Renwei Mei


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

University of Florida

Personal data

Date of birth: November 7, 1962

Place of birth: Ningbo, China

Nationality: United States of America

Marital status: Married, two children.

Address Phones

3758 SW 103rd Street (352) 373-6412 (H), (352) 682-5653 (C)

Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 392-0888 (O)

(352)-392-1071 (FAX)


Ph.D. Oct. 1990 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.S. Oct. 1987 Mechanical Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.S. May 1985 Aerospace Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

B.S. July 1982 Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Research Areas Particulate flows, heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, desalination, and turbulence. Interested in using applied mathematics, computational methods, and experimental methods in the studies of Fluid Dynamics related problems.

Work experience

8/02—present Professor, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida (UF).

8/01—7/02 Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mechanics & Engineering Science (AeMES), UF.

8/95-07/01 Associate Professor, Department of AeMES, UF

8/90--7/95 Assistant Professor, Department of AeMES, UF.

1/87--7/90 Teaching and Research Assistant, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics,

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

5/85--12/86 Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, UIUC.

8/83--5/85 Teaching Assistant, Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland.

Professional Activities

Served as Secretary General for the 13th US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, held

on June 21-26, 1998, Gainesville, FL, USA.

Served as a Member of International Scientific Committee for the 4th International

Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 27-June 1, 2001, New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA.

Associate Fellow of AIAA since 2001.

Member Local Committee for 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tampa, FL, November 19-21, 2006.

Member Local Committee for International Conference on Multiphase Flow (Tampa, FL May 30 - June 4 2010).

Editorial Board, Acta Mechanica Sinica since 2008.

Membership in Professional Societies

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

American Physical Society

Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society

List of Publications

Refereed Journals

1) R.W. Mei & A. Plotkin, "Confined laminar wakes at small and large Reynolds number," J. Eng. Math. 19, 121-137, 1985.

2) Renwei Mei & Allen Plotkin, "A finite difference scheme for the solution of the steady Navier-Stokes equation," Computers & Fluids, 14 (3), 239-251, 1986.

3) Renwei Mei & Allen Plotkin, "Navier-Stokes solution for some laminar incompressible flows with separation in forward facing step geometries," AIAA J., 24 (7), 1106-1111, 1986.

4) Klausner, J.F. & R. Mei, "The p-h diagram and the vapor compression cycle," J. of Solar Energy, Transaction ASME, 113, 56, 1991.

5) Renwei Mei, Ronald J. Adrian & Thomas J. Hanratty, "Particle dispersion in isotropic turbulence under Stokes drag and Basset force with gravitational settling," J. of Fluid Mech., 225, 481-495, 1991.

6) Renwei Mei, Christopher J. Lawrence & Ronald J. Adrian, "Unsteady drag of a uniform flow over a stationary sphere at finite Reynolds number with small fluctuations in the magnitude of free-stream velocity," J. of Fluid Mech. 233, 613-631, 1991.

7) Renwei Mei & Ronald J. Adrian, "Flow past a sphere with an oscillation in the free-stream and unsteady drag at finite Reynolds number," J. of Fluid Mech., 237, 323-341,1992.

8) Renwei Mei, "An approximate expression for the shear lift force on spherical particles at finite particle Reynolds number," Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, 18 (1), 145-147, 1992.

9) Renwei Mei & James F. Klausner, "Unsteady force on a spherical bubble at finite Reynolds number with small fluctuations in the free-stream velocity," Phys. of Fluids A., 4(1), 63-70, 1992.

10) Renwei Mei, "History force on a sphere due to a step change in the free-stream velocity," Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, 19 (3),509-525,1993.

11) J. F. Klausner, R. Mei, D.M. Bernhardt & L.Z. Zeng, "Bubble departure in forced convection boiling", Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36(3), 651-662, 1993.

12) L.Z. Zeng, J. F. Klausner & R. Mei, "A unified model for the prediction for bubble detachment diameters in boiling systems: Part I pool boiling," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36(9), 2261-2270, 1993.

13) L.Z. Zeng, J. F. Klausner, D.M. Bernhardt & R. Mei, "A unified model for the prediction of bubble detachment diameters in boiling systems: Part II flow boiling," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36(9), 2271-2279, 1993.

14) Renwei Mei & James F. Klausner, "Shear lift force on a spherical bubble at low Reynolds number," Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, 15(1), 62-65, 1994.

15) Renwei Mei, James F. Klausner & Christopher J. Lawrence, "A note on the history force on a spherical bubble at finite Reynolds number," Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics, 6(1), 418-420,1994.

16) Renwei Mei, "Flow due to an oscillating sphere and an expression for unsteady drag on the sphere at finite Reynolds number," J. of Fluid Mech., 270, 133-174, 1994.

17) Renwei Mei, "Effect of turbulence on the gravitational settling velocity in nonlinear drag range," Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, 20(2), 273-284, 1994.

18) Lawrence C.J. & Mei, R. "Long-time behavior of the drag on a body in impulsive motion," J. Fluid Mechanics, 283, 307-327, 1995

19) Mei, R., Chen, W.C. & Klausner, J.F., "Vapor bubble growth in heterogeneous boiling --Part I. Formulation," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 38(5), 909-919, 1995.

20) Mei, R., Chen, W.C. and Klausner, J.F., "Vapor bubble growth in heterogeneous boiling --Part II. Growth rate and thermal fields," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 38(5), 921-934, 1995.

21) W.C. Park, J.F. Klausner and R. Mei, "Unsteady forces on spherical bubbles," Experiments in Fluids, 19, 167-172, 1995.

22) Renwei Mei & Ronald J. Adrian, "Effect of Reynolds number on isotropic turbulent dispersion," ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 117(3), 402-409, 1995.

23) W.C. Chen, J.F. Klausner and R. Mei, "A simplified model for predicting vapor bubble growth rates in heterogeneous boiling," ASME J. Heat Transfer, 117 (4), 976-980, 1995.

24) Shiyi Chen, Daniel Martinez & Renwei Mei, "On boundary conditions in lattice Boltzmann methods," Phys. of Fluids, 8(9), 2527-2536, 1996.

25) Renwei Mei & Christopher J. Lawrence, "The flow field due to a body in impulsive motion," J. of Fluid Mechanics, 325, 79-111, 1996.

26) Renwei Mei, "Velocity fidelity of flow tracer particles," Experiments in Fluids, 22, 1-13, 1996.

27) Renwei Mei, Jie Xiong, & Roger Tran-Son-Tay, "Motion of a sphere oscillating at low Reynolds numbers in a viscoelastic fluid filled cylindrical tube," J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 66, 169-192, 1996.

28) Renwei Mei, Ronald J. Adrian & Thomas J. Hanratty, "Particle dispersion in isotropic turbulence under non-Stokesian drag with gravitational settling," ASME J. Fluids Engineering, 119, 170-179, 1997.

29) J.F. Klausner, R. Mei, & L.Z. Zeng, "Predicting stochastic feature of vapor bubble detachment in flow boiling," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer. 40(15), 3547-3552, 1997.

30) G.E. Thorncroft, J.F. Klausner, R. Mei, "Suppression of nucleation sites in flow boiling," J. of Heat Transfer, 119, 517-524, 1997.

31) R. Mei, J.F. Klausner, H. Shang, E. Kollman, "A Contact model for the effect of particle coating on improving the flowability of cohesive powders," KONA Powder and Particles, No. 15, 132-141, 1997.

32) Kevin C. Hu & Renwei Mei, "Collision rate in fluid flows," Phy. Fluids, 10(4), 1028-1030, 1998.

33) Renwei Mei & Wei Shyy, "On the finite difference-based lattice Boltzmann method in curvilinear coordinates," J. Comp. Phy. 143, 426-448, 1998.

34) G.E. Thorncroft, J.F. Klausner, R. Mei, "An experimental investigation of bubble growth and detachment in vertical upflow and downflow boiling," Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 41, No. 23, 3857-3871, 1998.

35)  Klausner, J.F., Mei, R., Near, S., and Stith, R., "A high speed jet impingement facility for nonvolatile residue removal," J. of Process Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 212, No. E4, 271-279, 1998.

36)  Renwei Mei & Kevin C. Hu, "On the collision rate of small particles in turbulent flows," J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 391, 67-89, 1999.

37)  Renwei Mei, L.-S. Luo, & W. Shyy, “An accurate curved boundary treatment in the lattice Boltzmann method,” J. Computational Phys., vol. 155, 307-330, 1999.

38)  Renwei Mei, W. Shyy, D. Yu, & L.-S. Luo, “Lattice Boltzmann method for 3-D flows with curved boundary, ” J. Computational Phys., vol. 161, 680-699, 2000.

39)  Mei, R., Shang, H., Walton, O., & Klausner, J.F., “Concentration Non-Uniformity in Simple Shear Flow of Cohesive Powders,” Powder Technology, Vol. 112, pp.102-110, 2000.

40)  Klausner, J.F., Chen, D. & Mei, R., “Experimental Investigation of Cohesive Powder Rheology," Powder Technology, Vol. 112, 94-101, 2000.

41)  Klausner, J.F., Fu, F. and Mei, R., “A Conductance Based Solids Concentration Sensor for Large Diameter Slurry Pipelines,” ASME J. Fluids Eng., 2000, Vol. 122, 819-824, 2000.

42)  Thorncroft, G.E., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., "Bubble Forces and Detachment Models," Multiphase Science and Technology, Vol. 13, Issue 3 & 4, pp. 35-76, 2001.

43)  Shi, W., Shyy, W. and Mei, R., “Finite Difference-Based Lattice Boltzmann Method for Inviscid Compressible Flows,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Vol. 40, pp.1-21, 2001.

44)  Dazhi Yu, Renwei Mei and Wei Shyy, “A Multi-Block Lattice Boltzmann Method for Viscous Fluid Flows,” Int. J. Num. Method in Fluids, 39, 99-120, 2002.

45)  Chen, D.M., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., “A Fluid Mechanics Approach to Describing the Behavior of Pneumatically Conveyed Powder Plugs,” Powder Technology, Vol. 124, pp. 127-137, 2002.

46)  Renwei Mei, Dazhi Yu, Wei Shyy, and Li-Shi Luo, “Force evaluation in the lattice Boltzmann method involving curved geometry,” Physical Review E, E 65 (4): art. no. 041203 Part 1 APR 2002.

47)  Dazhi Yu, Renwei Mei, Li-shi Luo, Wei Shyy, “Viscous Flow Computations with the Method of Lattice Boltzmann Equation,” Journal of Progress in Aerospace Science, 39, pp.329-367, 2003.

48)  Klausner, J.F., Li, Y., Darwish, M., and Mei, R., “Innovative Diffusion Driven Desalination Process,” J. Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 126, pp. 219-225, 2004.

49)  Liao, J., Mei, R., and Klausner, J.F., “The Influence of the Bulk Liquid Thermal Boundary Layer on Saturated Nucleate Boiling,” Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 25, pp. 196–208, 2004.

50)  Qi, Y., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., “Role of Surface Structure in Heterogeneous Nucleation,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 47, pp. 3097-3107, 2004.

51)  Dazhi Yu, Renwei Mei, Wei Shyy, “Improved Treatment on the Open Boundary in the Method of Lattice Boltzmann Equation,” Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, vol. 5, No. 1/2, pp.3-12, 2005.

52)  J. Chao, W. Shyy, S.S. Thakur, M. Sheplak, and R. Mei, “Effect of Conjugate Heat Transfer on MEMS-Based Thermal Shear Stress Sensor”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A. 2005

53)  Klausner, J.F., Li, Y., Mei, R., “Evaporative Heat and Mass Transfer for the Diffusion Driven Desalination Process,” J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 42/6, pp. 528-536, 2006.

54)  Liao, J., Mei, R., Klausner, J.F., “A Film Boiling Model for Cryogenic Chilldown at Low Mass Flux inside a Horizontal Pipeline,” Heat and Mass Transfer, 42:891-900, 2006.

55)  Klausner, J.F., Li, Y., Mei, R., “Performance Characteristics of the Diffusion Driven Desalination Process,” Desalination, Volume 196, Issues 1-3, 188-209, 5 September 2006.

56)  Mei, R., Luo, L.-S., Lallemand, P., d_Humie`res, D., “Consistent initial conditions for lattice Boltzmann simulations,” Computer & Fluids, 35, 856-862,. 2006.

57)  Singh, R., Chao, J., Popescu, M., Tai, C.-F., Mei, R. and Shyy, W. “Multiphase/Multi-Domain Computations Using Continuum and Lattice Boltzmann Methods,” ASCE J. Aerospace Eng, 288-295, October, 2006.

58)  Li, Y., Klausner, J.F., Mei, R., and Knight, J., “Direct Contact Condensation in Packed Beds,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, (49), pp. 4751-4761, 2006.

59)  Chao, J. Mei, R., and Shyy, W., “Error Assessment of ORMAT Lattice Boltzmann Equation Method for Variable Viscosity Flows,” Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluid, 53:1457-1471, 2007.

60)  Garrity, P., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., “A Flow Boiling Microchannel Evaporator Plate for Fuel Cell Thermal Management,” Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 877-884, 2007.

61)  Jun Liao, Renwei Mei, and James F. Klausner, “A study on the numerical stability of the two-fluid model near ill-posedness,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, in press, 2008.

62)  Knight, J.R., Klausner, J.F., Li, Y., and Mei, R., “Diffusion Driven Desalination using waste heat in air streams,” Int. J. Energy Research, 32:837–846, 2008.

63)  Xia, Z., Mei, R., Sheplak, M. & Fan, Z.H. Electroosmotically-Driven Creeping Flows in a Wavy Microchannel. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 6, 37-52, 2009.

64)  Garrity, P.T., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., “Instability Phenomena in a Two-Phase Microchannel Thermosyphon,,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 52, pp. 1701-1708, 2009.

65)  Jianghui Chao, Renwei Mei, Rajkeshar Singh and Wei Shyy, “A Filter-Based, Mass-Conserving Lattice Boltzmann Method For Immiscible Multiphase Flow,” to appear in International J. of Numerical Methods for Fluid Flows, 2010.

66)  Garrity, P., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., “Performance of Aluminum and Carbon Foams for Air Side Heat Transfer Augmentation,” J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 32, 121901, 2010.

67)  Mehdizadeh, A., Mei, R., Klausner, J.F., Rahmatian, N., “Interaction Forces Between Soft Magnetic Particles in Uniform and Non-Uniform Magnetic Fields,” Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 921-929, 2010.

68)  Guan, C.K., Klausner, J.F., Mei, R., “A New Mechanistic Model for Pool Boiling CHF on Horizontal Surfaces,” Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., Vol. 54, pp. 3960-3969, 2011.

69)  Alnaimat, F., Klausner, J.F., Mei, R., Greek, B., “Transient Analysis of Direct Contact Evaporation and Condensation Within Packed Beds,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, pp. 3381-3393, 2011.

70)  Kwon Jiwoon; Subhash Ghatu; Mei Renwei; Heger Ian, “An optical technique for determination of rheological properties of gelatin,” J. Rheol. 55, 951 (2011)

71)  Subhash, G., Kwon, J., Mei, R. and Moore, D. F. “Non-Newtonian Behavior of Ballistic Gelatin at High Shear Rates,” Experimental Mechanics (14 June 2011), pp. 1-10 .

72)  Li, L., Mei, R., Klausner, J.F., and Hahn, D.W., “Heat Transfer Between Colliding Surfaces and Particles,” accepted for publication in Journal of Heat Transfer, 2011.

73)  Parker, R.R., Klausner, J.F., and Mei, R., “Supersonic Two-Phase Impinging Jet Heat Transfer,” submitted to Journal of Heat Transfer, 2011.

74)  Mehdizadeh, A.M., Klausner, J.F., Barde, A., and Mei, R., “Fluidization Characteristics of Magnetically Stabilized Beds with Mixtures of Iron and Silica Particles,” submitted to Powder Technology, 2011.