Spring AdCom 2002

Standards Committee Report

Robert Munzner, Chair and IEEE Standards Board Liaison

Active Members:

Guy Hammer, Vice Chair

Carole Carey, Secretary

Rory Cooper, ANSI/ISO Liaison

Steli Loznen, IEC/TC62 Liaison

Gideon Kantor

Arthur Sherwood

Alvin Wald

Summary of Committee Activities

All committee business is presently being conducted by E-mail representation, using a reflector list () on the IEEE server.

A public web site ( is being maintained that lists standards and standards projects directly applicable to medical devices and the biological effects of energy.

The committee is maintaining liaison with ANSI, ISO/CEN/TC293, IEC/TC62, and the IEEE Standards Board. A report of significant IEEE Standards Board activities is provided to the EMBS President, to the Vice President for Publications and Technical Activities, and to the EMBS Standards Committee members on a regular (quarterly) basis.

IEEE Standards Board Meetings

The Board and its committees met December 4−6, 2001,in New York and March 20–22, 2002, in Piscataway, New Jersey. The EMBS liaison was a voting member of the Board for the year 2001, but having served three consecutive years in this capacity, could not be reappointed for 2002. At the request of the Committee chair, Carole Carey has been appointed to serve as EMBS Standards Liaison representative (SLR) for the year 2002. Both meetings were attended by the Chair and the SLR.


A summary of this EMBS-sponsored committee’s activities is provided in the Fall 2001 report.

The EMBS SLR now reports 1073 activities to the AdCom. Three parts of the standard have been approved, fourare being balloted by IEEE, and numerous other parts are in draft.

IEEE PC95.6 – Safety Levels with respect to Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, 0 to 3 KHz

This standard is sponsored by an IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee (SCC28) because there are several IEEE Societies involved in the development. The seventh draft of this standard is ready for balloting. The EMBS Standards Committee has been invited to comment. Some members expressed for support for the proposed draft; however, a quorum has not been obtained.


The committee requested the sum of $1200 for the year and this support was provided by EMBS. All Standards Board meetings are scheduled to be held in the United States during 2002 and the committee requests a budget of $1200 for next year to help defray the cost of meeting attendance by the SLR

Future Activities

The Committee intends to sponsor a project to obtain IEEE adoption of the ANSI/RESNA Wheelchair Standard under the leadership of Dr. Rory Cooper. Dr. Cooper is presently forming a balloting group, which is nearly complete.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert F. Munzner, Ph.D.

April 2002