The Hundred of HooSchool

A ComprehensiveMediaArtsSpecialistSchool

Application Form - Teaching Posts

For office use only

Candidate Reference Number:



Before completing the application form please ensure you have read the Information Pack which includes guidance on how to complete this form and why we require certain information. Please note that Section A will be detached before sending to the recruitment panel for shortlisting. It will then be re-attached by the recruitment team in order to determine interview and contact details.

Fill in the form by entering your replies in the empty boxes. Where you are asked to choose from a number of choices, indicate your choice by entering an X next to the option you have selected.

Section A – Application for Employment

Post Applied For:

Personal Details

Surname/family name
Title eg Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr etc)
First Name
Preferred Name (if any)
Previous Surnames
Address (including postcode)
Daytime Telephone Number or mobile
Evening Telephone Number
Email address
National Insurance Number
Date of Birth
DCSF Number
Date of QTS (if attained)
GTC Registered? / Yes: No:

Guaranteed Interview

The School offers a guaranteed interview for anyone with a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended). This definition is set out in the Equality Monitoring Form.

If you consider yourself to be a disabled applicant and can demonstrate on your application form that you meet the desirable criteria as contained in the Person Specification, you will be invited to the interview stage of the recruitment process.


I consider myself to have a disability as defined above and want to apply for a guaranteed interview.



Tell us below how we can assist you with further information about the post and any adjustments or arrangements you would like us to consider.

The School will endeavour to supply information to you as quickly as is reasonably possible in the formats listed below. Please specify your preferred format by ticking the appropriate box.

Large print
Electronic (by mail)
Other, please state

Do you need any reasonable adjustments or arrangements to be made at interviews?

If yes, please specify

Section B – Application for Employment

For office use only

Candidate Reference Number:
Post Applied For:

Experience and Skills

Please give details of all full and part-time work including particulars of all paid and unpaid employment or work experience after the age of 18 and ensure that any gaps in employment are accounted for. Please start with the most recent.

From / To / Employer, Address, School Name and Address, Type of Business or Activity / Salary Scale including any responsibility points / Reasons for Leaving

Education and Qualifications

Please give details of where you:

(i)undertook your teacher training; and

(ii)completed your degree course and secondary education, including subjects and grades.

Please note that you will be asked to provide evidence of your degree, QTS and completion of NQT Induction (if applicable) to verify the information detailed in this section for safeguarding purposes.

From / To / School/College/University attended / Qualifications obtained, examinations passed or studies currently being undertaken. Please state level and subject. / Grade

Professional Development

List any award-bearing or non-qualification training courses you have undertaken relevant to this position eg NVQs, development skills development, conferences, seminars in the last 3 years.

Course Title / Date Attended and Duration / Brief Details / Award (if relevant)


List details of any professional organisations to which you belong.

Name of Body / Level of Membership / Date Obtained

Supporting Statement

Based on the job description and person specification, please provide specific examples of how you meet the criteria for this post. Please state why you are interested in this vacancy your statement should be no longer than one side of A4.


Please refer to the Information Pack before completing this section. You need to provide the names and addresses of two referees who can be consulted regarding your professional ability for the post. One of the referees must be your present or most recent employer. Students should include their college principal or personal tutor. In order to comply with safeguarding requirements references will be taken up before an offer of employment is made and these may be requested before interview.

Reference 1
Telephone Number
Reference 2
Telephone Number

I declare that the information given on this form is correct, and that providing false information is an offence and could result in the application being rejected or summary dismissal if appointed.


Returning the Forms

Now you have completed the Application Form you should send it back to us together with the Declaration Form and Equality Monitoring Form.

By email:

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