Committee / Education
Review Date / Summer 2015
Behaviour Policy / Statutory
Purpose of our Policy3
Gordano School Expectations4
Code of Conduct5
B4L 20
Data Protection Act and Confidentiality31
Student ICT Acceptance Use Agreement35
Student Email Acceptance Use Agreement36
Home School Agreement37
The behaviour policy aims to support our school aims and is linked to the school:
Equal Opportunity PolicyRevised Spring 2013
Anti-Bullying GuidanceRevised Autumn 2013
The Race Equality GuidanceRevised Spring 2013
Homophobic IncidentsRevised May 2012
Drugs and Alcohol Misuse Revised Spring 2013
All students are entitled to every possible opportunity to learn during their time at school. It is the right of every student to learn without hindrance from other students, and the responsibility of every student to co-operate with staff and fellow students to ensure the best conditions for learning exist. The school will strive to maintain an atmosphere in which all staff and students can work to the best of their ability.
To provide a well disciplined working environment in which students can learn.
To achieve the highest possible standards of behaviour in the school.
To promote self-discipline and respect for others among the students.
To establish clear systems and procedures for dealing with student behaviour.
To make clear to staff the lines of referral and responsibilities in relation to student behaviour.
To develop an ethos of success and respect for all.
To enable all staff to consistently and fairly apply the school’s disciplinary procedures.
To enable all staff to consistently reward students for their good behaviour or work.
To make clear to students the high expectations of their behaviour and the difference between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
The behaviour of students in school is the responsibility of everyone and all staff should tackle students who they see contravening school rules around the school.
The behaviour of students in class is first and foremost the responsibility of the classroom teacher. Persistent poor behaviour should be referred to the Head of Department or Head of Faculty who should take appropriate steps to remedy the problem, including administering an appropriate sanction. Parents should be informed of any behaviour which gives cause for concern.
In cases of extreme behaviour the House Learning Manager/Transition Learning Manager senior member of staff may beinvolved. If assistance is needed members of staff may phone reception and ask for a member of SLT to attend.
The success of our policy rests on the agreed understanding that discipline is theshared responsibility of all. In order to uphold our values, rewards and sanctions need to be consistently applied by all staff to all students.
Gordano School Expectations
If students are to meet our expectations, they need to know what our expectations are. Furthermore they need to know precisely, not roughly, what our expectations are. They also need to know that our expectations are collegiate and not idiosyncratic and are consistent from one week to the next.
School Expectations- Treat others with respect
- Fulfil your responsibilities
- Be ready to work
- Work to the best of your ability
- Enable others to work
These expectations
- Are all geared towards maximizing learning
- Are all expressed in positive terms
- Are few in number
- Will cover most if not all unwanted behaviour
- Can be exemplified by staff in their own professionalism
- Have been accepted by the overwhelming majoring of students as fair
Students will be informed of our expectations
- Via a presentation of Year 6 during their Induction Day in July
- Via assemblies to all Development Stage and Personalised Stage classes in
- By means of posters displayed in all classrooms
- By means of information in all journals
Students will receive reminders of our expectations
- From staff at the beginning of the first lesson of the academic year and whenever it is subsequently appropriate
- Regularly from House Learning Managers/Transition Learning Managers in House
- From tutors at the beginning of the academic year and whenever it is subsequently
- Regularly form SLT in Year Assemblies
- From any staff involved in disciplinary procedures
Parents will be informed of our expectations
- Via the home/school agreement
- Via Newsletter
- Via information in journals
- Via a presentation to Parents of Students in Year 7
Via this policy on the School website
Code of Conduct
(taken from the School Journal)
Within the Gordano School Community there are underlying values.
- Courtesy and Good Manners
- Consideration for other people’s views and property and for the School environment
- Safety and Common Sense
- Telling the truth, keeping promises, and taking personal responsibility for one’s actions
With a large site and over 1900 students and adults on the school site, simple rules and guidelines are essential.
High expectations in lessons are the key to good work and behaviour. Students are required to follow these three expectations in class, together with any other requirements from the teaching and support staff.
- BE PREPARED – in particular,taking coats off, putting bags under chairs, getting books out, bringing equipment required.
- BE CONSIDERATE – in particular,being polite, being silent when teacher or student talking to the class, putting chairs under tables at the end of lesson, notchewing eating or drinkingin classrooms, ensuring others can work hard/are not distracted, ensuring rooms are left tidy and litter free.
- WORK HARD – in particular,homework to be completed on time, lesson ends when teacher says, not before.
Every day, in addition to sports wear and books needed for the day, students should bring their:
Basic calculator
Felt-tip pens
Pocket dictionary
Glue stick
A pair of compasses
Tippex is not permitted in school.
All items of equipment should have their name and tutor group on if possible
The expectations outlined in the following pages apply when students are coming to and going home from school, when in the school locality, when on school visits, and when travelling on buses/coaches.
They are expected to behave sensibly when travelling to and from school having due
regard for local residents and the reputation of the School.
Courtesy and Consideration around the School.
(a) Students should walk quietly when moving between lessons.
(b) Bad language/violence/spitting are not tolerated
(c) Radios, MP3 players, audio devices, lasers, skateboards and any potentially dangerous items (e.g. knives) should not be brought into school.
(d)For personal safety reasons mobile phones are allowed in school but must be switched off and stored in bags during the school day. Teachers are asked toconfiscate any phone seenduring lesson time.
(e)Students should 'keep left' on corridors, on ramps, on paths and on stairs. The correct 'in' and 'out' doors should be used.
(f) Alcohol, cigarettes, illegal and/or inappropriate substances are not permitted inschool or near the school.
The Environment
(a) Litter should be placed in the litter bins.
(b) We ask everyone to respect and care for the school environment (furniture, buildings, grass, garden equipment).
(c) All tutor groups will be responsible for ensuring a particular area of the school is kept litter free. Rotas will be devised by tutors to ensure everyone shares in this responsibility. Areas will be allocated by House Learning Managers.
(d) Students who come to school by bicycle should keep their bicycles in the cycle racks during the school day. Students are not allowed to ride their bikes on the school grounds.
(e)Students are not allowed by the school gates/entrances during break/lunchtimes. Students are not permitted to linger in St Mary's Road, Greenfield Park or Clapton Lane.
(a) Absence notes are required for an absence. Notes should be given to tutors.
(b) Late arrivals should report to Student Reception and sign in.
(c) Students who need to go off site during the school day (e.g. for a Doctor's appointment) must sign out and in again at the Student reception. Appointment cards must be shown.
(d) School Wear guidelines should be followed.
(e) Students who arrive early may go to their House areas.
To and From School
Buses: Students who use buses should queue properly and behave courteously to other passengers. Normal School Rules in terms of courtesy, safety and consideration for others apply on the buses. Failure to behave appropriately on the buses will lead to an automatic ban.
Year 7 Extended Learning will consist of two elements:
1)Core Extended Learning.
This will be set by subjects each term and will often involve longer project based activities with a choice of outcome or task. There will be an emphasis on creativity, research and practical skills. An overview of the tasks set with expectations of outcomes and the time to be spent on each task is sent home in September and is available on the Learning Gateway.
2)Cross Curricular Projects.
There will be 5 cross curricular projects set throughout the year which will be launched through Year 7 assemblies and assessed through tutor time. These projects will aim to develop students’ creative skills and will be based around Gordano’s Skilled for Life and Independent Learning agenda.
Year 8 Extended Learning
This will be set by subjects each term and will often involve longer project based activities with a choice of outcome or task. There will be an emphasis on creativity, research and practical skills. An overview of the tasks set with expectations of outcomes and the time to be spent on each task is sent home in September and is available on the Learning Gateway.
Years 7-8 Extended Learning
As many Extended Learning tasks will involve longer deadlines, it is essential that students develop time management and organisational skills. All tasks should be recorded in journals, along with any interim deadlines.
Tasks will be accessible on the Learning Gateway and paper copies of any resources available for those without Internet access.
At Gordano we believe that Extended Learning is extremely important and all students will be expected to fulfil their obligations.
In Year 9, you will be set Extended Learning projects as well as smaller tasks to consolidate learning from lessons. An overview of tasks set and expectations for each task will be sent home and available on the Learning Gateway. Extended Learning will help you to develop Personal Learning and Thinking skills: creativity, independent learning, reflective learning, self-management, team work and help you become an effective participant.
In Years 10 – 11 you will follow a traditional homework timetable to support you in your preparation for controlled condition assessments and exams.
Extended Learning/Homework is an important extension of the work you do in lessons. Homework should encourage your self-discipline and initiative. It also helps to keep your parents in touch with the work you are doing at school.
All Extended Learning/ Homework will be set via the Learning Gateway, but it is still important that you write in your journal each piece of homework and coursework that you are given.
- Plan your time so that you do homework thoroughly.
- Always give homework in on time.
- Ask your parent to sign your journal each week.
Students should aim for as high attendance as they can possibly achieve. One of the biggest factors contributing to underachievement is absence from school.
If students are unable to come to School parents are required to phone in immediately on the dedicated absence phone line: 01275 841374.
An answer phone will be available for a message to be left outside school hours.
When the student returns they must bring a note (check page 42/43 of journal) from home to confirm the dates that they have been away and the reason for their absence.
The note should be given to their Tutor.
•The student is responsible for catching up on work missed.
•Students can ask for help from a friend and if necessary, make an appointment with their teacher.
•Students should aim to catch up with all work missed within a week of returning to school.
•This also applies to homework missed because they have been absent from school.
SIGNING OUT (e.g. for medical appointments etc)
•Students should bring a note from home and give it to their tutor
•Signing out time will be written in your Journal by their tutor
•Show this to their teacher affected before the lesson starts
•Ask for permission to leave at the appropriate time
•Go to The Centre and show their Journal
•They will then be allowed to sign out
•Report to The Centre to sign in when they return to school
As of 1st September 2013 the law no longer gives any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time and Headteachers can no longer grant any extended leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If the Headteacher does not authorise an absence but the child is still absent, then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and may result in a Penalty Notice Fine being issued.
To Students
If parents wish for you to be absent from school in term time, you should collect a‘PupilAbsence Request for Exceptional Circumstances’from your House Learning Manager. Ask your parents to read this page and to sign the form. Return the form to your House Learning Manager for authorisation.
If a student is ill, they need to get a permission slip from their teacher and report to the First Aider based at Main Reception
If the First Aider thinks they should be sent home their parents/guardians will be contacted. They cannot be sent home without permission from a parent.
The First Aider cannot give out paracetamol unless they have been provided by the parents.
All Forms of Medication:
These should not be carried around the school (except inhalers). Students will need to collect a permission sheet from the Office for their parents to complete. They should hand the sheet plus their medication to the First Aider for safe keeping.
Students are required to be punctual.
Bell Times:
Monday – Thursday: 8.40am10:55am1.30pm
Fridays only:8:40am11:15am12:45pm
If a student is late three times in a term their parents will be notified via an email from ICARIS.
If a student is late again in the same term they will be placed in school detention.
Lateness to registration and assemblies will be recoded and monitored by your tutor and House Learning Manager or Transition Learning Manager.
Lateness for lessons will be recorded and monitored by your teachers and will be treated in the same way as above.
Students should not visit their locker between lessons or after registration/assembly.
The school cannot take responsibility for students who are on the site before 8.30am.
- Students are expected to stay in school at lunchtime.
- In a small number of extenuating circumstances students can be authorised to have a lunch pass to go home at lunch.
- To apply for a lunch pass, students need to see their House Learning Manager to arrange this.
- The school must have written permission from their parents for them to leave school at lunchtime and pay £10 via Parentpay to receive an ID badge for their son/daughter to be able to leave and return through the School front gate.
- Students cannot leave school for any other reason.
All hot drinks purchased in the Canteen should be drunk in the Canteen.
They should not be carried around the school or taken to House areas.
Hot food must be eaten in the Canteen. All other food should be eaten either in the Canteen or in the House areas. In fine weather, snacks can be eaten at the picnic benches outside the House areas.
Food or drinks should not be consumed either in lessons or between lessons.
Drinking: Water bottles may be taken into all classrooms (except for ICT, Science and other rooms where signs ask students not to).
Food or drinks must not be taken into assemblies.
Chewing gum is not permitted in school.
All payment for food in the Canteen must be done using the biometric finger scan technology. The biometric system at Gordano School uses the finger and its image to uniquely identify each student.
The lost property room is situated inStudent Reception in The Centre. Students may claim items they have lost by enquiring there. They may do this at breaktime each day. If students’ equipment and clothes are labelled, they will be returned to them.
If students are in Years 8 to 10, they will be asked to do a duty in the main school office or the centre for two periods in the year. For Year 7, it will be four periods. Their tutor will tell them when the duty is and what the duty will entail.
- They will need to see the teacher of the lessons they will miss to see if they want to set work for them. If they do not, they need to take a book to read.
- They will be there to greet any visitors. The office staff give them jobs to do.
- They will be very much in the public eye and representing Gordano School. Theywill need to be smart and in school uniform
- The student should report to the office staff at the beginning of the period
- They will be expected to remove their coat and wear the badge provided