MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2017

LOCATION: Airport Admin Building, 50 L. P. Henderson Road, Beverly, MA, 01915

PRESENT: Commissioners Brean, Faulstich, Forgione, Gentile, Lund, and Mahoney

ABSENT: Commissioners Dawe, Nelson, and Trefry

PUBLIC: Ace and Charlene Chase of Cat Aviation, Anthony Bettencourt, Ken Robinson, Paul Beaulieu, Esteban Monterroso, Joseph Muccio of Avier, John Singleton from Beverly Flight Center, Nick Burlingham and John Messenger from NAA, Wes Rosen from the Tower, and Craig Schuster of ASG



Chairman Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

1.  Pledge of Allegiance

2.  Reading of the Minutes for March 2017 – Chairman Mahoney called for a reading of the minutes from the March 2017 meeting. Commissioner Forgione made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Brean. Motion passed unanimously.

3.  Reading of the Financial Report for March 2017 – Airport Manager Snuck presented the financial report for March 2017. Fund balance is $127,267. Projecting a shortage of ~$2,000 to $20,000 depending on incomes received for the year. $10,000 of the free cash is committed to the easement acquisition and the airport received a grant for a tracked skid steer loader and attachments that would commit $25,200 from the free cash balance. The balance after the Skid Steer and Easements Airports costs will be $92,067. Vice Chairman Faulstich made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Forgione. Motion passed unanimously.

4.  Presentation(s) –

·  Craig Schuster from Airport Solutions Group updated the commission on the status of the Eminent Domain Avigation Easement Acquisition for the tree removal at the approach of Runway 9. One property owner has not been cooperative and the eminent domain process will have to be pursued. Appraisals and survey have been completed. The Gate Project with 100% Grant from MassDOT Aeronautics for gate, gate motor, etc. was previously approved for $102,000.00. MassDOT Aeronautics has passed this project off to Galaxy and ASG will be paid for the engineering.

5.  Chairman’s Report – Chairman Mahoney:

·  Council meeting held on March 20th of the month to borrow $190,000 was approved. The fund balance of $127,267 is not sufficient to cover the avigation easement. Funds are insufficient because the state did not approve the land sale for $587,265 until January and needed to be done by November. Instead of $714,000 we have $127,000. Prior administration did not create the required wetland. This was approved January 26th from DEP. We have to sit with this situation. Osgood’s did not respond to the City Solicitor’s Letter. This delays the Easement and creates a negative situation.

·  A 10-person meeting was conducted on the old fuel spill with myself, Bob Snuck, Commissioner Faulstich, Ken Robinson, his lawyer and LSP, Mike Collins and the City’s LSP to review the past history and plan. A 2004 spill was not closed out.

·  Met with Aaron Clausen about who runs the airport and the $80K the City is taking from the Ford land sale and the property situation that some city departments are storing items in a poor manner and not paying fair market value.

·  The Mayor invited myself, August Faulstich, Bob Snuck, to meet with Aaron Clausen, and the Mayor to listen to Beth Gipley who will bid on the restaurant and why she wants a liquor license. We were apprehensive to go as she is only one of the potential bidders and not comfortable with the situation.

  1. Sub-Committee Reports:
  1. August Faulstich –Building 45 Restaurant RFP is ready to be issued and has been floating around City Hall. A meeting was held with myself, Bill Mahoney, Bob Snuck, the Mayor, Aaron Clausen, and one of the interested tenants.
  1. Ralph Forgione – Website has a new high of hits, March – 5,088. So far for April there have been 1,724 hits. Fuzzy would like Restaurant RFP put on the website.
  1. Public Relations – Karen Nelson not present.
  1. Safety & Security –Peter Gentile has information from Bob Snuck and will meet to discuss and develop a security plan.
  1. Customs Lease – Paul Trefry not present so there was no update.
  1. Joe Dawe - Not present so there was no update.
  1. John Lund - Banner Tow, it is up to the operator to get certification. He must file a 7711-2 and work with FSDO. We have to allow it if FSDO approves. John can contact him on how he will operate.


·  Airport Manager Snuck’s report complete as written. Update on the PAPI Flight Check, it should be conducted before the end of April. Wildlife permit has been obtained so that eradication measures can be resumed. NAA is looking to close out environmental issues. Traffic is down 1,410 operations compared to the same month last year. The decrease is presumed to be caused by the weather.


·  Fees – Bob Snuck made a presentation on increasing the fees at the airport. The first fees were the fuel flowage fees. A comparison was shown on what other airports in the area charged for fuel and their fuel flowage fees. He recommended that the fees begin on May 1 at a rate of 10¢/ gallon with no exceptions. John Singleton and Ace Chase objected to the fees. Wes Rosen objected to the fees and wanted to know who collected for touch and goes. John Singleton wanted a study conducted on how it may adversely affect business. The second fees discussed were our presently low landing fees. Bob Snuck made another presentation for landing fees that showed the present fees collected for February by the type aircraft and what the new fees would look like at $3.00 per pound MTOW. The resulting fees were reasonable and acceptable by John Messenger of NAA. The proposed Fuel Flowage Fees, Landing Fees, Banner Tow Fees, Security Badging Fees, Ramp Parking Fees, Tiedown Fees, and Contractor Access Fees were explained. Commissioner Faulstich made the motion to accept and institute the new fees as presented, seconded by Commissioner Gentile. Motion passed with all in favor.

·  Peter Ogren made a presentation on the site planning of the Wyler hangar. There are some concerns on the height of the building and line of sight, and are waiting for the results of the FAA 7460 filing. The hangar will also be larger than originally anticipated.

·  The budget for FY 2018 was discussed. Total expected revenue is $432,239.00 and Total expenses are $432,239.00. The airport is waiting on approval of the budget from City Hall and Byrant Ayles.

·  Airport Minimum Standards were not discussed due to the late hour of the meeting. It will be deferred until the next commission meeting.

·  Paul Beaulieu deferred his presentation of Perception Prime now dba Avier.

·  Rich Little was not present for Airshow update.


·  Nick (NAA) – Renovations are near completion and traffic is increasing.

·  Local Residents – Anthony Bettencourt had nothing.

·  Paul Beaulieu – Deferred until next meeting

·  Flight Center – No Comments

·  Ace Chase – No Comments

·  Wes Rosen commented that congress is considering privatization. You may have to start writing congressmen. You may have tower but you may have to pay for a landing clearance. FAA funding runs out October 1.

G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Vice Chairman Faulstich, seconded by Commissioner Gentile. Motion passed unanimously.