Facilitators Feedback Sheet

Title of Learning Experience: Pegging Down Area
Standard Area: MST-Math Science Technology
Author: Heather Hunter
Reviewers: Kathleen Coogan, Jill Hoerner

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1) Relation to Standards
This lesson links perfectly to the performance indicator. / 1) Relation to Standards
Could other quadrilaterals be introduced in this lesson?
I think that by incorporating other quadrilaterals this lesson would fulfill the complete performance indicator.
2) Intellectual Challenge
I think that this lesson will help students understand the formulas with area, due to the use of many manipulative and hands-on activities.
The lesson makes the children problem solve, which is something that children need to do, and they do not have enough access to! / 2) Intellectual Challenge
Maybe tell the children why learning this information is important; somehow connect this to real life situations.
You could have the children work backwards from a triangle to a square, instead of having them always work from a square to a triangle.
3) Assessment Plan
I like the steps you included on page 4, and allowing the students to check over their work when finished.
I think that the rubric is very clear cut, and easy to use. / 3) Assessment Plan
The use of a pre-test on day one of the lesson would act as a good way to see how much knowledge the students have gained, at the end, and to adjust the lesson based on where the student’s weaknesses are.
Is it necessary and will there be enough time to meet with each student.
Will the teacher go over the rubric?
4) Engagement
This lesson truly seems like it would encourage students to stay on task, due to the manipulative and different activities
I like the use of the exit ticket; this makes the students stay on task throughout the lesson. / 4) Engagement
Stations would be nice to break the students up into. One for the geo board, squares, triangles, and maybe one to complete worksheet.
5) Adaptability
I like how you broke up your modifications and gave specific details on page 12.
I like how in the task section you give the students a choice as to how they want to express their ideas. / 5) Adaptability
Maybe a little more guidance under the task section, maybe give them options of expression instead.
Maybe a second manipulative could have been made available also. Such as shapes and graph paper.
6) Technology Integration
I like how you use a copy of grid paper on the overhead to simulate the students work.
I like the way you color coordinated the student work online. / 6) Technology Integration
I like how you use a copy of grid paper on the overhead to simulate the students work.
I like the way you color coordinated the student work online.