Define and be able to use these words in a sentence.
· Nobility: the body of persons forming the noble class in a country or state : aristocracy
· Merchant: a buyer and seller of commodities for profit : trader
· Discriminate: to make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit discriminate in favor of your friends> discriminate against a certain nationality>
· Polytheism : belief in or worship of more than one god
· Feudalism: the system of political organization prevailing in Europe from the 9th to about the 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms and in court
· Humanism: a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason
· Circumnavigate: to go completely around (as the earth) especially by water; also : to go around instead of through
· Renaissance: the transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science rebirth, revival
· Patron: a wealthy or influential supporter of an artist or writer : a social or financial sponsor of a social function (as a ball or concert) : one that uses wealth or influence to help an individual, an institution, or a cause
· Revolution: a sudden, radical, or complete change : a fundamental change in political organization: a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm <the Copernican revolution
· Dictator : a person granted absolute emergency power; especially : one holding complete autocratic control : one ruling absolutely and often oppressively
· Nationalism: loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and government
· Monarchy : total rule by one person : a nation or country ruled by a monarch : a form of government having a chief of state who inherits the position, rules for life, and holds powers varying from very limited to total king/queen
· Textiles : CLOTH 1; especially : a woven or knit cloth
· Invention : something invented; especially : an original device or process: the act, process, or power of inventing
· Missionaries :one sent to spread a religious faith among unbelievers or to engage in charitable work with religious support
· Plunder: to rob especially openly and by force (as in a raid)
· Ravage: violently destructive action or effect
· Indigenous: produced, growing, or living naturally in a particular region or environment <indigenous plants> <indigenous tribes
· Empire: a major political unit with a large territory or a number of territories or peoples under one ruler with total authority; especially : one having an emperor as chief of state
· Colonize: to establish a colony in or on <England colonized Australia>
· Colonialism: control by one nation over a dependent area or people;
· Plantations:: a settlement in a new country or region : COLONY : a planted area; especially : an agricultural estate (sugar, tobacco, coffee) worked by laborers/ slaves
· Slavery: DRUDGERY, TOIL : the state of being a slave : the practice of slaveholding or servitude
· Columbian Exchange: coming soon
· Conquistadors: a leader in the Spanish conquest of America in the 16th century
· Mercantilism: an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies
· Monopoly: complete control over the entire supply of goods or a service in a certain market :complete possession : a commercial product or service controlled by one person or company
· Imports: to bring (as goods) into a country from another country usually for selling <imports coffee> <imported coffee>
· Imperialism: the actions by which one nation is able to control other usually smaller or weaker nations
· Alliance: a union between persons, families, or parties : a union between nations for assistance and protection
· Penal Colony: of or relating to punishment <penal laws> <a penal colony>
· Triangular Trade: a stage pattern of Atlantic trade that carried goods and enslaved people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
1. Manufactured goods from Europe to Africa- Goods traded for gold & slaves
2. Ships carried slaves to the Americas
3. Ships carried sugar and other agricultural products back to Europe
· Absolutism : a political theory that absolute power should be vested in one or more rulers : government by an absolute ruler or authority : despotism : advocacy of a rule by absolute standards or principles ( Centralized and unlimited power)
· Crusades 1096-1272 any of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to win the Holy Land from the Muslims
· Reformation: : a 16th century religious movement marked ultimately by rejection or modification of some Roman Catholic doctrine and practice and establishment of the Protestant churches
· Indulgence: to buy the forgiveness of sin for money, according to Roman Catholicism is due for sins whose eternal punishment has been remitted and whose guilt has been pardoned
· Scientific Revolution coming soon
· Industrial Revolution: a rapid major change in an economy (as in England in the late 18th century) marked by the general introduction of power-driven machinery or by an important change in the prevailing types and methods of use of such machines
· Counter Revolution: a revolution directed toward overthrowing a government or social system established by a previous revolution
· Counter Reformation: usually Counter–Reformation : the reform movement in the Roman Catholic Church following the Reformation : a reformation designed to counter the effects of a previous reformation