Warner Mountain Dance Center
Performance Season 2017 - 18
Studio Policies and Parent Agreement
It is important to the Warner Mountain Dance Center, hereby referred to as the WMDC, to provide the best experience possible to its students and community members. Being a member of the WMDC requires a commitment in time and effort. Because there are other large commitments to school and personal life, it is important that WMDC members understand what will be required as a dancer and a parent. The following contract is meant to help WMDC members understand their responsibilities as a member of the center and the responsibilities of the center to the members.
The staff of the WMDC would like to ensure the safest and most positive dance experience for your child. Please read through the following policies carefully and thoroughly before initialing and signing in agreement to the contract. Thank you.
*Registration: Students are to register prior to their first class. It is the responsibility of the parent to notifying the office of any change of information (address, insurance, etc.). The WMDC or its governing bodies is not responsible or liable for any additional fees associated with the parent’s failure to change any incorrect information.
*Drop off/Pick-Up Policy:
The WMDC drop off policy is as follows; Students must arrive at least 5 minutes early to class. Students must be prepared to dance at the time of arrival or arrive early enough to allow time to change into appropriate dance attire.
The WMDC pick-up policy is as follows; Students must be retrieved within 15 minutes after the end of class. There is a $15 fee for late pick-up. Only the individuals listed as emergency contacts are allowed to pick-up students if parents/guardians are unavailable. Any other individual must be given clearance by the parent/guardian via phone/email notification to the office.
*Class Schedule: WMDC classes are available for review via the website. If there is an alteration to the class schedule, the WMDC will notify students and parents of this alteration via email, and make the appropriate adjustments to tuition, if necessary.
*Class Sizes: The class sizes are determined by the Studio Owner, hereby referred to as the S.O. and are subject to change. The S.O. will decide an appropriate maximum number of students for individual classes, dependent upon the space available to the WMDC.
Mommy & Me: 4 moms and 4 students
Creative Movement & Pre-Ballet: 8 dancers
Any style level 1.1 – 2.1: 10 dancers
*Placement: The WMDC is proud to offer a wide variety of classes, including, but not limited to; Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Lyrical, and Improvisation. Students are placed in classes according to the following criteria; technique, commitment level, enthusiasm, attitude, behavior in class, and attendance. Not necessarily their age! All student placement is based on Instructor/Director approval.
*Class Availability: WMDC classes are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Parents/students are given the option of engaging in the pre-season sign-up available May 1st to the day before the spring performance. The final opportunity to enroll in the performance season is July 31st – September 1st. If a parent/student is interested in a filled course they will be notified if/when the course has an open availability; however, wait lists will only be maintained until October 15th. After that time, the WMDC no longer accepts new students in order to maintain continuity within the class.
*Schedule: It is the responsibility of the WMDC to notify all students of any schedule changes. Various sources of schedule information include, but are not limited to; the website, the Facebook page or studio “person”, calls, texts, or emails. As a courtesy, make-up lessons will be made available for cancelled classes; however, based on the attendance to make-up lessons. The S.O. maintains the right to cancel future make-up lesson opportunities depending on student availability and resources of the S.O.
*Attendance: Student’s attendance in class is paramount in order to continue a student’s dance education. It is the responsibility of the student/parent to notify the WMDC of any illness, vacation time, change in personal schedule, or any other factors interfering with the established and hereby agreed upon WMDC policies. Important Note: Each student MUST be covered by their family's insurance policy. If an injury occurs, it is understood that the student's own policy is your only source of coverage/reimbursement.
There are no refunds or adjustments made for missed classes. Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance. As a courtesy, make-up lessons are available to students who inform the studio 24 hours PRIOR to the absence. The offer of a make-up class is made at the S.O.’s discretion, and based on the availability in other classes.
We kindly ask that you please notify the office immediately if your child will be adding or dropping a class. ______(Intl.)
*Parent Attendance: For liability purposes, only registered students and instructors are allowed inside the classroom while class is in session. Parents are not allowed to walk around the studio while classes are in session. If you must speak to your child, please do so in a polite and least distracting way. It is distracting to the students and instructors to have a parent inside the studio (especially for the younger ages.) Scheduled attendance to classes is welcome. Please be sure to schedule attendance to classes 24 hours ahead of the scheduled class.
*Tuition & Pre-Scheduled Holidays: Tuition is paid on a monthly bases, due on the 1st of the month and payable to the Warner Mountain Dance Center or WMDC. In order to secure your student’s placement in WMDC classes the first month’s tuition and 50% of the last months tuition is due at the start of the season.
Given the limited class size tuition secures the student's spot in class for the upcoming month. Delinquent payments past the 15th will result in the account incurring a $15 late fee. All tuition is based on four weeks per month; therefore, there will be no extra charge for the "fifth week" lessons as these "free” lessons are used to offset the days when the studio is closed. If tuition is not paid by the 29th of the month, students will not be allowed to participate in class until all fees (including late fees are current.)
The WMDC's pre-scheduled holidays are Labor Day Weekend, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas/New Year's Day Break, Easter Weekend, Memorial Weekend, and a two week Summer Break. The studio will be in session all other days of the year, including all of the President's holidays. Tuition is not pro-rated for holidays or summer break. If a class needs to be cancelled for any reason, you will be notified, please refer to section: Schedule for more information.
*Spring Performance Participation: The spring performance is scheduled at the beginning of the season and is available for review on the WMDC planner (available on the website). A student’s participation in the spring performance is determined by the student’s attendance during choreography months, March – June. Students who miss classes during this time period will be given a fair amount of time to learn the choreography before alternative actions are taken. It is the student’s responsibility to come prepared to class with knowledge of the previous week’s choreography.
*Costuming: The WMDC is responsible for selecting, invoicing the parents, and purchasing the costumes for the spring performance. As costuming for the WMDC is time consuming and results in additional shipping & handling costs, there is a $15 S&H/Admin Fee associated with ALL costume invoices. It is the parent’s responsibility to pay the costume invoice by the invoice date. A $15 late fee will be assessed to any outstanding costume invoice. Costumes will be held by the WMDC until the performance date. Students will not be allowed to perform, or receive costumes until ALL outstanding balances (including monthly tuition and fines relating to a code of conduct violation) are paid in full.
*Drop-Ins: Drop-in rates are only available at the WMDC during the Summer Season, and at the S.O.’s discretion during the performance season.
*Drop-Outs: Drop-outs are students who wish to discontinue their season with the WMDC. If an email (only) verification is given prior to the first of the month, the account will not be charged for the following month. However, should a student remove themselves from the WMDC without proper notification, a charge will be filed on the account and should the student wish to return the account will need to be paid before classes resume. Late fees will be assessed to the account if payment is not received by the 15th of said month.
*Email Communication: The WMDC's primary form of communication is via email. Second form of communication is the website and facebook page. Tertiary forms include phone and face to face contact; however, given the number of students enrolled in the WMDC it is the parent's responsibility to use the primary and second forms of communication to learn about WMDC events before enlisting the tertiary form.
*Student & Parent Code of Conduct: Students and parents are expected to act respectfully to the S.O., instructors, any other WMDC staff, and their fellow students at all times while on studio premises. Being a member of the WMDC is a privilege. All members will be held to the highest standards of conduct, and must act respectfully towards themselves and others. Disrespectful behavior includes, but is not limited to; name calling, derogatory language, violence, disruption class, endangerment to themselves or other students, destruction of property, etc. Any student who exhibits disrespectful behavior to WMDC staff or members will result in appropriate consequences. After any instance of disrespectful behavior by the student, the parents will be informed. Appropriate consequences for the action are determined by the director. Continuation of disrespectful behavior may result in the student's termination. Any classes missed as a result of delinquent behavior will not receive any compensation for the missed class, including but not limited to; refunds or a make-up class.
These policies are in place in order to keep the WMDC a safe, supportive, wholesome environment for all participants. Dancers are expected to understand that they are viewed as role models by younger dancers and students and must strive to achieve the highest standard of personal conduct for themselves at all times.
Failure to abide by the Student & Parent Code of Conduct will result in the following consequences (depending on the severity of said action);
1st: Verbal/Written warning will be issued to the parent and/or student, the note shall be kept on record by the WMDC.
2nd: Written warning and $25 fine will be issued to the parent and/or student.
3rd: Written warning and $50 fine will be issued to the parent and/or student. In addition to the parent and/or student being placed on probation.
4th: Written warning and $100 fine will be issued to the parent and/or student. In addition to the parent and/or student being suspended from attendance to the WMDC events or classes for 2 weeks.
4th: Written notification of the parent and/or student’s expulsion from the Warner Mountain Dance Center.
*Dress Code: WMDC members must wear appropriate dancewear to EVERY class. Forgetting dancewear, shoes, hair will not be tolerated. The WMDC dress code is as follows;
Ballet/Lyrical: Solid colored leotard; pink, black or tan tights; ballet skirts (optional); warm-ups (optional); instructor approved socks/ballet shoes. Jazz/Contemporary: Form fitting shirts and pants, and instructor approved socks/jazz shoes. Stretch: Form fitting shirts and pants, and instructor approved socks/shoes. No sweatshirts or baggy pants for any class!
A specific shoe may be required at the beginning of the dance year for performances/competitions. Please speak with the director before purchasing shoes. The director will try to avoid changing shoes every year.
Important Note: Hair MUST be securely pulled back for every class.
Failure to abide by the proper dress code (including hair) may result in the student’s inability to participate in class for the day. No refunds or make-ups will be offered under those circumstances.
*Use of Video & Photography: It is understood that the WMDC reserves the right to use any photography and/or videotaping of student's performances for purposes of advertising, publicizing, and promoting of the studio. All ownership (including copyright) as well as other rights, title and interest in and to these photography/videotaping shall belong exclusively to the WMDC. Please do not take photos or videos of the students without the director’s permission.
*Bad Weather Days: This year’s bad weather day policy is as follows; the studio will usually follow the Modoc Joint Unified School District closures for bad weather. However, this is not the only time classes may be canceled due to bad weather. The WMDC reserves the right to cancel classes at my discretion. I will not put any child in danger due to weather. In addition to the normal attendance policy, I will trust parents to inform me if they feel uncomfortable traveling due to road conditions (especially those that are traveling great distances), and based on the response. I may cancel classes for the evening. Please do not abuse this system!
For studio closures the Facebook page will be updated and an email will be sent to all the parents. For class cancellations, the Facebook page will be the main source of communication. Please call or email if you are unsure if class is cancelled or not. In the event of a class getting cancelled two or more times in a month, a make-up classes or elongated classes will be scheduled. I will do my best to schedule make-up or elongated classes at a time available to everyone, but I cannot make any promises.
****The WMDC policies are subject to change, and the WMDC members will be notified (in writing) of any alterations to the agreement prior to their installment. ****