Bovingdon Parish Council

Planning Committee

held at

The Memorial Hall, High Street, Bovingdon

on 5 March 2012 starting at 6.30 p.m.


Councillor Richard Briden (Chairman)

Councillor Glenn Povey

Councillor Richard Taylor

Councillor Tony Trigg

Also present:

Mike Kember, Parish Clerk

Representatives from the Village:

5 villagers

1. / Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Banks who is absent due to family reasons.
2. / Declaration of Interests linked to any of the items
Item 4.1 – The Parish Clerk commented that as far as he was aware he had not met and was not related to Mr Peter Kember, Aviation Planning Consultant to Kember Loudon Williams LLP.
3. / Minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2012
It was agreed by those present at this meeting that the minutes the meeting held on 20 February 2012 were a true representation of the meeting and were signed by Councillor Briden. A copy of these had been sent to Peter Kember, Mr Webb’s agent. Mr John Webb commented that he had mentioned at the meeting that helicopters (Robin) could land on the airstrip in future and also that he reaffirmed that they would not fly over The Mount Prison.
4. / To consider the Council’s response to the following Planning Applications received since the last meeting:
4.1 / 4/00048/12/LDE – Land at Bovingdon Airfield, Berry Farm, Whelpley Hill, Chesham – Use of land for the taking off, landing and parking of light aircraft (amended scheme)
Mr Paul Webb, the applicant and his father attended the meeting and handed a letter in to the Committee.
Councillor Trigg said that the Committee had felt more re-assured by the undertakings given by Mr Webb but that Peter Kember the agent had not included all of these in his e-mail sent to the Parish Council on 22 February 2012 setting out the list of parameters that could be included in a Certificate of Lawful Use if one was eventually granted. The Parish Council had also received an e-mail at 15.58 this afternoon from Peter Kember stating that the assurances given at the previous Planning Committee meeting related to the future state not the history of the site, which is all that is relevant to a CLEUD application. Mr John Webb had not received a copy of this and commented that he had not been able to contact Peter Kember who was in Austria. There are also differences in the number of movements as defined by Mr Webb and Peter Kember.
Councillor Briden reported that since the last meeting a document entitled ‘Response to the Application on behalf of Residents of Whelpley Hill, Chesham’ prepared by Clyde & Co LLP has been filed with Dacorum Borough Council.
Councillors Povey, Taylor and Trigg expressed their concern as to how any assurances from the applicant would be monitored and queried the type of sanctions that could be implemented to prevent any abuse of the assurances. The members explained that they were not comfortable or satisfied with the assurances that have been given and with the commitments, which have been made. In addition, if Mr Webb was to sell the farm, would the Certificate of Lawful Development (if issued) pass automatically to the new owner and would it be possible to impose the same requirements on future owners who may wish to fly from the site.
After consideration of the documentation, the majority of the members agreed that the Parish Council should object to this application as they believe the area to which the application refers fell into disuse as an airfield following the departure of the Royal Air Force and United Stated Army Air Force and, therefore, align the council with the contents of the submission made by the residents of Whelpley Hill.
Councillors Povey, Taylor and Trigg object to the application, and Councillor Briden recorded No objections to the application.
4.2 / 4/00279/12/ADV – Margram Service Station, Stoney Lane – Replacement illuminated and non-illuminated fascia signs and other forecourt signage
Support application.
4.3 / 4/00324/12/FHA – 1 Boundary Cottages, Chipperfield Road – Two storey side extension
Support application.
5. / Planning Applications registered with DBC but not yet received in Parish:
5.1 / 4/00349/12/FHA – 1 Hawkins Way – Garage conversion
5.2 / 4/00314/12/FUL – Lot B1, Rear of Wayside & High Firs and adj to Upper Bourne End Lane – Construction of single storey storage building
6. / To note the outcome of Planning applications considered by the DBC Development Control Committee:
6.1 / 4/02248/11/FHA – Beech Cottage, Bovingdon Green – Gravel Path – GRANTED
6.2 / 4/02318/AA/FHA – 32 Vicarage Lane – Single storey rear extension - GRANTED
7. / To note dates for Appeals / Forthcoming Inquiries / Forthcoming Hearings – all previously reported to the Planning Committee:
7.1 / Appeals Lodged:
7.2 / Appeal Dismissed:
7.3 / Appeals Allowed:
8. / To consider letter dated 10 February 2012 received from DBC – Strategic Planning & Regeneration entitled Dacorum’s Core Strategy: Pre-Submission – Omissions Consultation
The Parish Clerk had obtained a larger scale map showing the extensions to the Conservation Area in the village, which have been approved by Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) following an extensive consultation. These are in line with the comments made by the Parish Council although we had also indicated that consideration should be given to include all the properties on the left hand side of Chipperfield Road as you travel from Bovingdon to Chipperfield and all the properties in Austins Mead. The Parish Clerk was asked to follow this up with DBC to find out why it was decided not to include these other two areas. / Parish Clerk
9. / To consider letter from James Doe, Assistant Director Planning, Development & Regeneration at Dacorum Borough Council, offering to attend a parish meeting with the Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration to discuss planning and regeneration issues
Agreed to accept the invitation offered by James Doe, Assistant Director Planning, Development & Regeneration at Dacorum Borough Council and Councillor Stephen Holmes, Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration to attend a future meeting of the Planning Committee. / Parish Clerk
10. / Date of next meeting
Monday 26 March 2012 at 6.30 p.m. in The Memorial Hall / All to note
Meeting closed at 7.30 p.m.

Minutes of the Bovingdon Parish Council Planning Committee Meeting held on 5 March 2012

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