Westchester Elementary School

School Advisory Council

Sept. 26, 2017, 2:15 p.m.



Share information concerning the school

Elect members of the 2017-2018 SAC



Explanation of SAC and SAF

Election of the parent and community members of SAC

Set meeting dates for SAC

Sunshine Law

SIP Update

Financial Report

Principal’s Report

Other Business: parent concerns, questions, etc

Westchester School Advisory Forum - Agenda

NAAC Report

Other SAF concerns

Note – SAF trainingWednesday, September 27, 2017 10 am to 12 pm

Location: Training Room Office of School Performance and Accountability (OSPA)

610 NE 13 Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 (754) 321-3838

Future meeting Dates:

SAC - (2:15 pm) – Oct.24, Nov. 28, Jan. 23, Feb. 27, Mar. ?, Apr. 24, May 22

NAAC - (7:00 – 9:00 pm, Oct. & Jan. 10:00-Noon)– SEP 28th,Monarch HS. OCT 26th,Coconut Creek HS. NOV 16th,Coconut Creek HS. DEC 14th,Monarch HS. JAN 18th, Coconut Creek HS. FEB 15th,Coconut Creek HS. MAR 15th, Monarch HS, APR 19th, Coconut Creek HS. MAY 17th, Monarch HS.

Innovation Zone - TBA

Westchester Elementary School (School Advisory council)
September 26, 2017

Objectives:Share information concerning the school.
Call to order:2:20 pm
Minutes: Will review May and September Minutes at October meeting
Difference between SAC and SAF:

SAC: Group of elected committee members, parents, staff, and Community members. Oversee SIP Plan which is a plan that is about what we can do better in our school. Decides how to use accountability funds. Anyone can speak at a meeting but only committee members can vote.

SAF: Made up of any stakeholders. All who attend the meeting can vote on anything. School’s link to the School Board through the NAAC (North Area Advisory Council) and DAC (District Advisory Council). Motions can be made at SAF meetings for the school representative to bring to the NAAC and DAC meetings to be discussed by all. Parents’ way to communicate to the School Board other than through phone or email.

Members of SAC

  • 51% Parents and Community members
  • Principal: Ms. Geraine
  • BTU Rep: Ms. Gwizdz
  • ESE Parent: Destiny Haggette
  • Gifted Parent: Deanna O’Connor
  • ESOL Parent: OPEN
    Community Representative: Ejola Cook
  • Parents and teachers
  • Non-Instructional Staff: Ana Gonzales

Election of Members: Elect all parents in attendance at the meeting (see attached list). All in Favor, None Opposed.

Dates and Times of SAC Meetings:

4th Tuesday of the month at 2:15 other than March: Vote of 7 for March 20th and Vote of 10 for April 3rd.

Following dates of meetings:

  • September 26
  • October 24
  • November 28
  • January 23
  • February 27
  • April 3
  • April 24
  • May 22

All in favor. None Opposed.

Sunshine Laws: Governs any public meetings. Discussion of items voted on shall be limited to meeting times. SAC members should not discuss anything on the agenda except at meetings. Can be discussed after votes are finalized.

SAF/NAAC Chair and Co-Chair:

Nominated Valerie Leath and Danielle Tortorella. All in Favor. None Opposed.

School Improvement Plan (SIP) Update

In Process. No training yet due to hurricane. Waiting for reschedule date.

SIP is mandated by the state and deals with academics. Goals are set forth and plan shows how we will meet those goals. SIP is linked to state testing. Example of a goal: 85% of 3rd graders will perform better than last year. Then in each section; Math, Reading, Science, and writing, the school is to provide ways to meet the goal and improve.

SIP plan is the school’s way to evaluate itself based on curriculum and community involvement.

Financial report: $8331 in accountability account. $474 carried over from last year. No requests for funds.

Title I Update:

First year as a Title 1 school. Administration has met with district representatives on September 22nd.

Budget or Title I

  • $211,716 will be used on staff positions
  • Math Resource: Mrs. Miniet will demonstrate lessons for teachers and plans for the class. May start math groups.
  • LLI: Kailin Alex 1st and 2nd grade LLI (Level Literacy intervention) 18 week programs with testing every other day.
  • Teacher Resource: Ms. Hameister
  • Additional funds obtained for possible Part time LLI instructor
  • $23,525 will be used for training, subs, and parent support
  • Staff Development
  • Kid Learning for ELA
  • Purchase Agendas for next year
  • Refreshments for events/parent meetings
  • Parent Seminar 3 tickets purchased
  • Paid for 2nd grade field trip to Parker Playhouse on 10/23
  • $4,231 will be used for Parent Involvement Agenda

Principal's Report:

  • 1190 Students enrolled
  • 3 new students enrolled on 9/26/17
  • Some from hurricane evacuations
  • 3 full time and 1 part time position open
  • Other schools having budget meetings that will be losing and gaining teachers.
  • Add 1 kindergarten and 2 more class teachers
  • Current Enrollment Based on Grade:
  • K- 174
  • 1st- 184
  • 2nd- 181
  • 3rd- 215
  • 4th- 193
  • 5th- 245
  • New Kindergarten Class to open. Each student will have an iPad and there will be maker space, but haven’t hired a teacher yet.
  • School City: track real-time data as they practice
  • Suite 360- social and emotional learning for all students
  • SMART Bond money:
  • Playground has been Re-approved
  • Fence Reapproved
  • Permits applied for and waiting to install
  • Marquis still not here

Other Business:

Ejola Cook asked about a police officer outside of school every morning and afternoon for safety.

Adjourned: 3:30 PM.

SAF Meeting:

Call To Order: 3:31 PM

SAF Training on 9/27 at 10-12 or 10/4 at 6:30-9. Val will attend 9/27 training and Report back

SMART vs. Capital Budget: SMART is bond money. Capital Budget is for Roofs, upgrading Media Center. Less money this year as splitting with Charter and Private Schools now.

ESE Meeting:

Stacy Hoglin discussed Initiatives from last year.

  • Accommodations for parents with students with IEPs. Parents put nothing under parent info. Suggested to include something about your child because allows for more goals to be created and to work towards instead of not having enough direction.
  • Encourage parents to talk to administration about their child’s needs.
  • Talk about what will help your child to meet standards
  • Modifications: what adjustments to do to not be required to meet standards
  • Accommodations: what to do to stay on track to meet standards
  • Be forward thinking and document now


Back Pack Weight discussed. Trying to figure out how to lighten the load. No real answer, but thinking about it.

Homework Policy: 10mins per grade per night. No busy sheets. Real meaningful work.

Uniform Policy:

Parents don’t even know we are a uniform school. Will be included in Newschester. Parents will vote, but cannot change waiver until a vote is completed.

Adjourned: 3:54pm