
Consumer Council Meeting

13th October 2016

Room 214 Esme Green Building

Counties Manukau Health

100 Hospital Rd


Present: / Barbara Broome, Samantha Barber, Rosalie Glynn, Ezekiel Robson, Kelly Wright, Myra Barrett, Stella Cattle, John Coffey, Rosina Taueki, Debbie Siau
Apologies: / Myra Barrett
In Attendance: / Renee Greaves
Insert heading as required
Welcome and Karakia
Minutes accepted by
Outside perspective and team updates-
Local Board Elections: Acknowledged two members who stood for the Manurewa Local Board. Stella elected/ Ezekiel not successful
Elected DHB board members acknowledged. Waiting Minister’s sign off for chair and deputy chair who are still to be appointed and formalised.
Allan- Planned proactive care group-More focus on self-management.
Running workshops with less than ideal numbers.
Energy being focussed on Diabetes work in Franklin community.
Franklin community forum- many changes
Ezekiel-Sub-committee of DHB board-Community and public health advisory committee-(CPHAC) normal meeting held out in Otara this month. Promise to get these meetings to be held out in the community. Visibility out into the community, link a presentation from that locality, along with location of the meeting.
Meet six weekly, 3 year term. Public meetings- open to all.
Joined a group at ADHB- One meeting- Public spaces accessibility group. (WDHB employ a disability advisor whoworks for ADHB too. He advised Ezekiel of this opportunity, an existing networks)
HQSC updates:
National Consumer council links into HQSC Consumer network
Conversations about communication and influence into portfolios.
Allan- Self Management experts sub-committee-Allan to send details of membership of this new sub group to Renee
Ezekiel - Health passport, would like to pick this up locally again @CMH- raise the option with PWCC board. Bring a copy of the health passport to next meeting / Consumer Council Members
2. / Health Equity-
Tracey Popham-Project Manager
joined Ko Awatea in Feb, project manager overseas for 16 years)
Diana Dowdle- Ko Awatea Delivery Manager
(Been at Ko Awatea for five years, professional background in social work)
John Coffey -Community lead
Powerpoint presentation included-
Feedback to Tracey via Renee-
Lots of engagement out into the community, and stakeholders.
Board, CEO leadership behind this campaign
Focussing on Childhood obesity.
Champion for Equity on the team Dr Lance O’sullivan
The obesity stream framework:

6 key domains, based on World Health organisation framework 2016.
Widening the current scope being supported, using these domains.
CMH focussing on 3/ 4/ 5 of these domains.
  • Health, nutrition and physical activity for school aged children
  • Early childhood diet and physical activity
  • Preconception and pregnancy care
Continue the current work with current bright spots in Otara, approaching leadership board (Of the project which includes CEO etc. as per Health equity Campaign update proposal provided to us.
Yendarra school example- water only change in policy at the school, as well as healthy lunch options. Influencing children and families. Shown to have benefits in behaviour change, weight loss, learning outcomesSupported by the community.
How do we change behaviour in a meaningful way?
CC: How will this also support the food etc. bringing in by families into inpatients? This is focussing in community firstly.
Is the campaign linking into Supermarkets etc? Build on free fruit initiative.
Workforce stream- Staff to be reflective of the community, reflective also of the people using the service, including recruitment into roles, retention, including work on services and teams.
Align within existing programmes both in the community and in CMH.
Support programmes where needed.
Spread right across counties.
Example of Kia Kaha project.
Here to make it a better experience for people and our communities.
CC: Can we talk about health and wellness, not just health- and focus on improving.
2 consumers on leadership board, one as the chair.
Want consumer’s involved in all aspects of the campaign.
Project proposals 17th October, due back by 4th November to the project team then forming teams including.
Tracey to send dates of the upcoming workshops-26/27th October
30/1/2 Nov.
Video summary to be sent to teams to be able to send out to networks once available.
Frameworks: Ministry of health framework- Achieving health equity IHI paper to be sent to team from Diana. / Health Equity Team
3. / Update from APAC conference, upcoming opportunities
Chair and Renee shared the highlights of APAC conference. PowerPoint presentation as attached.
Jasmine Jenke-presenting to the Council, her presentation from APAC- Story telling and Humans of South Auckland story in December.
1500 Delegates/ 16 consumers/ 16 Intensives/ 48 Concurrent sessions
Discussions around plans for increased consumer delegates in 2017, plans for increasing visibility of consumer, whaanau participation at APAC.
Council would like links to keynote presentations once released. / Rosalie/ Renee
4. / NZ Consumer Council Collective meeting update
Actions: Deferred to November due to time / Rosalie/ Renee
5. / Appointment of Director of Patient Care/ Chief Nurse/ Allied Health
Rosalie read the letter from Geraint to the council members, and her response to Geraint.
Members to put any questions or comments in writing to Rosalie by Thursday 21.10 / Rosalie
Held till the next meeting
Meeting finished: 4.10pm
Next meeting: Thursday 10th November 2-4pm Ko Awatea room 205
  • PWCC= Patient & Whaanau Centred Care
  • Counties Manukau Health ( CMH)

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