

Board Members attending: Micki Husnik, Maureen Fourre, Rick Weispfennig,Jan Bernier,Pam Gladitsch, Scott Hadrava; Gina Dufeck, Shannon Schmeling

Shadowing: Gina Dufeck (Mandi), Shannon Schmeling (Karen)

Not in attendance: Karen Johnson, Mandi Bombard,Mike Selbitschka

Volleyball Advisor–Mike Selbitschka

Not in attendance, daughter at State

Coaching Sports DirectorWas Jan, currently vacant

Community Sports DirectorRick Weispfennig

New scoreboard - already made can’t put more sponsors on. School has to order camera. Goes with audio visual. Phase 2 is naming field, basketball courts. Have two people interested. Qwik trip may be interested. They want to put a store in town. Working with other sports too. Pepsi and coke interested.

Possibly get sponsors to build gymnastics facility.

Treasurer –Micki Husnik

No new news. Paid for PO Box.

Volunteer/FundraisingCoordinator–MandiBombard(Gina Dufeck shadowing)

Mandi not able to attend, Gina reported.

Mandi waiting to hear back from Coffee and Chocolate.

Hay Days, Dairy Queen – would donate whatever to put name on practice jerseys. Try to get County Market. Xplode would too.

Jan thought there may be regulations on what can go on jersey. Shannon and Karen can run some numbers. Xplode gave a discount on training to get their name on back. Xplode is sponsor on website, could get more sponsors..

Last year we looked at having sponsor levels, Mandi has info.

Uniform/Merchandise Coordinator-Karen Johnson, (Shannon Schmeling shadowing)

Karen not able to attend, Shannon reported.

Shannon received her flyer for school ball. Includes fanware, t-shirts, shorts, socks.

Shannon will get the key from Karen to our PO Box. Micki has other one.

Scheduling- Was Jen Hedberg - vacant

Alyssa Rossini is interested in taking on position, board needs to vote on.

Website Coordinator-Pam Gladitsch

Pam asked what else need. Pam will put dates on there, for Gustavus event, all dates for sign up night, parent meeting, tryouts. Practice start up date 11/29.

Pam will check on community billboard to put sign up dates on there.

Assistant Director - Scott Hadrava

No new news.

Director – JanBernier

Jan-asked Jon to take Coaching Sports Director position. He will come to August meeting and let us know his decision.

Alyssa Rossini is interested in scheduler position, Jan asked her to reach out to Jen. The board will need to voteon. Gym sign up is early September.

Gymnastic changes are put off for one more year. Rick said they think they can find alternate space, or

build new building.

Jan sent emails out to previous coaches. Some responded, nothing final.

Will do another email to see who interested. Jon has reached out to couple to see if willing to come back.

Sara said she will if it works with her school schedule, Mallory wants to come back. Mike said new teacher at high school was head volleyball coach in Becker. Mike will ask if interested.

Bob and Kim Olson reached out also.

Jennie is no longer going to be on the board, she had done the community ed.Program last year. We don’t have coaches yet. Micki said Lauren could help. Jan said kids around her age could help. If Mallory will do, need at least one more coach. Jan will check with Jen about Brenda possibly helping.

If we look ahead we had 8 teams last year. Do we think we’ll fill them all.

12s -It felt like younger groups were separate from others in club.

Think about whether to keep warmups and Xplode for their group.

Micki thought big commitment to make for younger girls just beginning.

Scott suggested getting parents together and askthem if they want to go to a lot of tournaments or just do a few.

Micki thought maybe have shorter length season team and a longer one.

Any ideas for coaches? Scott will check with neighbor.

Jan – Pamwill need names for alumni page on website.

Rick said Mallory may know names.

For parent night, Karen had an idea to split it? Good idea.

Asked Rick if he could inquire about game day signs signsfrom Post Haste.

Could we put in Friday folders, we can but have to pay. Rick said NBAAA is trying to get rid of that fee.

At the end of community deprogram, we need those kids to sign up. Rick said give information to them first night and last night.

Scott suggested on the last night have someone go and talk about the program, have the parents come in and speak to them.

Micki said Mike did talk to them last year. Mike could still speak, but also give out handout.

Rick suggested discount $35 off of fee if take Community Ed. Micki will work on flyer.

Micki talked to Haley about coaching, she may be interested. Had an offer from Cambridge, Micki told her we pay more plus she would get an assistant coach.

Jan any other ideas of advertising.

Put on Facebook and tell people to share around.

Homecoming, last year we were too late to get in. Last year they had kids on floats, Varsity and JV.

Bracelets we had ordered that came in pink instead of red, we were going to give them out for dig pink in October.

Have a table at homecoming, school provides game. Homecoming in October usually.

Pam – last year, softball fast pitch had abooth. They also gave out information at Harvest Fest.

Mike sent hera request looking for contributions for Accuspike machine. School pays half. Proposal is $2000.

We are paying more for gym space on Sunday practices. Could try to split with basketball.

$27.00 vs $3. Jan said we should consider costs of gym before consider money to Mike.

Scott thought it was not worth it to have practice on Sundays and pay so much.

Next meeting we will look at and vote on whether to have practice on Sundays. Want to have more people here.

Rick suggested to put money paid for Sunday practices, put toward machine.

Micki,said we have no big items to buythis year, could go with Mike.

Rick made a motion to purchase half of spiking apparatus, Micki seconded, vote was unanimous, motion passed.

Granite City tournament - Jon checked with hotel and to make a reservation at the Holiday Inn, you have to stay two nights, for March and April.

Jon suggested there are tournaments at WI Dells. The cost of hotels at the Dells are very high.

Surveys said people liked playing Granite City.

Scott suggested to leave it up to the teams, let them know cost.

Jan asked Pam to post on website the Presidents Day dates, all of the teams will be in it..

Pam asked Jan to write up disclosureform to fill out information and get picture for Alumni page.

Scott said to have coaches pick nights for practices, thatmay be easier.

Rick mentioned that Mike said he would help new scheduler.

Micki suggested on parent night coaches could have questions for parents on their schedules, number of tournaments they want to be in, etc.


Next meeting: August 23rd. 6:30 Americinn.