World Meteorological Organization / Joint ET-ETC/ET-GOV/Doc. 2.1
Joint Meeting of ET-ETC and ET-GOV
Wellington, New Zealand
30 November – 3 December 2015 / ITEM 2
English only


ICAO METP/1 and subsequent developments

(Submitted by the Secretariat)

Summary and Purpose of Document
This document provides information on the current structure and tasks of the ICAO MET Panel and its subsidiary bodies.


The meeting is invited to note and use this information in its deliberations on the work programmes of ET-ETC and ET-GOV.


Joint ET-ETC/ET-GOV/Doc. 2.1, p. 1


The meeting was informed about …


2.1Following the Conjoint ICAO/WMO MET Divisional Meeting (Montreal, July 2014), the Air Navigation Commission established the Meteorology Panel (METP). The METP is composed by 23 experts from 17Contracting States and 6 international organizations (ASECNA, EUROCONTROL, IATA, IFALPA, IFATCA and WMO). Information about the composition and terms of reference is available on the MET Panel public website:

2.2The scope of METP work is to collaboratively determine operational requirements for aeronautical MET service provision as an enabling function for a future globally interoperable air traffic management system and identify solutions, in coordination with WMO, to effectively and efficiently fulfil the requirements through sound scientific and/or technological capabilities.The METP shall conduct its work in keeping with the following objectives:

a)To define and elaborate concepts for aeronautical MET service provision consistent with the identified operational requirements, including the functions and processes necessary to provide quality-assured, cost-effective aeronautical MET services and information supporting the future globally interoperable air traffic management system through system-wide information management (SWIM);

b)To identify the scientific and/or technological capabilities necessary to fulfil the identified operational requirements;

c)To develop and/or maintain ICAO Provisions necessary for meteorological service for international air navigation;

d)To develop and/or maintain aeronautical MET integration roadmaps (or similar) that provide transition strategies for aeronautical MET services and information consistent with the GANP; and,

e)To develop proposals fostering interoperability through appropriate collaborative arrangements for global, multi-regional, regional, sub-regional and national/local MET systems and services.

2.3In view of the working arrangements between ICAO and WMO, a nominee from WMO should be a Member of the METP, securing close cooperation in all aeronautical MET service provision activities. Currently, D. Ivanov, C/AEM, is the METP member nominated by WMO. METP members can designate additional experts in a capacity of “advisers” to support the work on various subject matters.

2.4The first meeting of the MET Panel (METP/1)was held at the ICAO Headquarters in Montreal from 20 to 24 April 2015. The main purpose of the meeting was to establish the necessary subsidiary bodies of METP with their respective terms of reference and work programmes. The meeting established a working structure, as shown in Figure 1.All previous ICAO MET groups (e.g., SADISOPSG, IAVWOPSG, WAFSOPSG, etc.) have been disbanded and their outstanding tasks have been assigned to the relevant METP bodies.

Joint ET-ETC/ET-GOV/Doc. 2.1, p. 1

Figure 1

Joint ET-ETC/ET-GOV/Doc. 2.1, p. 1

2.5The METP tasks are defined in Job Cards approved by the Air Navigation Commission. The current 12 Job Cards are formulated on the basis of the recommendation by the MET Divisional Meeting (2014); responsibilities for the actions stemming from the Job Cards are assigned to the different working groups and work streams, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

2.6The METP working groups had their first meetings in 2015, as follows:

  • WG-MOG,8 – 11 September, Gatwick, UK
  • WG-MIE, 16 – 18 November, Montreal, Canada
  • WG-MISD, 16 – 19 November, Washington DC, USA
  • WG-MRI, 19 – 20 November, Washington DC, USA

2.7All METP working groups established their work programmes with deliverables and timelines aligned with the ASBU blocks and the ICAO Annex 3 amendment cycle. It should be noted that, starting from Amendment 77 to Annex 3 which will become applicable in November 2016, the amendment cycle has been changed from three to two years. Thus, Amendment 78 will become applicable in November 2018. In view of this change, METP established a schedule for Amendment 78 as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

2.8To ensure consistency of the planning cycles and deliverables of all subsidiary bodies, the METP also established a standardized MET Panel Requirements Development Process, which is presented as a work flow chart in Figure 4.

Figure 4


The meeting is invited to note the information presented in this document and use it in the planning of the activities of ET-ETC and ET-GOV in order to ensure consistency and alignment with the work of the relevant ICAO METP bodies.
