Friday, 9thDecember 2016

Park Community School

200 Dorset Road, London SW19 3EF

T: 0208 542 3365

Follow us on Twitter @parkchapelst

Facebook: @parkcomsch

Exploring the world in Reception Class

Reception class constructed a ship together this week and it has special powers; it can take the children to any place in the world in less than a minute! Yesterday they visited America and Australia and they saw kangaroos!

Christmas Nativity tickets

We have a few spare tickets for the two performances; please come to the office if you need a ticket. We can also issue standing tickets if we run out.

Measuring in Year One

Year One have been measuring mass in Maths this week and they have been comparing and contrasting weights and then estimating the weight of objects.


Thanks to everyone who brought their child's Christmas Cards - £73.50 was raised for the school from the sales. Thanks also for the food for the food bank, Pupil Council will take it over to the local food bank soon. Thanks also for coming along to the Christmas Fair; we will let you know how much we raised next week.

Design and Technology in Year One – making hummus!

As part of their Dips and Dippers project in DT, Year One made their very own hummus this week. They considered how best to share the ingredients and what weights were required of each item. They then mixed the ingredients together and most importantly, they had to taste test it!

Healthy Cooking club

The YMCA London South West (YMCA LSW)are looking to runa Healthy Cooking afterschool club during the Spring Term here at school. The club will run for 6 weeks from27th January and is open to all pupils and their parents/guardians. Please note, they are unable to accommodate younger siblings at these clubs.

The club will run for 1 hour from 3.10-4.10pm on Friday’s and will involve cooking a number of dishes, (including curry and pizza) as well as discussing topics such as healthy snacks, portion sizes. In addition, each week children will be asked complete some work, or cooking, at home with the family. The club costs £40.00 and will need a minimum of 10 children to run. If you would be interested in signing up your child please express interest via email to Kelly on

Christmas Cards

There is a post box for Christmas cards in school, so children can place them in there and they will be distributed around. Please put children’s names and year group on them.

Yoga at Park

Adult Yoga classes are starting on Wednesday 18th January 2017 from 5.00-6.00pm. Sessions are £5 and they will be run by Mahala, Lucia’s mother. Children can attend Stay and Play (which they will need to pay for) whilst parents partake in yoga – everyone is a winner! Let’s have fun together!

Stay and Play

The last day for Stay and Play is Tuesday 20th. There will be no Stay and Play on Wednesday 21st. Also, please remember that school closes on Wednesday 21st at 1:30pm

Stars of the week

Reception –Chetin and Lucia, Year One –SebastianandMaria, Year Two –Rares and Maryam. Miss Street’s manners merit went to Nathan!