1.  Opening of the Meeting

1.1  Dr. Joseph MUKABANA, Kenya Permanent Representative to the WMO and Chair of AMCOMET Technical Task Force Team, opened the meeting. Dr. Mukabana welcomed the participants who attended the meeting and expressed his gratitude for their attendance. The agenda was adopted attached as Annex 1.

1.2  Mr. Alioune NDIAYE, WMO Director of Regional Association I (Africa), welcomed the participants and provided a quick overview of AMCOMET and where it stands.

1.3  Mr. Jerry LENGOASA, Deputy Secretary General of the WMO, welcomed the meeting participants. As a result of one of the agreements of the Bureau Ministers, WMO Permanent Representatives were requested to support the Task Force, and he is pleased that this has progressed and resulted in this Technical Team meeting. He mentioned that this relationship must be nurtured, with the leadership of Kenya, and with a view to meeting the commitments made at the Nairobi Ministerial Meeting. He pledged WMO`s continued support to AMCOMET process

2.  Presentation of the AMCOMET Process

2.1.  Dr. Joseph MUKABANA made a presentation of the AMCOMET process, from its inception at the Nairobi Ministerial Meeting leading to the decisions taken by the AMCOMET Bureau Meeting in Geneva. See the Presentation attached as Annex 2.

2.2.  Dr. Joseph MUKABANA also commended the President of RA I, Mr. Lamine BAH, for the development of a solid strategy for Africa that would guide the preparation of the AMCOMET Meteorological Strategic Plan as directed by the Nairobi Ministerial declaration.

2.3.  Dr. Joseph MUKABANA further reported that the Report of the First Bureau Meeting (Attached as Annex 3) had been distributed. The Bureau meeting had began in Nairobi on the 28-29 April 2011, where Bureau Representatives met at a technical level and cumulated at the WMO Congress Geneva on the 16 May 2011, where the Ministers ratified the recommendations made in Nairobi.

2.4.  The AMCOMET Bureau endorsed the Terms of Reference of the AMCOMET Task Force. The Bureau established a Technical Team for the Task Force that would develop preparatory work on all issues contained in the ToRs for consideration and adoption by the full Task Force. Upon the Task Force’s approval, the reports will be submitted to the AMCOMET Bureau for ratification.

3.  Comments from the participants

3.1.  Mr. Mactar NDIAYE, PR of Senegal thanked Dr. Mukabana, the AMCOMET team and Task Force for the important work already done. He proposed that the Technical Task Force Team not be limited only to members of the Task Force, and requested that a mechanism be established to allow other countries to contribute to the work of the Technical Team.

3.2.  Mr. Lamine BAH, PR of Guinea, thanked Dr. Mukabana and the WMO for the follow-up work that has been done until now and suggested that the RA1 Bureau participate in the work of the Technical Team. He also mentioned that communication regarding AMCOMET has not been very efficient.

3.3.  Mr. Moussa TCHITCHAOU, PR of Tchad, thanked the RA1 President for his comments. Although Tchad was not able to participate at the Ministerial Meeting in Nairobi, it has received the Conference report. He indicated that it was a good initiative to create an organ that supports the work of meteorology; however he pointed out that often the problem that arises is the poor circulation of available information. He used the examples of AMCEN and AMCOW; and that part of what makes them successful is their ability to disseminate information. He reiterated the necessity to share information on meteorology despite the language barrier. He also pointed out that all the documents he has received for this meeting are in English and noted that there is a need to translate documents at the very least into French.

3.4.  The meeting noted that, although it would be desirable to enlarge the AMCOMET Task Force, it should be noted that the membership to both the Bureau and the Task Force is limited to Ministers and such a decision would have to be made by the Ministers. He clarified that the Technical Task Force team is comprised of Permanent Representatives. The issue of enlarging the Technical Team will be considered. The aspects of communication and translation of documents was noted and will be addressed. Initial communication delays were occasioned by the process to have the African Union endorse the Ministerial Declaration.

3.5.  Mr. Aamos MAKARAU, PR of Zimbabwe, wanted to discuss the way forward. He indicated that the Task Force Team has a term limit to execute a particular mandate within a short timeframe. According to the Task Force document (page 8), a meeting will be set-up in Morocco to finalize the way forward. He requested WMO to avail the necessary funds to enable the attendance of those who would like to participate and are not members of the Task Force. He also mentioned GFCS and indicated that the countries should not simply react to what will be given to them. He indicated that Zimbabwe is prepared to meet with like minded people to draft a proposal.

3.6.  Mr. Nkomoki JACOB, Pr of Zambia, thanked Kenya as Chair of the Bureau for the progress made thus far within the AMCOMET process. He is happy that the letter has been drafted to emphasize the action timelines and that AMCOMET has integrated into the AU system. He also thanked Morocco for the offer of hosting the next meeting and supports the comments of his colleague from Zimbabwe.

3.7.  Mr. Mama KONATE, PR of Mali, thanked the RA1 President, WMO and Kenya for the dynamic that has been created for this initiative and that the issues are being pushed forward. He indicated that we should take advantage of this momentum as the next Ministerial Conference is soon. He further urged that all avenues must be explored to enable the Conference to happen. He agreed with Zimbabwe that the Task Force Team has a limited duration; once the instruments of the Conference are operational, it will cease to exist. These documents need to be prepared and shared with other countries so a date can be fixed for the next Task Force Meeting and enable the adoption of the documents. He also thanked Morocco for offering the venue. The future challenges with AMCOMET and GFCS is to ensure that Africa is well presented.

3.8.  Mr. Julius WELENS-MENSAH, Director of Hydrology in Ghana indicated that meteorology and hydrology has been increasingly working together and urged AMCOMET to continue to do so within a well defined framework and proposed that WMO could potentially facilitate this collaboration. He suggested that an invitation should be extended to AMCOW and AMCEN for future AMCOMET meetings.

3.9.  Dr. Joseph MUKABANA mentioned that AMCOMET should consider GFCS as its elements are very much relevant to Africa.

4.  Closing of the Meeting

4.1.  Dr. Joseph MUKABANA thanked all the members for attending the meeting and WMO for organizing it.

4.2.  The meeting closed at 18h40.




26 May 2011, 14h30 – 18h30

Geneva International Conference Centre, Level 3, Salle 5


1.  Opening Remarks Dr. Joseph Romanus MUKABANA (Chair, AMCOMET Technical Task Team and PR of Kenya with WMO) and Mr. Jerry LENGOASA (Deputy Secretary General, WMO)

2.  Presentation of AMCOMET Bureau Meeting outcomes

3.  Discussions on the Way Forward

4.  Closure of Meeting