to Melbourne Metro
- Technical, Planning and Engaging Adviser (including design): Aurecon Jacobs Mott McDonald JV
- Legal Advisers: Herbert Smith Freehills
- Commercial and Financial Adviser: KPMG
- Project Estimator: Aquenta
- Independent Construction Adviser: Advisian
- Probity Adviser: O’Connor Marsden and Associates
- Purpose of Registrationof Interest
2.1Purpose of ROI
The purpose of this ROI is to allow MMRA to:
- develop an understanding of organisationsthat are interested in the Melbourne Metroand have the requisite experience andcapability and capacity to potentiallydeliver one or more Main Melbourne MetroWorks packages
- establish a structured process for greaterinteraction, information sharing and ‘markettesting’ of proposed key commercialprinciples, processes and timing for theMelbourne Metro’s delivery
- provide an opportunity for respondents tothis ROI to commence discussions betweenpotential major contractors, financiers,rail systems providers and other relevantproviders and advisers via the IndustryCapability Network Gateway, noting thatthe MMRA would not be facilitating anysuch discussions.
It should be noted that the ROI process is nota pre-qualification for the formal procurementprocess, which is currently proposed tocommence in mid 2016 for certain MainMelbourne Metro Works packages.
2.2Selection to participate in future market interactions
The information provided by respondents inthe ROI Response Schedule will be used by MMRA in its sole and absolutediscretion to determine whether a respondentwill be invited to participate in future, pre-procurement process, market interactions. Inexercising its discretion, the MMRA will considerrespondents for participation in such futuremarket interactions based on each respondent’scapacity to meet the following criteria:
For designers, contractors and rail systemsproviders
- revenue (in Australia or internationally)for the 2014-15 financial year of greaterthan of AUD100 million; and
- experience of, or be currently involved in,large scale (i.e. greater than AUD150 million)rail or civil construction, design or railsignalling contracts.
For PPP sponsors, investors or financiers
- participation in a PPP project in the lastthree years.
Potential respondents who do not satisfy theabove criteria and who may wish to participatein one or more of the Main Melbourne MetroWorks packages and/or offer their servicesto a potential tendering organisation shouldregister their details with the Industry CapabilityNetwork Gateway at
- Instructions forregistering interest
3.1General instructions
MMRA is now seeking ROIs from suitablyexperienced and qualified major contractors,financiers, rail systems providers and otherrelevant providers and advisers who may beinterested in tendering for (or providing financein relation to) packages of work. Organisationsthat are interested in participating in tenderingfor one or more packages of work areencouraged to register their interest.
Responses to this ROI should be provided inaccordance with the information outlined in theROI Response Schedulein the PDF version of this document available from No other informationis to be submitted.
Responses to this ROI are to be submitted byemail .
Respondents may submit their responses atany stage from the release of this ROI.
3.2Additional information for respondents
Respondents to this ROI should note:
- MMRA may have discussionswith organisations that do not submita response to this ROI
- respondents should register interest asindividual entities (partially or fully formedconsortium structures are not required tobe registered at this stage)
- ROI responses should contain the minimuminformation set out in the attached ROIResponse Schedule
- a decision not to submit an ROI will notpreclude an organisation from participatingin the formal procurement process
- any information made available torespondents that are invited to participatein future, pre-procurement process, marketinteractions is expected to be made availableto all respondents prior to the release of anytender issued by MMRA in relation tothe procurement of the Main MelbourneMetro Works
- while not required for the purposes ofresponding to this ROI, respondents will needto demonstrate their compliance or abilityto comply with all Government requirementson or before the execution of any agreementin relation to the procurement of any packageof works including:
- Victorian Industry Participation Policy(VIPP) (the Melbourne Metro has beendesignated a ‘Strategic Project’ for thepurposes of the VIPP)
- Ministerial Direction No. 1 – TenderingProvisions for Public Construction- June 2008
- The principles of the ‘Social Procurement:A Guide for Victorian Local Government’,as utilised by Victorian councils
- The Victorian Government’s commitmentsto increasing employment opportunitiesfor Aboriginal people and vocationaltraining and employment opportunitiesfor all Victorians
- to the extent that Melbourne Metrois ultimately jointly funded, either directlyor indirectly, by the Australian Government,and while not required for the purposesof responding to this ROI, respondents willalso need to demonstrate their complianceor ability to comply with all AustralianGovernment requirements on or beforethe execution of any agreement in relationto the procurement of any package of works.
Appendix A
Proposed Work Packages
Early Works
- Utility relocation and protection services and other site preparatory works (Managing Contractor)
- Tram diversions (Franchisee works)
- Construction power (Utility Service Provider)
Tunnel And Stations (Availability PPP)
- 9km twin tunnels and five underground stations including fit-out
- Mechanical and electrical systems
- Tunnel and stations maintenance
- Commercial development opportunities
Eastern Portal (Alliance)
- Track decline and tunnel portal cut and cover structures
- Existing track reconfiguration and realignment and modification of existing rail infrastructure (eg. signalling)
Rail Systems (Alliance)
- High capacity signalling
- Conventional signalling upgrade
- Overhead traction power
- Train control
Wider Network Enhancements
- Works including turnbacks and signalling system upgrades required across the wider existing rail network
Appendix B
Roi Response Schedule
Respondents wanting to register their interest must respond by providing the information outlined in the Response Schedule in the PDF version of this document available from