Briar Road Public School

School Plan


School Plan for 2009-2011

School context
Our School
Briar Road Public School (enrolment 381, 25% Aboriginal, 31% non English speaking background, 3 support classes, preschool, Priority Action School, Priority Schools Program and PBIS), is a place where staff, students and the community strive for excellence by providing a caring and safe learning community that encourages all students and staff to reach their full potential. Staff are aware of the nature of the community and support its values and needs. They are enthusiastic and dedicated professionals who cater for individual students through interesting, structured programs in an environment which promotes high expectations. The school actively seeks improvement through a child-centered approach with supportive student welfare programs. Briar Road PSimplements Positive Behaviour Intervention and Supports systems across the school.All students are expected and encouraged to display positive behaviour by“Being Safe”, “Being Respectful”,and “Being a Learner”.
Our Vision is to:
Raise academic standards by providing high quality curriculum delivery
Develop student self worth by providing a positive and stimulating learning environment
Enhance, share and value staff competencies, recognise and celebrate cultural identity and; foster a love for learning that develops a foundation which encourages positive life choices.
Our Staff
Briar Road is a very complex school with 48 staff members :
Principal, Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning-PAS funded, 5 Assistant Principals- 3 Relieving, 14 Classroom Teachers-6 of which are on Maternity Leave, 10 New Scheme Teachers, 3 Support Teachers, a Preschool Teacher, Teacher Librarian -4 days per week, an ESL teacher -4 days per week, STLA-1 week and 1 day, Support Teacher(ESSP) -3 days per week, Aboriginal Resource Teacher fulltime, Aboriginal Education Officer, 4 School Learning Support Officers, 3 part time Integration (Funding Support) Aides, A School Administration Manager Relieving, 1 fulltime and 1 part time School Administration Officer, a General Assistant-3 days per week, Canteen Manager and two cleaners. Staff, are encouraged to take on leadership roles we have 3 teachers participating in the Aspiring Leadership Program and two of our relieving Assistant principal positions are in their first 5 years of teaching. Our School Administration Manager is part of the LMBR Consultation network.
Our community
Our school community is low socio economic with many complex issues. Our students (in some cases) come from impoverished families. Many parents have not had positive educational experiences and some of them have severe mental health issues. Our whole school staff do an exceptional job in supporting families, ensuring that all children attend school through our ‘Phone Home Program’, support students and parentsin meetings with interagencies, counsellors, psychologists, paediatricians and Department of Community Services.
Our Educational Programs
At Briar Road we are involved in a number of Quality Teaching and Learning Programs to improve the Literacy and Numeracy outcomes of all students as outlined below:
National Partnerships-Low SES
Briar Road Public School will become a National Partnership-Low SES school in 2011-2015. This program is Nationally funded by the Federal Government providing substantial funds to improve student outcomes and close the gap for indigenous students through the delivery of quality programs and quality teachers. Strategies pertaining to this program have been born out of a comprehensive Situational Analysis undertaken by all staff, students and the community over a period of a term.
  • Employment of Speech Pathologist to implement speech therapy programs (joint strategy with John Warby PS)
  • Employment of DP Teacher Mentor/Engagement (0.8)
  • Employment of DP Aboriginal Education (joint strategy with John Warby PS, Bradbury PS and Airds HS)
  • Employment of teacher to provide additional release for teachers to engage in mentoring and training and development (0.6)
  • Employment of AP (0.4)
  • Employment of a Community Engagement Officer (0.6)
  • Purchase 9 interactive whiteboards to ensure that all classes have access to this technology
  • Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Program
  • Establishment of a Community Room
  • Employment of School Administration Officer (0.2) to assist with management of funds
Priority Action School Program
  • Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning
  • Early Literacy Intervention – 2 X School Learning Support Officers 4hours/day
  • School Learning Support Officer (3-6 literacy and numeracy focus) X 2
  • Community Liaison Officer – Attendance
  • 2 X Interactive Whiteboards to aid engagement in literacy and numeracy programs
Priority Schools Funding Program
  • Purchase of resources to support whole school Literacy and Numeracy Initiatives and improve student outcomes
  • Collegial planning days to plan literacy and numeracy programs and assessment
Accelerated Literacy
All staff havecompleted Accelerated Literacy training and receive ongoing support from the DP-Teaching and Learning (AL Tutor). The pedagogy is implemented in all classes P-6.
ADELP Program
  • Delivered through Aboriginal Resource teachers to improve Aboriginal Student outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy K-2
Best Start
  • Assessment of all kindergarten students to inform Teaching and Learning programs, and assist in reporting to parents
Fruit breaks & Homework Centre
  • Fruit breaks are run and supported by all staff. This ensures that all students begin the school day nourished and ready for learning.
  • All staff are rostered on one afternoon each week to provide support for students wanting help with homework.
Community of Schools
The Airds/Bradbury Community of Schools consists of Airds HS and its feeder schools; Briar Road PS, John Warby PS and Bradbury PS. Joint programs over the last two years have included a Middle School Numeracy Project, an eScience Project, Cooling Conflicts, joint staff development days and transition to high school programs.
Priority Areas (3 Year horizon)
  • 92% of year 3 students will achieve at or above the minimum standard as measured in the Naplan ( 85.8%-2008)
  • 93% of year 5 students will achieve at or above the minimum standard as measured in the Naplan ( 86.9%-2008)
  • 40% of year 3 students will achieve he proficient standard as measured in the Naplan ( 28.6%-2008)
  • 20% of year 5 students will achieve he proficient standard as measured in the Naplan ( 7.7%-2008)
  • All year 5 students will achieve the expected minimum growth of the State (80 marks in 2008)
  • To increase the Yr 3 Literacy Mean score by 20 marks (mean score 2008- 379.7)
  • To increase the Yr 5 Literacy Mean score by 20 marks (mean score 2008- 449.4)
  • 73% of year 3 students will achieve at or above the minimum standard as measured in the Naplan ( 64.3%-2008)
  • 70% of year 5 students will achieve at or above the minimum standard as measured in the Naplan ( 62.5%-2008)
  • 30% of year 3 students will achieve he proficient standard as measured in the Naplan ( 16.7%-2008)
  • 15% of year 5 students will achieve he proficient standard as measured in the Naplan ( 0%-2008)
  • All year 5 students will achieve the expected minimum growth of the State (80 marks in 2008)
  • To increase the Yr 3 Numeracy Mean score by 20 marks (mean score 2008- 348.4)
  • To increase the Yr 5 Numeracy Mean score by 20 marks (mean score 2008- 431.6)
Student Engagement and Retention
  • Decrease whole school suspensions by 20% (12 students) annually each year as measured by the Risc data base (60-2008)
  • To continuously improve whole school attendance by a 1% annual improvement (91.7%-2008)
  • To continue to focus on a reduction on whole school partial attendance data

Targets (1 year horizon)
  • 90% of students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 90% of students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 35% of students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 20% of students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 60% of ATSI students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 70% of ATSI students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 25% of ATSI students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 25% of ATSI students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Reading
  • 90% of students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 93% of students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 25% of students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 20% of students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 80% of ATSI students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 85% of ATSI students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 20% of ATSI students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 20% of ATSI students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN Writing
  • 90% of students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 92% of students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 35% of students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 15% of students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 70% of ATSI students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 90% of ATSI students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 35% of ATSI students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN
  • 20% of ATSI students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2011 NAPLAN
Student Engagement and Retention
  • 20% continued deduction in suspensions
  • 25% continued increase in parent and community at school activities
  • 93% overall attendance p-6
  • 50% decrease in partial attendance K-6

The plan has been endorsed and approved by:
Principal: / Date: / School Education Director: / Date:

Principal’s initials: ______School Education Director’s Initials______

School Plan

School Priority Area: Literacy

Intended Outcomes:

  • Increased levels of literacy achievement for every student in line with Regional Plan targets

  • Diminished gap in literacy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students

  • Develop, implement and evaluate Quality Teaching Programs in Literacy to strengthen teacher capacity and improve student outcomes

  • Improve diagnostic assessment of literacy learning in the early years

  • Develop quality middle school programs through Community of Schools
  • Teaching and learning strategies strengthened through the implementation of quality evidence based programs and initiatives
  • Innovation in the use of interactive technologies for learning, teaching and for teacherprofessional learning


  • 92% of year 3 students will achieve at or above the minimum standard as measured in the Naplan ( 85.8%-2008)
  • 93% of year 5 students will achieve at or above the minimum standard as measured in the Naplan ( 86.9%-2008)
  • 40% of year 3 students will achieve he proficient standard as measured in the Naplan ( 28.6%-2008)
  • 20% of year 5 students will achieve he proficient standard as measured in the Naplan ( 7.7%-2008)
  • All year 5 students will achieve the expected minimum growth of the State (80 marks in 2008)
  • To increase the Yr 3 Literacy Mean score by 20 marks (mean score 2008- 379.7)
  • To increase the Yr 5 Literacy Mean score by 20 marks (mean score 2008- 449.4)

Indicators / Time Frame / Strategies / Responsibility / Reform / 2011 Funding Source
Impact of K-12 Literacy Policy on school teaching programs and student literacy
achievement. / 2009-2011 / *Implement the 2008 K-12 Literacy Policyto guide teaching in schools and improvestudent literacy achievement
* Develop whole school literacy assessment kit
* Focus on writing through modification of current Text Type Scope & Sequence and T & D
* Focus on reading comprehension including Key into Comprehension lessons and Accelerated Literacy / All StaffDeputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
Literacy committee
Principal / 3,4 / PASP-$95,000
Decreased proportion of students not meeting literacy minimum standards in accordance with the Regional Plan targets. / 2009-2011 / * Use whole school planning processesto identify aspects of literacyunderperformance for particular studentcohorts and for individual students.
*Continue to implement Accelerated Literacy
* Using NAPLAN data identify student’s strengths and weaknesses
* Identify teaching and learning strategies to improve achievement of outcomes
*Employ School Learning Support Officers to implement teacher directed literacy and numeracy programs 3-6 / All staff
Literacy Committee
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
2X SLSO / 3,4 / As above
PASP - $46,000
Increased proportion ofstudents meeting
or exceeding literacy proficiency standards
in accordance
Naplan-School Region
and State targets / 2009-2011 / * Use whole school planning processes to identify aspects of literacy underperformance for particular student cohorts and for individual students.
*Implement Accelerated Literacy. / All staff
Literacy Committee
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
LST / 3,4 / As above
Decreased proportion of Aboriginal students achieving in the lower bands in
accordance with State Plan targets. / 2009-2011 / * Implement Accelerated Literacy.
*AERT & AEO roles.
*Implement and monitor PLPs
*DP Aboriginal Education (Community of Schools – shared position).
*Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Program. / All staff
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
Deputy Principal Aboriginal Education
AERT & AEO / 2,3,4 / As above
NP - $35,976
NP - $10,000
Utilise Best Start data to improve literacy achievement for students in the early years. / 2009-2011 / *Implement Best Start
*Employ School Learning Support Officers to implement teacher directed individual reading programs (Early Learning Intervention).
* Employment of speech pathologist through NSW Health to implement speech therapy programs with identified students (shared position with John Warby PS). / ES1 Teachers
2 X SLSO 4 hours/ day / 3,4 / PASP - $40,000
NP - $48.000
Implementation of the NSW Quality Teaching Framework in all schools and through all
Department professional learning and curriculum resources. / 2009-2011 / * Strengthen implementation of the NSWQuality Teaching model.
* Employment of a teacher (0.6) to provide additional release for staff mentoring and training and development. / All staff
Literacy Committee
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
LST / 3,4 / TPL Funds
NP - $47,522
Teacher learning is a key strategy in all school plans to improve student learning. / 2009-2011 / * Use whole school planning processes (including Collegial Planning Days) to align student learning and teacher learning.
*To employ Deputy Principal Teacher Mentor/Engagement (0.8) to provide professional development feedback to teachers.
*Utilise DASA tool.
*Employment of additional Assistant Principal (0.4) to provide consistency in leadership. / All StaffDP – Teaching & LearningDP – Mentor/Engagement
Principal / 1,2,3,4,5,6 / NP - $76,968
NP - $6462
Each classroom will
effectively use interactive classroom technologies. / 2009-2011 / *Utilise the Connected classroom and interactive whiteboards to better meet the learning needs of 21st
Century students.*Equip remaining classrooms with interactive whiteboards. / All staffTechnology committeeDeputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement / 3,4 / PASP - $16,00
NP - $72, 000
+ Global (additional computers/cabling)
Increased teacher participation in
professional learning in information
communication technologies. / 2009-2011 / *Develop teacher capacity in the use of information communication technologies
to improve learning and teaching through enhanced quality professional learning and access to curriculum resources. / DP – Teaching & LearningDP Mentor/
Technology CommitteePrincipal / 1,2,3,4,5,6 / TPL Funds
PASP – as above
NP – as above
Evidence of positive impact of ICT learning tools, interactive technologies and ICT based
curriculum resources on student engagement and learning. / 2009-2011 / *Analyse internal and external data in respect to achievement of targets. / As above / 3,4 / As above

School Priority Area: Numeracy

Intended Outcomes:

To achieve regional literacy targets by improving each student's individual learning.
  • Increased levels of numeracy achievement for every student in line with Regional targets

  • Diminished gap in numeracy achievement between Aboriginal students and all students

  • Improve diagnostic assessment of numeracy learning in the early years

  • Develop, implement and evaluate Quality Teaching Programs in Numeracy to strengthen teacher capacity and improve student outcomes
  • Innovation in the use of interactive technologies for learning, teaching and for teacher professional learning
  • Develop quality middle school programs through Community of Schools


  • 68% of students in year 3 will achieve the minimum standard in 2009 NAPLAN
  • 66% of students in year 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2009 NAPLAN
  • 20% of students in year 3 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2009 NAPLAN
  • 5% of students in year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2009 NAPLAN
  • 80% of ATSI students in year 3 and 5 will achieve the minimum standard in 2009 NAPLAN
  • 15% of ATSI students in year 3 and year 5 will achieve the proficiency standard in 2009 NAPLAN

Indicators / Time Frame / Strategies / Responsibility / Reform / Resource Allocation & funding Source
Impact of K-12 Numeracy Policy on school
teaching programs and student numeracy
achievement. / 2009-2011 / *Implement the 2008 K-12 Numeracy Policy
to guide teaching in schools to improvestudent numeracy achievement / All StaffDeputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
Numeracy committee
Principal / 3,4 / PASP- as above
Decreased proportion of students not meeting numeracy minimum standards in accordance with the Regional Plan targets. / 2009-2011 / * Use whole school planning processes to identify aspects of numeracy underperformance for particular student cohorts and for individual students.
*Continue to implement PSI Room.
* Use NAPLAN data to identify student’s strengths and weaknesses.
* Identify teaching and learning strategies to improve achievement of outcomes.
*Employ School Learning Support Officers to implement teacher directed literacy and numeracy programs 3-6. / All staff
Numeracy Committee
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
2X SLSO / 3,4 / As above
PASP as above
NP –as above
Increased proportion of
students meeting or exceeding numeracy proficiency standards
in accordance with the
Regional Plan targets / 2009-2011 / * Use whole school planning processes to identify aspects of literacy underperformance for particular student cohorts and for individual students.
*Continue to implement PSI Room. / All staff
Numeracy Committee
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
LST / 3,4 / As above
Decreased proportion of Aboriginal students achieving in the lower bands in
accordance with Regional Plan targets. / 2009-2011 / *AERT & AEO roles.
*Implement and monitor PLP’s.
*DP Aboriginal Education (shared position Community of Schools).
*Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Program. / All staff
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
Deputy Principal Aboriginal Education
AERT & AEO / 2,3,4 / As above
NP – as above
Utilise Best Start data to improve numeracy achievement for students in the early years. / 2009-2011 / *Implement Best Start. / ES1 Teachers / 3,4
Implementation of the NSW Quality Teaching Framework in all schools and through all
Department professional learning and curriculum resources. / 2009-2011 / *Strengthen implementation of the NSWQuality Teaching model. / All staff
Numeracy Committee
Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement
LST / 3,4 / TPL Funds
NP –as above
Teacher learning is a key strategy in all school plans to improve student learning. / 2009-2011 / *Use whole school planning processes (including Collegial Planning Days) to align student learning and teacher learning.
*Employment of Deputy Principal Teacher Mentor/Engagement (0.8) to provide professional development feedback to teachers.
*Utilise DASA tool. / All StaffDP – Teaching & LearningDP – Teacher Mentor/Engagement
Principal / 1,2,3,4,5,6 / PASP - as above
NP – as above
Each classroom will
effectively use interactive classroom technologies. / 2009-2011 / *Utilise the Connected classroom and interactive whiteboards to better meet the learning needs of 21st
Century students.* Equip remaining classrooms with interactive whiteboards. / All staffTechnology committeeDeputy Principal – Teaching and Learning
Deputy Principal – Mentor/Engagement / 3,4 / NP – as above
+ Global (additional computers/cabling)
Increased teacher participation in
professional learning in information
communication technologies. / 2009-2011 / *Develop teacher capacity in the use of information communication technologies
to improve learning and teaching through enhanced quality professional learning and access to curriculum resources. / DP – Teaching & LearningDP Mentor/
Technology CommitteePrincipal / 1,2,3,4,5,6 / TPL Funds
PASP – as above
NP – as above
Evidence of positive impact of ICT learning tools, interactive technologies and ICT basedcurriculum resources on student engagement and learning. / 2009-2011 / *Analyse internal and external data in respect to achievement of targets. / As above / 3,4 / As above

School Priority Area: Student Engagement and Retention