MBAB 685, S07, p.3

MBAB 685 (Spring 2007)

Wednesday, 7:15-10pm, Room H035


INSTRUCTOR: Dr. David L. Mathison

PHONE: (310) 338-5143

OFFICE HOURS: T,Th 8:15 am – 9:25 am; 12:15 pm – 1 pm

W 5 pm – 7:15 pm


EMAIL: (Note: I prefer communication by phone. All written assignments are to be turned in in class in hard copy).


1.  Managing With Power, Pfeffer, HBS Press

2.  Influence, Science and Practice, Cialdini, Harper Collins

3.  You Can Negotiate Anything, Cohen, latest.

4.  ZAPP! The Lightning of Empowerment, Byham, latest


This course is designed to familiarize the student with various perspectives of power, politics and negotiations as found within the business organization. Both theories and practical applications of power and politics will be covered. Learning will come from extensive reading, classroom lecture-discussions, student presentations, and guest speakers.


Daily attendance and punctuality are expected. Please make EVERY EFFORT TO NOT ARRIVE LATE. If unable to attend, leave a message at (310) 338-5143. Missing classes and tardiness will significantly affect your grade.


Approximately 150 pages of reading is assigned each week and the reading assignment should be completed prior to the lecture discussion.

EXAMS – Midterm, Final


Required Format (use this outline)

1)  Overview of Contents

a)  What is the key overall point the author is trying to make in the book? (key thesis? Or author’s core beliefs about the topic?)

b)  What is the outcome the author is hoping to achieve in her(his) reader?

2)  Critical Analysis

Answer “so what?” Do you question the author’s assumptions? In what way? How useful or not is this book for a practicing manager and why? What are the strengths and weakness of the Book? NOTE: The weekly Economist provides fine examples of quality analysis.

Two page maximum. Typed and double-spaced.

All late papers will be penalized one grade point per day.


You will receive a detailed handout on this later in the semester. You are asked to: 1) diagnose the power structure of your work situation and, 2) provide a comprehensive strategy for change. This will be both in written form (approximately 5-8 pages) and also presented in class. Please do not disclose any names or other critical information that should be held confidential.

The main sources and outlines for this project are Pfeffer, Chapter 3 and the Cialdini Text.

The written paper must make generous use of Headings and Subheadings and should include these major headings:

I) Introduction

What you intend to do in the paper (i.e., describe the project), critical information needed to understand the analysis, and basic facts about the firm.

II) Diagnoses of the Power Situation

Use a variety of sources. Begin with Chapter 3 of Pfeffer text. Also use the Handout "Diagnosing Power." Develop fully, and include the "Power Relationship Map" and "Power Dimensions" plus additional sources.

III) Comprehensive Proposed Strategy for Change – the most difficult part – Imagine you are both the CEO and Chairman of the Board. As all relationships involve a power component, each individual in the firm must cope and deal with power. What's the optimal way through these dilemmas? Develop fully.


Analysis of Power Dynamics

Each team is asked to analyze the power dynamics involved in a single event. Your task is to research the historic event and to identify how the key players used or misused her/his sources of power which resulted in the outcome.

Identify at least 4 fundamental types/sources of power used and explain how it was a good or bad fit given the situation. Admittedly, I am a bit general here, however, the events presented here are too varied to be any more specific. Please note: This assignment does not ask for a biography nor a vita – you are asked to analyze the power dynamics of a single event.

Early in the semester, the class will be divided into 6 teams. Each team will be asked to make a 15 minute presentation and turn in a 2 page Executive Summary that lists all sources.

General Outline of Presentation and Executive Summary:

1)  The person and the event?

2)  What types or sources of power did this player use to achieve her/his ends?

3)  What types or sources of power did the opposition use?

4)  Did the main players choice of types or sources of power achieve his/her ends? Why or why not?

Assigned Events:

1)  Rudy Giuliani, - From 911 to thinking presidency – How?

2)  Hillary Clinton, How is it were thinking presidency?

3)  Jack Welsh, GE – How in the last 10 years at GE he gained and held power – amidst considerable opposition.

4)  Oprah Winfrey, – From Mississippi poor to billionaire – How?

5)  Mary Minnick, – Coke’s “Queen of Pop”

6)  Michael Moore, film producer – How he has moved from obscene “class clown” to major Democratic Party spokesman and player.


Percent of Total Grade

Book reviews 20

Team Project 15

Field Study 15

Participation 10

Exam I 20

Final Exam 20

Date /
/ Please have read prior to class
Jan 10 / Introduction
Video: “Machiavelli”
Jan 17 / What is Power Anyway?
(Definition and overview) / Pfeffer, Ch. 1-4
Jan 24 / Power Dynamics in the Organization
(How do we gain Power) / Pfeffer, Ch. 5-9
Jan 31 / Managing Your Network of Professional Relationships
(How do we use Power) Exercising Influence/Power Strategies
Handout: Thomas-Kilman Instrument / Pfeffer, Ch. 10-14
Feb 7 / Assertiveness: What it is. What it's not
Team One: Rudy Giuliani
Due: Book Review - Pfeffer / Pfeffer, Chap 15-18
Feb 14 / EXAM I (all materials)
Feb 21 / Coaching for Improved Work Performance
Team Two: Hillary Clinton / Cialdini, Ch. 1-4
Feb 28 / Teams Meet – No Class
Mar 14 / Is Power Different for Woman?
Sally Strong and Power – an exercise
Team Three: Jack Welsh / Cialdini, Ch. 5-8
Mar 21 / Leadership and Power, The Same?
Video: “The Leader within You”
Due: Book Review - Cialdini
Mar 28 / Using Power to Manage Conflict
How to deal with difficult people
Team Four: Oprah Winfrey / Cohen -- all
Apr 4 / Power Simulation
(Wear sweats or jeans, prepare for fun)
Due: Book Review - Cohen
Apr 11 / Negotiation and Power
Team Five: Mary Minnick / Byham -- all
Apr 18 / Empowerment and You
Video: “Pygmalion”
Due: Book Review - Byham / Byham -- all
Apr 25 /
Team Six: Michael Moore
Final Thoughts
Due: Field Study Paper
May 2 / FINAL EXAM (all materials following EXAM I)