Name: ______Date: ______

Study Guide for Unit 3: Light and Matter

1. Radiation ______


2. The term electromagnetic just means that energy is carried in the form of ______


3. ______is the particular type of electromagnetic radiation to which our human eyes happen to be sensitive.

4. We know that all types of electromagnetic radiation travel through space in the form of______, which is just the way in which energy is transferred from place to place without physical movement of material from one location to another.

5. The equation for velocity:

6. Each color has a corresponding range of ______and ______.

7. The visible spectrum covers the range of wavelengths from ______to ______.

8. When some of the star’s charged contents move around, their ______change, and we can detect that change.

9. Changes had to be made and the modern theory of radiation is actually a hybrid of the ______and ______views.

10. The only characteristic distinguishing one type of radiation from another is ______or ______.

11. With electromagnetic radiation, as frequency ______, wavelength ______.

12. Parts of the atmosphere are ______and some parts are ______.

13. Ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma ray radiation are completely blocked by ______high in Earth’s atmosphere.

14. ______, ______, and ______observations can be made only from above the atmosphere, from orbiting satellites.

15. All macroscopic objects emit ______at all times, regardless of their size, shape, or chemical composition.

16. The ______of an object is a direct measure of the amount of microscopic motion within it.

17. The higher its temperature, the ______its component particles move.

18. ______is a term often used to specify the amount or strength of radiation at any point in space.

19. No natural object emits all its radiation at ______.

20. Astronomers often use ______as thermometers to determine the temperatures of distant objects.

21. The temperature of the Sun’s surface is about ______.

22. The motion-induced change in the observed frequency of a wave is known as the ______.

23. In the case of a source moving, an observer in front of the source will therefore measure a ______wavelength than normal, while one behind will see a ______wavelength.

24. When the wavelengths become longer, the light source is said to be ______and when the wavelengths become shorter, the light source is said to be ______.

25. The different types of electromagnetic radiation are:


26. White light is ______which can be separated by the means of a ______.

27. The radiation that our eyes are most sensitive is at the colors ______, at an average wavelength of ______.

28. Electrical forces can be ______or ______.

29. The laws of physics tell us that magnetic field must accompany every ______.

30. The symbol for the speed of light is ______and its value is ______.

31. Wein’s Law states ______


32. Stefan’s Law states ______.