Harrison High SchoolMr. Sean D. Shelton

Psychology SyllabusAugust 1st, 2016

Textbook/Resource: Thinking About Psychology, Worth Publishers, 2003.

Website: TBD

Course Descriptionand Goals: This elective is the study of principles of psychology, developmental psychology, heredity and environmental aspects of psychology, learning theory, personality, intelligence, social disorders, and research methods used in the study of psychology. The goal is for the student to apply the principles and knowledge taught in the course to everyday situations and gain a better understanding of human behavior.

Performance Standards/Objectives: Georgia Performance Standards web site link:

Semester grade: 18 week cumulative grade: 85%

Final Exam: 15%

Final Semester grade 100%

Grading System: The class will be graded by a point system. Every assignment will be given a point value

and your grade will be determined by the number of points during the grading period. Major grades such as

tests, projects, presentations, etc. will have a higher point value than daily grades. Daily grades will consist

of homework, classwork, quizzes, weekly journals, & participation grades. Each category is weighted

differently. See below for percentages.

Major grades: 40%

Daily Grades: 45%

Instructional Strategies/Assessment: Teaching methods will include lectures, class discussions, films, oral presentations, group projects, class work, creative exercises, and other student centered approaches. Information on projects will be given as the semester progresses. Quizzes, journals and notebook checks will be given throughout the semester.

Required Materials:

1. A pen and pencil with an eraser (blue or black ink only)

2. A 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder notebook with pockets and 3 dividers. It should be dedicated

to this class only! The notebook should be divided into the following sections:

Section One: Psychology Units, Standards and Chapters: 12 separate units

1. Methods, Approaches, History(SSPFR1-2)Chapter 1

2. Biological Bases of Behavior(SSPB1)Chapter 3

3. Developmental Psychology(SSPBC3)Chapter 2

4. Sensation and Perception(SSPBF4)Chapter 4

5. States of Consciousness(SSPBF2)Chapter 9

6. Learning(SSPBC1)Chapter 7 7. Memory,Thinking & Language (SSPBC2) Chapters 8 & 10 (Mod.23) 8. Testing and Individual Differences (SSPVB1) Ch. 10 (Mod.24)

9. Motivation and Emotion(SSPBF5)Chapter 10

10. Personality, Stress and Health(SSPVB2/SSPBF3)Chapter 11 & 6

11. Abnormal Psychology and Treatment (SSPVB3)Chapters 12 & 13

12. Social Psychology(SSPSP1)Chapter 14

Section Two: Journals/Writing Assignments

Required Reading: You may be required to read up to two additional books provided by the teacher during the semester in addition to the text and other supplemental material you are expected to read. Further information willbe given on this assignment.

Journals: You are to write an essay for a number of topics during the course of the

semester. Your writing should show insight, be adequately developed, and free from spelling and grammatical errors. Please double space. One page minimum/Two page maximum!

Test Corrections: There will be an opportunity to complete test corrections for extra credit after each unit opportunity. Days and times will be determined week to week.

Class Rules and Expectations

1. Follow ALL Harrison High School House Rules!!! NO TEXTING!!! See below.

2. Be prepared!!! Students are to bring the required materials to class every day.

Those who do not comply will be inducted into the "Breakfast Club".

3. Be respectful to yourself and others at all times.

  1. Take care of "personal business" in between classes. All students MUST sign out when you leave the classroom.

5. Follow all Cobb County School System policies. See your handbook!!!

Honesty/Honor Code:

The Harrison Honor Code is expected to be followed throughout the semester. Any violations will result in a zero for that assignment, parent notification, an office referral, and an Unsatisfactory in conduct for the semester. Providing or receiving an unfair advantage in any way on an assignment, test, activity, homework, quiz is considered academic dishonesty. All parties involved will receive the same consequences.

Cell Phone Policy: Students shall not use, display or turn on cellular phones, video phones, or

electronic devices during instruction time except when a teacher uses these devices for

instructional purposes. The consequences for inappropriate cell phone use are:

1st offense – Saturday School

2nd offense – 1 Day of ISS

3rd offense – 2 Days of ISS

Tardy Policy: *Change from last year

1– 3 tardies – Warning from Attendance Office 7th tardy- Three days ISS

4th tardy – One day of Saturday school8th tardy- Four days ISS

5th tardy – Two days of Saturday school9th tardy- Three days OSS

6th tardy – Two days of ISS

Late Policy/Absences: All assignments are to be handed in at the beginning of the

class period or they will be considered late. Late work is not accepted! You are also responsible for any work (notes included) you missed due to absences. Your absence must be excused and it is YOUR responsibility to arrange for make-up within 3 days.

Students: Psychology is a course in which one can truly apply what they have learned to everyday life situations. You will gain a better understanding of why others do the things they do and also what makes you tick. As we cover various topics throughout the semester, I encourage you to use this knowledge in your relations with others. Not all the topics may interest you, but they are all useful in understanding human behavior. I will do my best to make your class experience fun and beneficial. However, no matter what I do, only a positive attitude and effort on your part will result in a successful class and semester. I am here to help you in any way that I can. Don't hesitate to ask. I am looking forward to a great semester with you. Mr. Shelton

*****Please have your parents read and sign this course syllabus and rules sheet. Place it in the front of your notebook. If they have any questions or concerns, feel free to have them contact me at the school.


Student's signature


Parent/Guardian's signature