ADA of South Dakota

Board Meeting

Sheraton Inn, Sioux Falls, SD

November 10, 2014


Members Present: Doug Ode, Jarrod Otta, Marvin Post, Randy Schweer, Todd Pennings

Members Absent: None.

Ex-officio Members Present: Trudy Wastweet, Vikram Mistry

Ex-officio Members Absent: None

Others Present: Midwest Dairy staff—Roger Scheibe; Midwest Dairy South Dakota Division: Ron Krogstad, Allen Merrill, Jim Neugebauer

  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:13 p.m. by Chair Marv Post.

  1. Roll Call

Roll call was taken by Doug Ode, and he announced the presence of a quorum.

  1. Agenda

Jarrod Ottamoved,Todd Pennings seconded to approve the revised agenda. Motion Carried.

3. Minutes

Jarrod Ottamoved, Todd Pennings seconded to approve the minutes as amended of September 17, 2014. Motion Carried.

  1. Seat Governor Appointments

Doug Odemoved, Jarrod Otta seconded to seat Governor appointee Todd Pennings, Davisco, for a 2 year term. Motion Carried.

Doug Odemoved, Jarrod Otta seconded to seat Marv Post for a 3 year term. Motion Carried.

  1. Election of Officers:

Chair:Marv Post

Vice Chair: Randy Schweer

Secretary/Treasurer: Doug Ode

Doug Odemoved, Jarrod Otta seconded to seat Marv Post as Chair. Motion Carried.

Jarrod Ottamoved, Doug Ode seconded to seat Randy Schweer as Vice Chair. Motion Carried.

Randy Schweermoved, Jarrod Otta seconded to seat Doug Ode as Secretary/Treasurer. Motion Carried.

  1. Reports

ADA of SD Financial Statement
Louise Gallagher, via Webinar, reviewed the ADA of SD financial statement.

Jarrod Otta moved,Randy Schweerseconded to approve the ADA of SD Financial
Statement as of September 30, 2014. Motion Carried.

2015 Budget
Louise Gallagher reviewed the ADA of SD budget.
Jarrod Otta moved, seconded by Randy Schweer to approve the 2015 ADA of SD Budget (Attachment #1). Motion Carried.

Jarrod Otta moved,Todd Pennings seconded to approve the 2014 payments of $18,000 to SDSU Foundation for specialized equipment approved by USDA, and $18,000 to Midwest Dairy Association, from excess reserve funds in accordance with the 2/15/07 board resolution. Motion Carried.

2015 Dairy Research & Promotion Agreement

Louise Gallagher reviewed the 2015 Dairy Research and Promotion Agreement.
Jarrod Otta moved,Randy Schweer seconded to approve the 2015 Dairy Research &
Promotion Agreement in the amount of $2,145,000. Motion Carried.

South Dakota Department of Ag

Trudy Wastweet gave the Department of Ag update.

SDSU Updates
Vikram Mistry gave updates on SDSU activities.

Unfinished/New Business

6. Adjourn

Jarrod Ottamoved,Doug Odeseconded to adjourn at 1:59 p.m. Motion Carried.

Marv PostDoug Ode


Attachment #1

1 / Checkoff Receipts / $ 2,180,000
2 / Interest / 2,500
3 / Miscellaneous Revenue / 25
4 / Total Revenue / 2,182,525
5 / Contract - Midwest Dairy Assn. / 2,145,000
6 / SDSU Foundation / 35,000
7 / State Department Charges / 2,300
8 / Audit Fees / 7,400
9 / Board Meetings / 550
10 / Total Expenses / 2,190,250
11 / Excess of Revenue over Expenses / $ (7,725)

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