Lesson 38—March 7, 2017



  1. 2nd, 3rd, 4th
  2. IR Time (10 min)
  3. WA #3 Rewrites due in GC by 3:30 pm.
  4. Writing Wednesday #1
  5. Go over requirements. 500 words
  6. Rationale.
  7. Students may write about any subject in any genre.

1.Write a letter to yourself 2 years ago as you were entering high school. Give yourself advice (warnings, recommendations) that you really could have used. Be specific and contemplative.

  1. Due by the end of class
  1. The Salem Witch Trials
  2. Find out 10 facts about the trial. Include at least 3 “crazy” facts.
  3. Homework: SWT research

Writing Wednesday

Mr. Whited


Writing Situation: The smartest person in the world—the internet—confirms that “writing encourages a creative flow that can help students use their imaginations, explore possibilities…and engage in storytelling. In addition to "serious" writing assignments…it is important to assign "free" or "creative" writing time so that students can explore vocabulary, concepts, and writing styles that they wouldn't risk in a formal essay” (Walker 1).

Writing Directions: On Writing Wednesday, you will write a minimum of 500 words. You can write about whatever you like in whatever genre you like. You can write an essay, poetry or song, a letter, a narrative, a message to the world, a description of someone or something, etc. The only rules that apply are that you must complete a minimum of 500 words, you must still use paragraphs (or stanzas for song or poetry), and you must give your best. Don’t be afraid to take risks by stepping outside your comfort zone. INCLUDE A WORD COUNT AT THE TOP.


Exceeds Standard (86 or higher) / Meets Standard (85) / Does Not Meet Standard (65 or less)
The writing is at least 500 words, well organized, interesting, thoughtful, may show evidence of serious reflection, and brings something “extra” to the table. A paper that exceeds is NOT A MATTER OF LENGTH ALONE. In other words, writing 501 words does not mean a writer exceeds the standard.
Illustration: A friend invites you to dinner and asks you to bring some mashed potatoes. You show up with your momma’s famous Southwestern mashed potatoes and a bag of high-quality cheese in case any wants to have extra. You exceeded expectations. / The writing is at least 500 words, is organized, and may be interesting. This writing sample does just what is required.
Illustration: A friend invites you to dinner and asks you to bring some mashed potatoes. You show up with a nice bowl of homemade mashed potatoes. You met the expectation. / The writing is not a minimum of 500 words, may be incoherent, and may lack any real imagination or thoughtfulness.
Illustration: A friend invites you to dinner and asks you to bring some mashed potatoes. You show up with a half-finished can of Mt. Dew or you don’t show up at all because you had to finish the last season of Moonshiners. You failed to meet expectations (unless you’re a loser, in which case you probably wouldn’t be invited to dinner because the expectation of people is not to count on you). I’m sure you get the point.