(South Pointe Middle School - LIFE SCIENCE -7)

Parent/Guardian Contact for:


(please PRINT child’sname above)

Parent/Guardian Name(s):


(please PRINT name(s) above)

Best forms of contact (please provide information for all forms of contact that you check/use regularly)

Phone: ______

Email: ______

Phone: ______

Email: ______

Other: ______


1.Thank you for taking the time to read the 2016-2017 Life Science Syllabus with your child. By signing below, you are acknowledging all rules & procedures from the syllabus (extra copies are available on teacher website)


STUDENT - (please SIGN name above) PARENT/GUARDIAN - (please SIGN name above)

2.In Life Science, we will be studying genetics. Over the course of the unit, students will begin to think about the role society plays in issues related to genetics. To further explore these ideas, we will be watching the movie “GATTACA.”. This movie is rated PG-13 for brief violence, language, and some sexuality. A summary of the video is below.

Gattaca Corp. is an aerospace firm in the future. During this time society analyzes your DNA and determines where you belong in life. Ethan Hawke's character was born with a congenital heart condition which would cast him out of getting a chance to travel in space. So in turn he assumes the identity of an athlete who has genes that would allow him to achieve his dream of space travel.

To give permission for your student to watch this movie in class, please sign your name below. Students without permission will be given an alternative assignment related to the issues explored in the movie.

______No, I do not give my child permission to watch GATTACA

______Yes, I give my student permission to watch GATTACA


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

3.Part of the Life Science curriculum covers Health and Reproduction -

To give permission for your student to be in class over the duration of this unit, please sign your name below. Students without permission will be given an alternative assignment (to complete in another classroom) related to the issues explored in the unit.

Please contact your child’s science teacher if you wish to preview the materials.

______No, I do not give permission for my child to learn about health and reproduction in Life Science at SPMS.

______Yes, I give permission for my child to learn about health and reproduction in Life Science at SPMS.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date